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Sweet Tooth#3 X Lightstorm - Test Grows


New member
Hi Everybody!

Just checking in... How's the ST#3 X Lightstorm testing lately? I hope everything is going well and that your plants grow to perfection.

Over here the purple patch is starting to fill in. We are about 2 weeks into 12/12 with F1 clones and lots of BX1 seedlings will soon be transplanted. Hopefully we will have some pollen filling the growroom in about a month and a half to 2 months.

take care and enjoy the summer!
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Active member
Hey everybody,
went on vacation and came back to 3 stretching liking crazy, looking kinda maleish

and one that seems to be fighting rootrot as it can barely stand up on its on

Looks like a fugged these up. Moved the 3 tall one to flower to see if they're male or female. Let ya know.

- ezra -

hey purplebud - would absolutely love to see some pics of your grow room at the moment.

2buds - whoa man! haha thats crazy! I would definately tie those down somehow if you can.

good luck guys.


Active member
2buds said:
Hey everybody,
went on vacation and came back to 3 stretching liking crazy, looking kinda maleish

and one that seems to be fighting rootrot as it can barely stand up on its on

Looks like a fugged these up. Moved the 3 tall one to flower to see if they're male or female. Let ya know.


OOPS!!! :badday: :badday:


Active member
On a good note, I got 6 more seeds and no vacation plans till next year.

ezra-If they turn out female, they'll go back to veg for cuttings and proper care
Still got time for a Holiday harvest.

acp-yep, I OOPSED for sure but at least they weren't ready for the compost heap, my watering contraption sorta worked. Some things over watered, some under but all survived a week with no papa. I'm trying to configure a sprinkler timer and sprinkler valves with a pump and reservoir to control watering amounts throughout flowering. The veg room takes to much upkeep to automate as everything in the veg room looked like these 3, lanky but made for alot of cuttings. :smile:

Should know sex in a week or so.
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Active member
Update: 2 plants showed a hair so here's hoping I don't screw them up again. The 2 are back in the veg room(oh noooooo) for a topping and hopefully a round of cuttings in the next couple of weeks. If things will ease along with no problems maybe some purple buds for the holidays. If you grow you know nothing happens fast unless you don't expect it to like the way these things shot up while I was gone. I babied them and they stayed runts, I go away for a week and the things grew about 16" in a week. WTF Oh well, sorry to be a let down guys but all hope isn't lost and I'll post some pics and an update when need be. I'm stepping back from IC and trying to spend more time with the family. An automated drip system is in the works to add to my family time, mainly my son. It's been almost a year and the newness is wearing off. What was fun is a lot of work but the perpetual harvest is finally looking like a reality. Yeh :woohoo:

See ya'll around.


hey dudes!

nice to see ya PB1, good pics!! :D

here is a pic from mine and my friend's grow. not sure exactly which are the LS or STxLS, but most of the plants are from ya mate. others are MOD's Arjan's Haze crosses.

peace :joint:



here is my Sweet Tooth#3 X Lightstorm i bought from seedbay a year ago, she has been flowering for 21 days, i germinated 6 seeds and only 1 popped up and lucky for me it was a female :woohoo: she is also the purple pheno, she is starting to pack on the crystals too.



I started some up....only a few weeks in. Expect some pics in a few weeks.

Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
Well I just put 1 bean into some distilled water. I plan on starting a few seeds to get somemore startup plants. Let's hope I get a female.

- ezra -

Will hopefully be starting mine soon, yea! Looking forward to some more updates from everyone soon,

good luck guys, Ez

Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
She popped very fast and is already planted in the seed mix. I'm sure it will sprout by tomorrow. Very fast germ rates.

Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
The hybrid vigor is definetly there in this cross. I got one seedling almost 2 weeks old and it's already going on it's 4th node. So far there is no smell to it and the leaves are very fat and dark green. I don't see no purple yet. I just started another seed to make my chances of getting a female better.

Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
For those who haven't grown thier SWT#3 x Lightstorm beans don't need to worry about germination problems. Both seeds I started popped in less then 24 hours. I already got it planted in the seed starter mix. I'm sure it will be popped by tomorrow. Let's see somemore plants.

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