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Sweet Tooth#3 X Lightstorm - Test Grows


Active member
Sunday nite and 1 head is out 2 others are pushing the soil aside as I type. I took my tweezers and went digging to check on the others. All shells have opened and a tap root has exited the building. Crazy shit, one plant the friggin tap root grew up and was sticking out of the soil, :confused: I geuss? I dropped a handful of soil on it and we'll see what's happening tomorrow. Post up some pics when everyone can say Hi together. :wave:

Where's all the testers at??? Dang everyone, I think purp was hoping to see his wares strutting its stuff out here. I believe purp was looking to see how the genetics are coming along without having to be the one doing all the germinating and we get some GREAT genetics at the low low price of just share your grow with us so purp can see how stable things are? Don't save'em up people, drop a few beans and show'em off! Good luck to everone.


New member
Budrunners: Hi! I am eager to see you posting here. It will be a very fun place to hang around with all the testers and front row.

2buds:Good to see you are well on your way ! :)
I just hate germinating seeds, it's my horticultural weakness. They are simply too touchy for me. I can only imagine the damage I could inflict to a seedling using a pair of tweezers!

I have you guys doing the best part, it's much worse to know you're not getting any smoke material out of a whole harvest. During the Lightstorm inbreeding process, I ended up feeding birds with about 98% of the seeds. That is true pain my friend... I promise a fulfilling experience to everyone aboard!

The Dopest: I look forward to your updates. It will be great to have a weeklong show!

Ezra: Your package was the last to leave, about a week later than the rest of the testers. Add that to the distance (if I remember correctly) and it explains the delay. I'm sure it's just a mater of days.

Closet Funk: I bet you will be very eager to start your seeds once the collective drooling gets going...

take care and happy germination!

P.S. I was sent a care package courtesy of WeedWorld magazine since 3 of my Lightstorm pictures were given full pages... :) issue 61 if you are curious. Hopefully, it will be the front page next time!
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Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
Closet Funk: I bet you will be very eager to start your seeds once the collective drooling gets going...

I'm sure I will drool when the photos and reports from the others start coming in. It's going to make me want to start them even sooner. By the way congrats on the photos in the Weed World magazine.


is that issue of weed world out yet? I remember seeing one at a gas station last week, but didnt pick it up.

Ill be starting my seeds in about 3 weeks.

The Dopest

[THC] True Hippie Coonass
the dopest day 14

the dopest day 14

here we go! these are the two survivors outta 4 germed, i dropped these in water on 6/21 we'll call 6/25 day one since that was the day they saw light. the first one i call ls3c for reference is still in the duratote tryin to get some foliage and decent root system before i go hps on her. she was the runt and mutated but seems like shes gettin over it now :canabis: . i keep her in plain tap water no ph/nutes. the other one (ls3a) is doin fine and has been in the dwc under 400w for a couple days now. i hope its not too early. :chin:
veg/flower room temps average 80f
nute temps average 70f
ph 5.9
r.o./tap water had to add tap, i just swapped nutes and added buckets so it was necessary. slow filter:( GH nutes micro/bloom +10ml diamond nectar per gal. at about 350ppm @.7 conversion. if i forgot anything please remind me its been a looong day :joint:

thanks pb!

oh btw i have "the best of weed world" mag from this/last month, its one of the best mags i've ever picked up. the dopest recommends it when you go get #61 peace!
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Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Hey GPB, if ya don't mind, refresh my memory about what you're looking for in this cross. I've been following you Lightstorm since OG, and I know you'd finally gotten it to genetically put out great colors consistantly.

Is the cross to the Sweettooth #3 for potentcy? Now that you've got the purple coming through consistantly, are you trying to enhance the potentcy with this cross? Or were you able to retain a good potentcy in the Lightstorm anyway, and are just experimenting?


got my seeds today - thank you so much PB1! :D

the most interesting packaging yet!

my friend will be trying out a few in his first ever grow.. i'll be helping him along the way. i've lent him my little CFL grow box :yes:

he promises lots of nice pics and even a live webcam!! :yoinks:

take care all :joint:


Active member
Quick update, its Monday nite, I got 5 out of 6 above ground. A pic tomorrow hoping all 6 will be ready to salute. The 6th is out of her shell but appeared stuck, I moved a bit of dirt from above and made her a clean shot out of the ground. 5/6 so far with hopefully a 100% germ rate by tomorrow. After everyone is up a going my updates will spread out a bit but at least 1 every other week during veg with hopefully a great drool gallery during flowering. :smile:

Edit in to keep things tidy:Tuesday
That 6th one is showing promise but still holding its head down :confused: , but we'll see. Here they are standing proud just trying to get that tap root established and things should start moving along.

See ya'll this weekend with an update and a new pic or two. :wave:
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New member
The Dopest: You might not want to raise seedlings this young under a HPS. A small fluorescent lamp would create a friendlier environment. Your seedlings look a little fried to me, but I have to say I'm over-cautious with the little ones. Anyway, I'm glad you germinated the seeds, it will be fun to follow them.

Nitetiger: It is just one more experiment, like all my hybrids so far... But they usually turn out really good! :) The Lightstorm IBL produces 100% purple buds but it is in need for fresh genes. I am hoping that outcrossing will cover up most genetic problems that can be attributed to inbreeding. I also want to see if the purple will show when I use a male Lightstorm in a cross. I would like to have a Lightstorm F4 male pollinate other existing IBL's. Sweet Tooth#3 tends to be very dominant when hybridized so I will know if a massive pollen party should proceed.

HighOnTheChronic: Glad you got them. :) Hehe... my poor man's packaging has done it again. Nice pics are what we need, I'm not sure a live webcam is such a good idea though, for your friend's privacy.

2Buds: 5/6, not bad! But I'm not giving up hope on the last one... :) Sure, you can space out your updates during veg, it's the flowering that we all care about! It will be a drool gallery for sure.

take care

The Dopest

[THC] True Hippie Coonass
hey pb, fried seedlings? this one was the mutant pic from last week.

and the mutant(ls3c) this week, looks better no? it has never seen hps yet. still under 14w cfl

heres the strong one(ls3a) under cfl last week.

and the strong one under hps for several days. does this one look fried too :chin: , im not too good with plant probs. :pointlaug

or did ya mistake my shitty other bagseed and kush/skunk clones in this pic as your babies?


Active member
Nothing to show, the seedlings are getting settled in, As soon as I transplant and get some size on them I'll be back with a new pic.

Update, out taking pics of som eother stuf so, here they are at I think day 7-8???, I forget

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The Dopest

[THC] True Hippie Coonass
:wave: ok day 21 here and the ls3a is a beauty! she has been under the hps a lil over a week and around day 5 or so i bumped nutes to 500ppm. the ph is a lil high since i was out of town for a few days but that should be taken care of soon. i assume thats the minor leaf twist thing. the root system is really comin along too. as far as the mutant ls3c, its still in the duratote under cfl. i will let it gain more strength before movin it.



Active member
Hey everybody, :wave: figured since I was repotting them it was a good time for an update. Here they are, 12 days old

still 5/6 plants, the 1 seedling is gone to a better place as will another. The one second to the left is struggling but we be keepin it just in case, it has nice roots :confused:
The little one on the far left, well I let it go. It just wasn't happy, never got good roots.I dumped it to check the roots before the toss and it had just 1 small root with a few feelers at the end.

Happy roots, not as much as I like but I got time tonite

Here they are all watered in, 1 gal nursey pots

and space is made for them under the 400 to get going for a few weeks

See everybody soon. Thanks again purp.
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The Dopest

[THC] True Hippie Coonass
The Dopest Day 28

The Dopest Day 28

day 28 here and look at the difference in these two :yoinks: , maybe i shoulda put "c" in the dwc sooner :chin: anyway its here now and lookin better than wed when i first introduced it. LS3a got its own bucket today, gettin bigger by the day. sure hope its a girl, if not i have been droolin over a lil boy for a month now :pointlaug i will be waiting untill i have clones rooted for the other few buckets before flippin 12/12 so not sure yet how long i'll veg :confused:



looking good everyone. cant wait to see them bigger.

I stillcant start mine up for about a month or so.... :spank:

The Dopest

[THC] True Hippie Coonass
the dopest day 35

the dopest day 35

just my luck, i feel like michael jackson. ive been drooling over a lil boy the whole time. :pointlaug he was kinda sexy though so i moved him to the male bucket and will try collecting some pollen before i whack him. the LS3c is gettin bigger by the day! i sure hope shes a female, this is my last chance here. :chin:


Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
The Dopest said:
just my luck, i feel like michael jackson. ive been drooling over a lil boy the whole time.

LOL! :pointlaug that sucks it turned out male. Oh well at least collect some pollen for some F2's. Let's hope the other one is a female.


Active member
Sucks Michael it turned out male. :smile: Good luck dopest!

Damn ya'll, trying to figure out how to water these things from the beach next week. I'm still 4/6. There growing along, starting to stretch on me as I got different height plants in veg so buckets are stacked up trying to keep them close to the light. Try to post up a few pics before going out of town.

Looking forward to the pics hotc

Take care all

buzzed day

hello,good luck with your last plant hope it's a girl if not make some seeds with it and a female. thats what i did with my skunk good luck peace