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Texas growers unite

growDaddy said:
In Texas it the weight of the smokable parts on the plant, so not the stem, roots. I read this in a forum before I started growing, but have yet to test it!

so 1 big plant could be worse that 5 small ones

thanks growDaddy. I of course hope I never have to find out.


On The BBC said:
thanks growDaddy. I of course hope I never have to find out.
I couldn't find anything in the laws that define this, so I expect it's up to the prosecutor.. Like you said, I don't want to have to find out


Just git back from the Hydro shop in A-town, got all my supplies minus the perlite, the guy at Texas Hydroponics was really cool and gave me some discounts and freebies.
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Hey all it's pretty grim as i'm out all dried up and don't know when it's gonna be flowing again. Seems like all the grass has been cut and not a clipping is left. Well hopes everything changes tomorrow.


Sneak Peek at my work in progress :bashhead:



hopefully, got some attic work to be done before I can stick plants in it. this damn closet hits 95 degrees with the light on and the door sealed up. =[


GOOD MORNING EVERYBODEH! Hey now. Welcome to Monday. I want to celebrate the cloud cover and the FUCKING AWESOME temps. Cool and nice. Nice and cool. Well, fellow weed worshipers, I got an update I'm working on in my grow diary below. Check it out and tell me what think my leaves are telling me. Some deficiency... Also, these good genetics are growing faster than any other plant I've had. Simply awesome to watch in person.

Eresete: Looks great man. Can't wait to see the space filled with your work. Nice and clean. I have a similar hood and put a sheet of glass from Lowes on the bottom. Seperated the bulb air physically from the grow room air. Took my temps down a much needed 8 or 9 degrees. Couldn't have grown in my space without it. That with a good vent finally got me acceptable ranges. What are you planning for ventilation? Dump into the attic? Sounds perfect.

How much light is lost when using a glass between bulb and plant?
Some percentage...but seriously, whatever it is, it is worth it if temps are too high without it...High temps are a bigger problem and lead to less yield than the fraction of light you are losing with the glass, imo.

Have a safe one guys. THC keeping it green, one closet at a time. :D


GroworDie said:
Some percentage...but seriously, whatever it is, it is worth it if temps are too high without it...High temps are a bigger problem and lead to less yield than the fraction of light you are losing with the glass, imo.

OK, If I use a glass, such as a Colman lantern wick cover, the round thing, and vent air directly out of that with a fan, that will lower my room temps?

sounds almost too good to be true. I'll give that a shot today, hopefully while I enjoy the rains.


It really helped my situation. I definitely recommend trying it out.

However, your temps will go down in proportion to how fast you are sucking the air out. What kind of vent fans are you using?


GroworDie said:
Eresete: Looks great man. Can't wait to see the space filled with your work. Nice and clean. I have a similar hood and put a sheet of glass from Lowes on the bottom. Seperated the bulb air physically from the grow room air. Took my temps down a much needed 8 or 9 degrees. Couldn't have grown in my space without it. That with a good vent finally got me acceptable ranges. What are you planning for ventilation? Dump into the attic? Sounds perfect.

I'm going to be dumping into the attic after I do some comparison shopping for can filters and fans to see if I can find one in a decent price range. I'm also shopping around for a 6,000 BTU A/C for my room too. Thanks for the advice on the glass that should help out a ton until I can find the materials to make a cooltube. I just started giving my babies PBP Grow starting off slowly so I don't over do it and @ 10ml per gallon they are absolutely LOVING it!

I went to see the only other person I know IRL that grows to get advice and some seeds and I was naturally suprised when he showed me his arsenal of nutes, teas, and mixes. I've got 5 new beans soaking in distilled water and I have some little creation I made out of Ready-Grow, Rapid Rooters, and tiny plastic cups while being incredibly stoned last night.

Financial problems aside, Cooling and Odor control are my final enemies before I can get this show on the road. :muahaha:

Stay safe fellas!
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this glass thing. I tried the Colman lantern but it's too short. So I was thinking of getting a piece of regular glass (ie home depot stuff) and putting on the bottom of my light hood (10.5"x20.5") and seal this up. I have a 80mm cpu fan connected to each side of the 150hps hood, there's holes on each end so this would produce a slight flow of air.
Would regular thin glass withstand the heat of the 150hps. I wouldn't want it to break on my girls.


I'm using that same thin sheet glass on my 250 with no problems at all with breakage. I tried acrylic but it started melting within 45 seconds. I just pass air over the light as a whole with my ventilation fans but directed airflow would work a lot better, I'm sure.
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On The BBC said:
thanks growDaddy. I of course hope I never have to find out.

BTW, if anyone cares, this is what a lawyer responded on a blog of his. It is a lawyer who defends DUI/Marijuana cases.

It is "free" legal advice, not paid for, so take it for what you will:

Texas has separate offenses and sometimes additional penalties for manufacturing, delivering, etc. controlled substances, but not for marijuana.

The assumed amount of marijuana per pot plant is actually a federal thing, not a state law thing, so as far as the Texas Penal Code is concerned, that's not an issue.

Which is interesting.


I have always heard they will take whatever is greater. Whatever they think will be more sensationalist and give you more time.

That's what lawyers are for, I suppose.


The assumed amount of marijuana per pot plant is actually a federal thing, not a state law thing, so as far as the Texas Penal Code is concerned, that's not an issue.

What does this mean, 'that's not an issue'

what is not an issue? the fact that you are growing or the fact there is pot?