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Support for Legalizing Marijuana Reaches New High in USA


Active member
I looked behind the post and graphs on the first page and went to the Gallup site to look at the numbers and data breakdowns.

This is MUCH better than the regional breakdown that Skip post on the first page here. The difference is in the question that was asked.

The regional breakdown that Skip posts on the first page is showing significant opposition in the Mid-West, which didn't make any sense to me at all. It looked like a rogue poll. Looking more closely at the numbers, I can now make better sense of it. Mid-West Americans are not more opposed to legalization of Marijuana than the South. Not at all. They are simply more opposed to new taxes.

Looking at the responses to legalization without taxing it, the regional results are FAR better and I'm extremely encouraged by the breakdowns too. I think this is within reach. Have a look:


The support for legalization of MJ, by region, breaks down as:

West: %53 in favor
Mid-West: 42% in favor (a HUGE difference of 34% in favor of taxing it)
East: 46% in favor
South: only 40% in favor

The difference in voting patterns is extremely encouraging in over just the past four years.

Look at the growth: an increase of 7% among Republicans, (only 3% growth among Independents) and a MASSIVE increase among women. THAT IS ABSOLUTELY KEY. Women used to be the most actively hostile to legalization. Of all groups, women were the ones who opposed it the most. Now? It's virtually identical and within the margin of error. The gender gap has utterly vanished at Male 45 in favor and Women 44 in favor. That difference used to be 12 points only 4 years ago.

It was exactly the same back with Prohibition in the early part of the 20th Centruy, I might add. The temperance movement was very much a female dominated phenomenon. It was only when that stopped being the case that Prohibition ended.

That, my friends, is BIG news. As in chill the champagne, and book the ballroom news. That has never, ever happened before. The mothers and grandmothers are coming over. Looks like stilletto stoners is exactly what we needed all along. That - and sick and dying patients on 60 Minutes.

For those suggesting doom and gloom, you are not just wrong, but these numbers show you are dead wrong. To see equal support for legalization among genders is unprecedented. I tell you, this thing is genuinely in reach.

The reason why is in the details of the age differences. No other factor has a weight in a person's response more than their age. The numbers have crept up rather steadily over time, accepting the relative flattening of the curve in the heyday in the war aainst drugs and the scourge that crack cocaine and crystal meth inflicted upon society's views towards drugs, generally.

Now? The numbers are up all across the board, the gender support is equal(!), and it's support among even moderate Republicans is significantly higher in just 4 years. What does this tell us?

It tells us that in less than ten years time, the support for legalization will probably be in the majority not only in the West, but in the mid-west and in the East too. Only the South is likely to remain opposed - and even then it's a near thing.

The generation gap is the only gap that needs closing here. And that is the best news of all, Because, my friends, the generation gap is absolutely certain to close as time marches onwards.

Death is 100% certain, 20 times out of 20.

This thing is now within striking distance. Truly. Another ten years? Hell, maybe even as few as five, and we've got this.

heavy dank nugg

what can you present as evidence that you are right ?
mine is the graph read it.
favor gose up then down then evens out.
this is the 3rd time in 40 years

are we a wee bit closer to the goal ? perhaps. but we are a long long long way from it.

heavy dank nugg

You REALLY, REALLY don't have a clue do you? It's quite obvious you've never lived in CA, or even visited here.

California is the WORLD's leader in pollution controls. California was the first place in the world to require catalytic converters on cars. California has been at the forefront of new technologies to reduce pollution. California has more green businesses than exist in the entire country.

California always sets the new standards that others rush to follow.

In 1965, 1966, and 1967, California set a few new trends you probably are too young to even remember. Go ask Owsley... (or Alice, doesn't matter)

Oh and where was the first sinsemilla grown?

I could go on and on but I think I've exposed enough ignorance for one day...

you are so wrong i have been there. and your living in past glorys
Ca. used to be at the forefront of american industry just like you say( from sweden i might add )
but that has all changed since you cant even breath the air in L.A. anymore. go to any other state in the usa. take a poll. until then dont even talk to me.


To Have More ... Desire Less
all the haterz.....need to chilll...............
after ALL....it'z about the windz ~of~change.......
just let 'em blow and let'em blow HARD........

heavy dank nugg

I looked behind the post and graphs on the first apge and went to the Gallup site to look at the numbers.

This is MUCH better than the regional breakdown that Skip post on the first page here. The difference is in the question that was asked.

The regional breakdown that Skip posts on the first page is showing significant opposition in the Mid-West, which ddn't make any sense to me. Looking more closely at the numbers, now it does. Mid-West Americans are not more opposed to legalization of Marijuana than the South. Not at all. They are more opposed to new taxes.

Looking at the responses to leagalization without taxing it, the regional results are FAR better and I'm extremely encouraged by the breakdowns too. I think this is within reach. Have a look:

good post insitefull and perseptive.


Fifty percent more people now support legalization than at the peak of the movement in the late 70s. For those that know the history of NORML and the 1970s legalization movement, this is really remarkable.

IMHO, legalization is picking up momentum and this is going to happen a lot faster than some people expect. As most of you know, the President and the Attorney General have said they will defer to states on medical pot. If you are old enough to have experienced the anti-drug crusades under Reagan, two Bushes, and William-I-Didn't-Inhale-Clinton, it just boggles the mind that the President said this. It represents unprecedented progress for the movement.

My own _guess_ is that within the next four years, ten states will have legalized the growing of small quantities for personal use The lynch-pin is California. If California legalizes and has good results, other states are certain to follow. It may be many years before the marijuana is rescheduled by the Feds, but there is a window for legalization state by state as long as Obama is in office.

heavy dank nugg

thats a little better.... Im not ignorant, i just see the trend repeating again....
if you read the very 1st post it paints a picture like we have taking a major step forward.
i dont agree with that. a baby step mabey.


with numbers like that.....not a damn thing will change.
it is saying that well over 1/2 of the american population is opposed to legal mj.How is this good news?

yes the numbers are up but really...we need at least 65% probly more like 75 % for any significant changes to be made. so mabey by 2100 well be there.

sorry to burst all your bubbles but i believe in telling tthe truth, not misleading and giving false hope..
if you read the charts you will notice that we have had this same impass before in 1978 and again in 2002.

as one drops, the others rising, that is good news.

better than seeing support for is dropping and against is rising.


The graph tells us we take two steps forward and one step back

With all due respect, that is really not what the graph shows. It shows a fairly steady increase in the number of people who support legalization since 1970. Keep in mind that the margin of error of this type of poll is quite high, so small difference are not significant. Aside from the blip after 1977 (when Carter said he favored legalization and the establishment went nuts), I don't see any significant down ticks.
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New member
By Heavy Dank

1 your a hypocrite.. you said Ca. sets the trend for the rest of the country in all sorts of areas. now you change it to just mmj. proving your ignorance. and hypocracy. and just re saying excatly what i allready said.
they also set the trend for pollution and over population.
You do realize you are mixing up 2 users and saying they are one. That user said one thing, I said another.

Just a thought next time you go calling someone ignorant and hypocritcal, specify who you are talking to or you might look like one of those jug blowing hillbillies I was talking about.


Active member
what can you present as evidence that you are right ?
mine is the graph read it.

favor gose up then down then evens out.
this is the 3rd time in 40 years

I did. Support trends down once. Not three times. Once. The so-called "second trend" you observe is not a trend. Opposition increases, but support is the same. What changed was the % of people responding with "don't know or don't care to say". That's a rogue poll. Support was the same in both.

More importantly, I read the age, gender and political bias behind that graph. You evidently did not. And the devil is in the details.

Gender gap has been closed to essentially dead even for the first time in the history that these polls have been taken. That was the clincher. It's over.

This is going to happen, barring some calamitous world shaking event. If all we need is to wait ten years for those most vociferously opposed to die? We should pass the 50% mark nationally and in three out of four regions within ten years -- or less.


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
With all due respect, that is really not what the graph shows. It shows a fairly steady increase in the number of people who support legalization since 1970. Keep in mind that the margin of error of this type of poll is quite high, so small difference are not significant. Aside from the blip after 1977 (when Carter said he favored legalization and the establishment went nuts), I don't see any significant down ticks.

Oh, I absolutely agree. The overall trend is upwards, steadily and clearly, over the 40-year span of the chart.

Still, there are backwards steps on the graph. 1977-1979 is one, and it took until about 1998 for the numbers to reach the peak of the mid-70s. Again, a very small regression between '01 and '04 where the yays stayed firm but the nays gained slightly. You're right, that one is not probably statistically significant.


heavy dank nugg

You do realize you are mixing up 2 users and saying they are one. That user said one thing, I said another.

Just a thought next time you go calling someone ignorant and hypocritcal, specify who you are talking to or you might look like one of those jug blowing hillbillies I was talking about.

at thebottom of the post i put who it was for. try again but thanks for playing.

by the way strainbrain i apoligize for pinning the 1st trend setter comment on you. my error. ...

at least this didnt go to shit... good to see we can have a discussion and disagree and keep it civil.
anyone disagree with that.


Freedom Fighter
Im not ignorant,

But Cali sets the trend for the nation. So, viewed as a snapshot in time and as an indication of further gains to be made should legalization be affirmed in California, it can be taken as "good news

i have been all over the usa..and let me tell you.Cali sets no trends..in fact most everyone outside of cali thinks its a breeding ground of filth,homosexuallity,debauchery,
and industrial waste.
so yes they are leading the usa in mmj. but also in homosexuallity,overpopulation,pollution,
violence, and all sorts of less than desirable things....
often reffered to as the "sodom and gamora" of the usa.

You are a Homophobe...prolly Racist...and link all Californians in with this--
You really contradicted yourself in the top 2 quotes--:jerkit:
(Sorry....I only flame flamers--)

heavy dank nugg

Im not going to stoop to your level.....
Im just stating MY OWN opnion.
Im not a homophobe,i dont know what prolly means is it a word?
Im also not rascist....
listen I get why you californinas love it. its beautifull.
just saying what the rest of the country thinks so get over yourselfs.
and when you have a solid opnion like i do by all means state it.
cali loves cali.....the rest of the world.well not so much.
now can we get back to the topic?


New member
If only all cross sections of the entire american community were made up with one man.

Edit: For the most part its all staying civil. I am only seeing one guy associating others with words hypocrite and ignorant. Kind of odd you expect everyone to reply positively to that.

Also I was well aware who the statement was for, it was the fact that you mixed it up in the first place that I thought needed pointing out. Neat recovery though.


There may be some link to the dips in support for legalization with the current political powerhouses stance on it. There also may be some sort of knee jerk reaction from the goverment. Dumping new money into there ignorant war on marijuana. Remember much of the goverment is given direction by big special interest and there interest is in keeping it illegal. With california and other states medical legalization may come some lobbys for legalizing and change the picture completely. Its all about money and power.