2 4 1 even.
hoosierdaddy said:Actually the pack that can give you the most potential for the money, is the standard seeds.
Fems usually are about double the price of standard seeds. So, yes, you will most assuredly get 5 female plants out of a pack of femmed seeds, but you have the potential of getting up to 10 of the same plant with the standards, for the same money.
I think some here may be every bit as sharp as they think they are, by half.
Maybe you have light leaks if all plants u grow show hermie traits?blackone said:You could also end up with 3 or 4 females. Problem is - you don't know. Yeah I'm a supporter of female seeds for sure - it sucks pulling males from the flowering room and it definitely hurts yield, even though I grow perpetually and can easily replace the spot with a new plant. Of course it's a problem if you want to breed with it so if that's the case then of course you're out of luck - but you're free to choose regulars for your need.
I'm also sick of hearing about female seeds and hermies... the only strain I've grown that didn' have ANY hermy tendency at all has been grapefruit from Female Seeds. All others have at least shown late-flower nanners - and a few full-blown hermies (Thai, Seedman's Skunk #1).
Although it's not a 100% female seed bank, Mr. Nice seeds has a video of their cloning operations from 2007.Suby said:I`ve never seen a strickly female op indoor or out using more than 1000+ clones...of course there are surely a few out there.
luvtogrow said:Maybe you have light leaks if all plants u grow show hermie traits?
medical_shed said:@Blackone, why would you have males in flower if you were growing perpetually?
=silverback Id be willing to bet however, that if you round up 100 growers from the site, 90 of them are just like me, they buy 10 seeds and hope for a good yeild from them.