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Support for Legalizing Marijuana Reaches New High in USA


Unless I misunderstand the progressive movement then it has nothing to do with republicans or democrats as both have plenty of progressives in them.

I disagree. Can you name a progressive Republican?

The progressive movements intentions are to increase the power and scope of the goverment. They dont believe in defined limitations on goverment or any god given rights *including the right to smoke what you want. They want to toss out the constitution and start over with something that is 'flexible'.

I disagree. It is the progressives in Congress trying to undo the Patriot act assaults on the Constitution, protect the liberties of women to control their bodies, and fight legal battles in the ACLU. I have yet to hear of a progressive who looks down upon the Constitution, but the last GOP President referred to it as, "just a Goddamn piece of paper."

Personally I think the constitution affords us the right to do what we want with our bodies.

I agree 100%. My pursuit of happiness does not trample on anyone else's rights, and it is none of the Governments' damn business.


I disagree. Can you name a progressive Republican?

Sure John McCain just for starters but there are many more infact the last republican president was a progressive. (gw bush)

I disagree. It is the progressives in Congress trying to undo the Patriot act assaults on the Constitution, protect the liberties of women to control their bodies, and fight legal battles in the ACLU. I have yet to hear of a progressive who looks down upon the Constitution, but the last GOP President referred to it as, "just a Goddamn piece of paper."

So patriot act was a party line vote . Thats news to me. Clinton and Obama are self declared progressives. The president (obama) called the constitution a living document. Interesting you say they are trying to undo the patriot act. Why havent they... they are the majority.. trying really? The last quote and the fact that the patriot act is still in place and passed totally bi partisan is proof of GW being a progressive.

I agree 100%. My pursuit of happiness does not trample on anyone else's rights, and it is none of the Governments' damn business.

Progressives are the elites that think they are smarter than you and should make your decisions for you. I like free will. I believe that the goverment doesnt give me rights. My rationalization for that is regardless of there laws I have free will and can do as i please. Listen to the bill maher clip he explains progressives outlook on us very well. He says how we are all stupid ... then goes on to say he thinks a progressive party needs to be established. I totally agree with that make it clear to people who is and who isnt.


Few politicians of any stripe will support legalization unless they think it will benefit their fund raising or re-election efforts. The old slogan "when the people lead, the leaders will follow" could not be more apropos.


Bush and McCain are progressive? That is an interesting perspective.

We can agree that we should be free to partake, and I think I should leave it at that.


Will agree to disagree as well. One last note on the progressive movement. I dont believe its coincidence that the progressive movement took off at the turn of the 20th century and cannabis became illegal. Its a classic case of elitist saying whats good for us. Anyhow thanks for the conversation. Maybe Ill start a thread on progressives and someone can educate me. I am not one so maybe someone with that perspective can help me understand.


Active member
I have analyzed the latest Gallup poll data and integrated it with an analysis of previous opinion polls and demographic trends.

The link to the analysis is here. It's a fair bit of statistical wonkery, so it takes a little patience to wade through the graphs. The analysis demonstrates that within 12-13 years or so, the support for legalization of marijuana in America will be at 60%.

We are now in the end game and the demographics are 100% entirely on our side. Barring a game changing event of significant magnitude, the War for Legalization is all but over.


New member
Shiiit, a step forward is a good step of the 3 options right? Im still a lil in awe with how quickly the MMJ scene has progressed in the last year in CO, I didnt think I was gonna get the chance in this lifetime to even be able to walk into a place like a dispensary, let alone have the candy store options that we have here, in a couple of known intersections, let alone the rest of the state... Im ecstatic to see this change in this decade, let alone while im alive... I personally will stick to the "half-full" side of this thread, because its evolved quickly, and the pace has been set by Cali, no matter who likes it or not... We have our freedom fighters here in CO as well, (RIP Ken Gorman)...But gotta be grateful all around for the one's who came before and have been fighting :dueling:for years, no? :joint::joint::joint: