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Sweet Tooth#3 X Lightstorm - Test Grows

Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
From what I know only one person had the purple pheno and he showed them already. I'm waiting for more pics myself. My plant is about 2 weeks old and ready to transplant. So far I like the looks of it, wide dark green leaves and a very sweet aroma. I need a camera.

- ezra -

Closet Funk - better get yourself a camera mate. I wanna see some shots.

Mojo has a couple nice budshots of his "Sweetstorm" as he calls it in his gallery. I tried to PM him about it, but he is not active on the forums anymore. Has anyone heard from GPB lately? He hasnt posted anything for ages. I PMed him also but no response.


Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
- ezra - said:
Closet Funk - better get yourself a camera mate. I wanna see some shots.

Mojo has a couple nice budshots of his "Sweetstorm" as he calls it in his gallery. I tried to PM him about it, but he is not active on the forums anymore. Has anyone heard from GPB lately? He hasnt posted anything for ages. I PMed him also but no response.


Yea Mojo is the only one that has recently showed any shots of the Swt#3 x Lightstorm. I might be getting a camra soon so I'll definetly take some pics. I should hopefully get at least 1 female.

Also I don't know here GPB had been. I guess laying low for awhile.

Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
Here we go! pics of the Sweet Tooth #3 x Lightstorm at about 3 weeks or so. I already topped and I'm starting it's trim for bonsai soon once side branches grow alittle more. Nice looking plants so far.

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nice CF :D

here's a shitty pic of dyn4sty and my ST3xLS harvest. she is small due to short veg time (as well as dyn4sty's first grow). we got a purple pheno, so we are going to reveg her.



hey -ezra- :D

you're going to have to ask dyn4sty, he grew the plants at his house.

and the picture is from his camera phone ... his digital camera broke unfortuantely. :badday:

Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
I was hoping my pics would revive this thread again. I know more people are growing this strain. I see another purple pheno so it looks like purple is common in the F1 batch. I bet the F2 generation will have purple for days.


- ezra -, unfortunately not :(

haven't even seen them.. i only germ'd them. dyn4sty lives quite far away.

however, this outdoor season we're doing a nice 10 plant outdoor, of which two will be ST3xLS. outdoor spot is much closer so i'll be able to visit them often! :D

Irie :joint:

Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
I'll try to keep my grow updated on them. I don't have a camera yet. I'll try to take pics here in a few weeks. By then I'm sure they will be bonsai'd out.


New member
Unfortunately i have already harvested.. I will try get hold of a nice camera and take a few pics of the drying buds. What I can tell you is that the bud has an amazing purple colour and an even more amazing smell to it! There is a definite a smell of intense guava as well as other fruit. What I can also tell you is that from the 7 plants I had growing (4 Different strains), the STxLS definitely seemed to be the strongest genetic. It shot up above the rest and always had lovely intense green leaves.

I havnt smoked any yet but will be trying a bit tonight so will let you know what its like. Looking forward to the outdoor grow, its a very sweet strain. Beautiful!

Will try get those pics asap. The drying buds are looking awesome!


hey everyone, :wave: sorry been away for awhile with personal things here are some pics right before harvest of sweetstorm.

i have a few sweetstorm clones (purple pheno) going into flower this week, what a treat i tell you she gets really stinky in flower, smells like ripe peaches and is a very sweet tasting smoke, look out for updates very soon.
goodbye for now.


Active member
How many purple phenos did you find... out of how many total?

Lookin great, I hope mine turn out just as nice.

Did you notice any weak stem seedling-early stage plants?


admiralcornport said:
How many purple phenos did you find... out of how many total?

Lookin great, I hope mine turn out just as nice.

Did you notice any weak stem seedling-early stage plants?

hey admiral, very nice C99 you grew by the way :yummy: i had a bad germination rate with these out of six 1 popped up and luckily it was a purple pheno female which i cloned like crazy and kept a few mothers which are ready for some cuts to be taken off HINT HINT PM me, great sturdy plant that tastes and smells great, long lasting high that is heady then all to the body.

- ezra -

mojo - were the pistils really that bright red/pink? Or did they just come out like that in your pics?

- Ez


Voluptuous Trichomes
Nice thread!

Nice thread!

mojo42006 said:
here is my Sweet Tooth#3 X Lightstorm i bought from seedbay a year ago, she has been flowering for 21 days, i germinated 6 seeds and only 1 popped up and lucky for me it was a female :woohoo: she is also the purple pheno, she is starting to pack on the crystals too.

Damn...you're lucky as "mojo" :D Thanks for those shots....looking forward to the possibility of growing this one out....

Nice thread everyone...Happy Holidaze! :wave:

- ezra -

Hey anybody had contact with GPB (aka purblebud). I hope he hasn't been, but I think he may have been busted a little while back. He hasnt posted anything for months. Ive sent him PMs and e-mail, but with no response. Anybody have more info?