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T.H.Seeds S.A.G.E.


Well-known member
A little update at 35 days flowering.

At the beginning of the week I gave them some PK13/14 at 2/3 strength, flora at 2/3 strength and boost at 1/2 strength

It's caused a bit of leaf tip burn and curly leafs but not too much.

IMG_2033 copy.jpg

They are coming along and bulked up a nice bit from the extra PK.

...a bit too slowly though for my liking. :smokeit:

I took the oportunity to do some minor lower bud removal to improve airflow. Of course I had to smoke the tiny flower bits.

It was quite a surprise the high. It smelt of mangoes and whisky, a bit unpleasant. Already better than the commercial bud i'm buying and a much cleaner deeper more satisfying smoke.

Niiiiiiice :joint:

Here's some close up pics.
We are nearly half way through flowering for this strain :greenstars:

CMH bud
IMG_2034 copy.jpg

HPS bud
IMG_2035 copy.jpg

Combined bud
IMG_2037 copy.jpg

Have a great weekend :rasta:
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Well-known member
Day 42 flowering. That's 6 weeks and they look only half way done :LOL:

I have to watch myself at this stage of a grow as i always want to blast them with more food to speed them up.

It is hard to resist.

They woke me up at 3am asking for a feed this morning. I ended up giving them full strength bloom and full strength boost !!!

CMON CMON CMON 🤩 :dance::dance013:

They don't seem to mind :biggrin:

i'm hoping to feed them full strength nutes for the next few weeks aiming to flush them the 2 weeks after that for a total of 11 weeks flowering.

Day 42 flowering.
IMG_2050 copy.jpg

Bud under both lights.
IMG_2053 copy.jpg

HPS buds
IMG_2052 copy.jpg

CMH buds
IMG_2051 copy.jpg

Some nice frost developing under the canopy.
IMG_2054 copy.jpg

I haven't rubbed and smelt all the plant resin this week but i did get a whiff of the front right plant which in veg smelt most of sage stuffing and sausage meat.

There is now a distinct strong shoe polish smell emerging that blasts you in the face, fading with back notes of Grapefruit.

Ganj on :rasta:


Den 42 kvetení. To je 6 týdnů a vypadají jen napůl hotové:LOL:

V této fázi růstu se musím hlídat, protože jim vždy chci přisypat více jídla, abych je urychlil.

Je těžké odolat.

Dnes ráno mě vzbudili ve 3 hodiny ráno a žádali o krmení. Nakonec jsem jim dal plný květ a plnou sílu!!!

CMON CMON CMON🤩 :tanec::dance013:

Zdá se, že jim to nevadí:velký úsměv:

Doufám, že je v příštích několika týdnech budu krmit ořechy v plné síle s cílem je propláchnout 2 týdny po tom, celkem 11 týdnů kvetení.

Den 42 kvetení.
View attachment 18836330

Bud pod oběma světly.
View attachment 18836332

HPS pupeny
View attachment 18836333

pupeny CMH
View attachment 18836334

Pod baldachýnem se vyvíjí pěkný mráz.
View attachment 18836331

Tento týden jsem neotíral a nepřičichl k veškeré rostlinné pryskyřici, ale ucítil jsem závan přední pravé rostliny, která ve zelenině cítila většinu šalvějové nádivky a klobásového masa.

Nyní se objevuje zřetelný silný zápach krému na boty, který vás udeří do obličeje a vybledne s tóny grapefruitu na zadní straně.

Ganj dál:rasta:
Sage jsem pěstoval cca.  pred 10 let. A vypadala úplně stejně. Nízká indica. Květ 10 týdnů. Vypadá to úplně stejně. 😁 Přemýšlím, že objednám semeno od TH seed. Vypadá to skvěle.


Well-known member
Sage jsem pěstoval cca.  pred 10 let. A vypadala úplně stejně. Nízká indica. Květ 10 týdnů. Vypadá to úplně stejně. 😁 Přemýšlím, že objednám semeno od TH seed. Vypadá to skvěle.

Thank you.

Looking forward to a nice 50/50 indica sativa balanced high with some ooomph.

The smell of the boot polish one reminds me of a very good indica white rhino i grew many years ago.


Well-known member
Day 49 - 7 weeks.

Another 3 or 4 to go! I shoulda chosen a faster strain :eek:


Buds are beginning to fatten up and we're starting to see some brown hairs and swollen calyxes.
Resin is 50:50 clear:cloudy

Flowers are pushing out a new lot of white hairs. After these calyxes have grown a week or 10 days more i will begin to flush the compost with plain water, nudging the plants to use up their stored resources and begin to fade to autumn colours.

The last week there have been a few bottom leaves yellowing and starting to drop but overall the plants have remained a dark lush green.

Flower under CMH

Flower under HPS

Flower under both

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Well-known member
The last week has been a turbo feed week.

I caved in again :giggle: and fed them 120% of recommended feed. I'm really trying to push them to get the most out of them. I hope they taste ok after all this feed.

It's caused a few leaf tip burns and the high tent temperature of 31C and the fan blwoing on some of the tops is causing the leaf margins to curl upwards and look like a canoe as they try to conserve water :(

But they are very near the end of flowering so not a big deal.

After a week of heavy feeding and as we are at 56 days flowering, i thought it would be a good time to begin flushing and letting the plant know it's soon to be harvest time.

Sage is a 9 to 11 week strain. Out of the 5 plants i have, all but 1 are looking close to ready at 8 weeks.

The calyxes are swelling nicely and resin glands are mostly milky which indicates peak THC :smokeit:.

There is 1 plant that is still pushing out another flush of new flowers, trying to foxtail. It's the one that smells like sage herb sausage stuffing 😋

Many growers say when you think it's time to harvest wait 1 more week so that's exactly what i'm going to do. I hope the plant pushing out new flowers gets a bit of a move on.

Anyway. Here are some photos.

Day 56 - 8 weeks flowering.


Flower under 315 CMH

Flower under 250 HPS

Flower under both

Flower under hps canopy


This last week to 10 days will be plain water.

I've raised the 2 lights upwards by 8 inches and cut the flowering time from 12 hours to 11:45.

:smokeit: 😋
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Well-known member
Day 63 - 9 weeks flowering.

Plants are starting to show some nice autumn colours. The fade has begun!


Out of the 5 plants, 4 look to be done.

There is one plant, front middle, that is still pushing out calyxes with white hairs. The resin on this one isn't quite ready with more transparent resin heads than the others.

So i'll run them all for another week with 15 mins less daytime, before chopping at 10 weeks flower.

This last week i can really see the flowers swelling up.

Even though there hasn't been much new flower growth the plants are taking up just as much water as before.

HPS flower

I had a sneaky toke of a resinous leaf.

What a lovely smoke!

That one leaf spliff was better than all the street weed i've had the last year, including import hash...Go figure...

Tasted like Parma Violet sweets.. Burnt smooooth and slow. Kept me recirculating the smoke around my mouth trying to catch more of the amazing flavour.

Made my lungs breathe in deeply like on a winter morning, took away my pain, brightened everything and brought a smile to my face.


Can't wait to try them all.

Ganj on :biggrin: :smokeit:
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Well-known member
Day 68 -The start of harvest festival.

It's time for these beauties to come down and enter into my head :smokeit: :D

I've had them on an extra 12 hours darkness last night. I want plant starches and sugars to stay in the roots and the buds a lighter green for a smooother more satisfying smoke :smoker:

The plants already have a niice fade to them. There is one plant that is still not done and is pushing out beautiful foxtails but i can't wait any longer!!

I've been meaning to get to it for the last 5 hours but... well... you know how it is

I put the pro in procrastination

Anyway. Let's get to it! Less dilly dallying.

One more spliff first :rasta:



Well-known member
My back has just about recovered from 8 hours trimming 4 days ago :bow:

Plants have been hanging in the tent with the fan blowing around and extraction turned up a notch for the last 4 days and the larger buds are now dry on the outside with stems bendable but dry.

Small and medium buds are dry so they've been jarred up. I've put some larger buds in Grove bags and will be burping/venting both for the next day or two as residual moisture evens out.

I've had a few little smokes on some of the shaded quick dried bud. Smells range from generic pear kush, lemon Bonbons, bitter peanut husks to orange barley water cordial left in plastic bottles :biggrin:

While i was trimming there were also distinct smells of fox shit. I had to check my shoes quite a few times.

Early uncured herb is nice. A 7/10 for the lower shaded flowers.

IMG_2189 copy.jpg

First spliff of the morning. A nice colour enhancement to the high and it is a high. Fluttery warm rushes in the chest area and i can feel my cannabinoid receptors fully flooded again. There is an instant high which also nicely builds for the next hour or so as a permagrin tries to work its way in.

I'll do a full smoke report when the large buds are properly cured.

Ganj on :rasta:
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Active member
Some foxy shit there @exoticrobotic though why would you recognize such smell, I gather it has something to do with shoes lol. I remember sampling this some years ago and it was nice, though not quite as much so as your description here. Enjoy!


Well-known member
Some foxy shit there @exoticrobotic though why would you recognize such smell, I gather it has something to do with shoes lol.

Shoes, trousers, jumpers it gets everywhere where i live. We have many foxes about.

Maybe i should elaborate, trimming was more of a meaty dogfood/dogshit/fox shit/fuely smell :biggrin:

I remember sampling this some years ago and it was nice, though not quite as much so as your description here. Enjoy!

Aye. It's not the most potent of smokes, maybe a cure will help develop some potency. My homemade haze crosses are a lot stronger but this still has a nice depth and quality to the high which allows me to function and not appear too baked. I have a cold nose tip and cold toes but warm rushes elsewhere and a mild permasmile. There is nice colour enhancement but no cevs which i do particularly enjoy. I do feel nicely medicated though :) and it has removed my back pain.

This is all from a few lower uncured bud samples and not putting much in a spliff.

All things considered its still several orders of magnitude better than what i've been buying over the last year and it is a clean smoke.

I hope the cured large top buds have more poke to them.

We'll see soon enough.

Thanks for stopping by @entropical :rasta:
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Well-known member
So far i think i've tried two or three phenos out of five.

Happy to say at least one of the phenos is above average nice. A solid 8/10

Started on a top bud a couple of hours ago and it's a little bit trippy and rushy with some nice strength and grins to it.

One of them straight sends me to bed for 5 hours with a flat high and the shivvers though.

Here's a couple of closeup macros of the nice one. I was surprised seeing so many clear heads.



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Well-known member
How long's it been? Nearly 4 months.

Well, time for an update. The buds have cured nicely.

I'm still not sure i've sampled all of the phenos but i've worked my way through at least a couple of jars.

A couple of phenos are still pretty meh...One i would give back even if gifted but there is one particular pheno, typically the lowest yielding one, that has cured to a bright gold and has a real zingy high to it. Not that trippy, but some distinct colour brightening to it and a very pleasant tingly high with permagrin and buzzy cheeks.

It stimulates the appetite a lot.

The good one smells a bit chocolately, but mostly lemon with strong ammonia pungency to it.

It burns real slow and tastes of sour boiled lemon sweets.

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Well-known member
She has been a super strain for a very long time and still is. Thanks for sharing. Looks killer.


Well-known member
S.A.G.E. End of week 3. Reeks of rotten funk o_O
View attachment 18904562

Wow what a beautiful healthy looking plant. Those fan leaves look very familiar.

Reeks of rotten funk

I love the rotten funk smell they put out. Mine started smelling quite skunk cabbage at the start but developed other more interesting musky aromas later on.

Then the last two weeks doubles in size

I was super impressed with the yield on it. Like herbgreen said, in the last two weeks it really really pumps up the yield and resin.

Thanks for posting your grow of sage. Please post more pics of it through flowering.
