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Support for Legalizing Marijuana Reaches New High in USA


Freedom Fighter
Im not going to stoop to your level.....
Im just stating MY OWN opnion.
Im not a homophobe,i dont know what prolly means is it a word?
Im also not rascist....
listen I get why you californinas love it. its beautifull.
just saying what the rest of the country thinks so get over yourselfs.
and when you have a solid opnion like i do by all means state it.
cali loves cali.....the rest of the world.well not so much.
now can we get back to the topic?

You are just trying to start shit with your uneducated rhetoric...you are right on one thing...we should get back on topic...I am already tired of your drivel--


Active member
That's a great post fatigues! It also points to good tactic and strategy. We need to see more WOMEN at the forefront of the legalization movement.

Women elicit sympathy, mothers even more, older, infirm women too. They need to tell their stories, they need to become icons of the movement. Once the average American woman sees women they can identify with sharing their medical experiences, we might be able to set aside the bull that cannabis isn't medicine.

We need to shoot down the lies once and for all.
The truth is winning out these days.

Today the lies about health care are being exposed and acknowledged.

Truth is power. Let's use it.


Pot lobbying dollars in HuffPo post

Pot lobbying dollars in HuffPo post

<blockquote>BIG POT: The Marijuana Policy Project reported it spent $30,000 lobbying for reform of the nation's pot laws. Part of that sum went to its effort fighting the "failed" National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign (the MPP has spent a comparable amount every quarter for the past two years).

"I'm feeling pretty good about our effectiveness as a lobbying group," said Aaron Houston, Big Pot's top lobbyist, in an interview with LobbyBlog. "Especially when you look at what we paid and what we achieved with our efforts compared with, say, the Chamber of Commerce."</blockquote>


Active member
Skip said

"That's a great post fatigues! It also points to good tactic and strategy. We need to see more WOMEN at the forefront of the legalization movement."
More than stories of woe, they need also need to hear stories which appeal to them on a recreational basis -- underscoring MJ as a harmless, civilized and sophisticated recreational drug. And in a positive way, too.

This subject came up in the recent "Stilletto Stoner" thread following NBC's day time news story a few weeks ago. The brilliant line which was delivered during that piece on NBC was equating a spliff with "a bubble bath and a glass of wine at the end of the day".

That was my "ah-ha" moment. A woman, preferably a harried mother, retiring to a bubble bath and vaping at the end of the day with a relaxing smile is a $1,000,000.00 image that portrays the utter harmlessness and benign nature of MJ. Civilized, sophisticated and harmless. Utterly benign.

Sell that image? It's a done deal.

By the way, on the issue of gender support, after analyzing it a little more carefully - it is essentially a dead heat. The slightly high opposition from women is explained by the fact there are more of them by the time you take the uneven split in genders which emerges amongst seniors. There are more women in America because they happen to live longer. Not surprising the older ones are a little more opposed to MJ, too.

We need more women spokespersons, and, sorry to say it, a more... feminized delivery method?

Suggestive pics of nubile young things with their lips wrapped around a wide bong might do it for the male readership - but it's the wrong imagery for "glass of wine and a bubble bath" political marketing.


Freedom Fighter
By the way, on the issue of gender support, after analyzing it a little more carefully - it is essentially a dead heat. The slightly high opposition from women is explained by the fact there are more of them by the time you take the uneven split in genders which emerges amongst seniors. There are more women in America because they happen to live longer. Not surprising the older ones are a little more opposed to MJ, too.

But don't they do these polls by telephone?? Usually during the day, when a majority of men are gone??
Much respect...just curious--


Overkill is under-rated.
"Legalization is not the President's vocabulary, and it's not in mine."

Eric Holder, US Attorney General.

Not while Obama's in office folks, which will probably be 7 more years.

ballplayer 2

Active member
^^ he says now. What do you think he will say, if the support continues to grow at the rate the poll suggests? Won't it be nice when the day arrives that it will be political suicide to oppose marijuana legalization.


I wouldn't be so pessimistic Lazyman. This is not the number one priority. The country was all but on fire when Obama took office. If the first thing he said was, "Free the weed!" he would have ruined his chance at that and a lot of other good ideas. The change in policy with respect to Federal enforcement is the biggest in US history since '71.

Support the bills in Congress by contacting your legislators! THEY have the power to de-fund the DEA, reschedule Cannabis, and eliminate the mindless Federal laws. Obama would then have to decide whether or not to sign them. He can't have missed the point that when he asks what the people want online, they say free the weed. Repeatedly.

I think we will see Congress tackle ending Don't Ask Don't Tell, probably next year. Once that is done, rescheduling and Federal decrim will be higher priorities. Do your part to maintain majorities of progressive candidates in Congress, and tell them what you want. As someone else said, this is a process, not an event.

Encourage your Representative to support H.R. 2943, the Personal Use of Marijuana by Responsible Adults Act of 2009,

and support H.R. 2835, the Medical Marijuana Patient Protection Act.


Active member
That was my "ah-ha" moment. A woman, preferably a harried mother, retiring to a bubble bath and vaping at the end of the day with a relaxing smile is a $1,000,000.00 image that portrays the utter harmlessness and benign nature of MJ. Civilized, sophisticated and harmless. Utterly benign.

Sell that image? It's a done deal.

Will this do?



Or this one...sorry but there's no bubbles (in the bath that is)...



Active member

Uhm, I don't think so. Pipes have always been...masculine.

Something more like a mini-vape that looks like a cigarette holder (isn't there already such a product? If not, there should be). A sort of Marlene Dietrich sophisticated look would be a far better spin. Slim, elegant, personal. That would work.


Active member
what if they were offered subsidies?

what if they were offered subsidies?

The problem with the midwest & south is that they are the BIBLE BELT.

They don't realize Jesus used cannabis oil, if he didn't smoke it (which he and his hip bros probably did in quantity).

The midwest represents agriculture, some of which might be affected if marijuana becomes legal, so you might get some farmers there opposed. I'm not sure if the south still grows lots of cotton, but if it does, it would be affected by increased hemp production.

Of course if the farmers just realized that hemp farming is great for the land, the ecology, the economy and themselves, they might just change their tunes...

But mostly it's just the conservative mentality and the blind refusal to face the facts about marijuana that keeps them ignorant.

when the gub-ment wanted the farmers to grow more corn, (stupid)the farmers were offered subsidies to grow more corn and not to grow anything else. what if the subsidies were given to grow hemp and produce something useful?

i don't think farmers really care what they grow as long as they get paid.:2cents:


More than stories of woe, they need also need to hear stories which appeal to them on a recreational basis -- underscoring MJ as a harmless, civilized and sophisticated recreational drug. And in a positive way, too.

This subject came up in the recent "Stilletto Stoner" thread following NBC's day time news story a few weeks ago. The brilliant line which was delivered during that piece on NBC was equating a spliff with "a bubble bath and a glass of wine at the end of the day".

That was my "ah-ha" moment. A woman, preferably a harried mother, retiring to a bubble bath and vaping at the end of the day with a relaxing smile is a $1,000,000.00 image that portrays the utter harmlessness and benign nature of MJ. Civilized, sophisticated and harmless. Utterly benign.

Sell that image? It's a done deal.


These threads make me happy. I remember being absolutely floored when mmj first happened, and now we're so tantalizingly close to legalization.

But I think it is very important to remember this isn't just a medical issue for a lot of us. We wouldn't be where we are today without the medical movement. But I believe I have a right to choose to smoke pot and I'm damned sick and tired of it being illegal or socially stigmatized.

Suggestive pics of nubile young things with their lips wrapped around a wide bong might do it for the male readership - but it's the wrong imagery for "glass of wine and a bubble bath" political marketing.

Works for me. :joint:


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
The problem with the midwest & south is that they are the BIBLE BELT.

They don't realize Jesus used cannabis oil, if he didn't smoke it (which he and his hip bros probably did in quantity).

The midwest represents agriculture, some of which might be affected if marijuana becomes legal, so you might get some farmers there opposed. I'm not sure if the south still grows lots of cotton, but if it does, it would be affected by increased hemp production.

Of course if the farmers just realized that hemp farming is great for the land, the ecology, the economy and themselves, they might just change their tunes...

But mostly it's just the conservative mentality and the blind refusal to face the facts about marijuana that keeps them ignorant.

Very true about the bible belt. Jesus hates you and you are going to burn in eternal hell and damnation down here if you smoke weed. But that is mainly the 65+ population. They shouldn't last too much longer though. The younger population is much more tolerant to herb. But what matters is when those two lines intersect. When the national poll reaches 50%+ then the issue becomes a political advantage for politicians. That's when it will fall federally. Got to get around 52%-54% for it be appealing to cowardly neutered politicians. Then it won't matter wtf these retards (generalization....) down here vote.


i still think that alot of the people advocating legal taxed mj (the only way the feds will ever legalise is if they can tax the shit out of it!), should realise that the market will be monopolised and only mega huge marlboro types will be allowed to mass market product

this isnt to say that mmj users wont have it easier because they probably will - BUT probably at the price of a lesser quality product, while forking over tons of money to the feds in the form of taxes (not to mention helping marlboro instead of local growers)

the market will collapse for everyday farmers, while mega companies and the feds get richer

the only real benefit will probably be that people can grow in their own yard for personal use without worrying about getting locked up

there are positives and negatives in this and i dont think that it will be all great like alot of people think

the guys growing medicine for a living now, will not be able to compete with marlboro selling a pack of joints for 5 or 10 bucks
the users will get a lesser quality product, all the while helping shitty cigeratte companies and worse helping the feds...
Sounds like a good time to send a couple of bucks to NORML or MPP or any other organization you choose that is fighting the fight.

Respect bass


Agreed. This year I've doubled the amount I donate to MPP annually. Also, good to support the various state initiatives, if you can afford it.


Im curious how supporting progressive canidates would produce progress on the legalization front. Maybe my understanding of progressive canidate is different than yours.


Reflexive, batshit-crazy conservatives and blue dogs are not going to support legal cannabis any more than health care, or stopping needless wars. At least with the progressive candidates, they can hear and comprehend reason.

That doesn't mean I'm happy or satisfied with any of them on this issue. The failure of the war on drugs is so self evident, it is a shame borne by all in Congress that it has already gone on this long.


Unless I misunderstand the progressive movement then it has nothing to do with republicans or democrats as both have plenty of progressives in them. The progressive movements intentions are to increase the power and scope of the goverment. They dont believe in defined limitations on goverment or any god given rights *including the right to smoke what you want. They want to toss out the constitution and start over with something that is 'flexible'. Personally I think the constitution affords us the right to do what we want with our bodies.