You can make a 30 to 60 site aerocloner for about $50-$75. Maybe even less. Shit works fast as hell too. All you need is a mag drive pump,some short pieces of pvc pipe, two rubbermaid bins,some of those cheap mister nozzles, and one of those long styrofoam pool things.
Look on the ez-cloner site for the specs on the pump sizes for which cloners (30 site, 60 site,etc) then go get a magdrive pump with that same gph from bghydro or somewhere like that and the little mister nozzles for cheap as hell and then the rest is hardware store or walmart shit.
Look on the ez-cloner site for the specs on the pump sizes for which cloners (30 site, 60 site,etc) then go get a magdrive pump with that same gph from bghydro or somewhere like that and the little mister nozzles for cheap as hell and then the rest is hardware store or walmart shit.