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Sudden influx of feminised seeds?



Can understand a lot of peoples opinion that fem seeds are herm prone and generally crap..hazeseeker i take it the hermie problem was from dp seeds? i think a lot of us got put off fem beans because of dutch passions bad hermie fem beans from years back...i personally prefer regular beans...but it has to be said paradise seeds fem line seems amzing in that i have never had 1 single male flower on any of lucs fem beans cant comment on other fem lines from other companies though


if anyone has experienced a herm at all in paradise fems..post here..but i got a feeling there wont be anyone...so wether against fem seeds or for them...at least if u get what u pay for it aint too bad rather than paying twice the price for a pack of full blown hermies..


i perfer to get packs of seed with the possibility of getting males as well as females, simply becuase i dont mind making seed myself. one pack of seed can, theoretically last forever, if time and care in propogating, it is done...

i can see, i guess, a need (or desire) for fem seeds...
-newer/experienced growers dont wanna waste time, space, dirt, effort...etc etc...
-commercial growers (see reasons above)
-some (myself included) run em now and then just to see what comes of them....call it curiosity....

maybe breeders have worked a line to the point where they think its perfect and needs no further work done??....so they fem their ideal strain??. i can see that. (dont support it, but i can see the rationale behind that)

but, when we make everything fem...then we are STUCK with what weve got....good or not...becuase there will be no males to introduce their influence onto a strain...eliminating said strains' ability to change into, perhaps, something better!

i guess, in summation, that female seeds do have a certain niche for the grow world, but, IM highly against breeders selling strictly females becuse, ultimately, it DOES limit the gene pool. in fact...if its ALL fem seed.....
the gene pool is, in effect, drained.

just my thoughts.



Never tried fem beans and never will. Nothing against em really, just try to grow things the way the nature intended and I don't mind having to kill the odd male off.

Plus sometimes you come across a male that catches your eye...I have pollen from a stinky/sticky SSH male and a killer looking blueberry male that I can't wait to chuck at something. Yes I'll be chucking, not breeding. The SSH got resin on it earlier than all of my females, and it stunk more in veg than any plant I've ever had. That's the fun of using regular beans.


deattosoapbar i have found 2 nanners at paradise seeds out of 15 plants ;) 0 seeds found!paradise female seeds are just great!i have no space to have regular so i am happy for all new female seeds!


hoosierdaddy said:
How many are taking the time to find these true breeders? Who has the space needed for a proper selection?

No, people use whatever plant they have, and pass on the genetics of that plant.
If the plant has hermie traits, they are perpetuated.

This is the main problem with femmed seed imo. Coupled with the fact it's pretty much a guarenteed quick buck which always attracts the less scrupulous types of businessmen and it's a little shady in my onion. The fact they cost twice as much but take a tiny fraction of the work to make also makes me go hmmmmnn and rub my chin. Like paying more for beer than you do for whiskey.

Many of the best breeders don't do fems, DJ and Shanti come to mind, but the smaller profile but still quality breeders such as ACE are forced to put out fem beans or go out of biz. IIRC Dubi says 95% of all seeds sold in Spain last year were feminized. there's about 4 new Spanish fem breeders popped up in the last couple of years, just femming other peoples stuff and calling it something else.

They have their place but they are generally a rip-off and only a lot of research can tell you if they're well made or not.
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dj and shanti sure will be making some feminized beans soon..i think they want to make some money to.there are a lot´s of people that dont have space and time to grown males so every good breeder should have a stock of female seeds!


True. I'd probably buy a few from respectable breeders but only if they were the same or lower priced than standards. Not very likely. Hope not too as males could disappear.
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**AWD** Aficianado
medical_shed said:
This is the main problem with femmed seed imo. Coupled with the fact it's pretty much a guarenteed quick buck which always attracts the less scrupulous types of businessmen and it's a little shady in my onion. The fact they cost twice as much but take a tiny fraction of the work to make also makes me go hmmmmnn and rub my chin. Like paying more for beer than you do for whiskey.

Many of the best breeders don't do fems, DJ and Shanti come to mind, but the smaller profile but still quality breeders such as ACE are forced to put out fem beans or go out of biz. IIRC Dubi says 95% of all seeds sold in Spain last year were feminized. there's about 4 new Spanish fem breeders popped up in the last couple of years, just femming other peoples stuff and calling it something else.

They have their place but they are generally a rip-off and only a lot of research can tell you if they're well made or not.

This pretty sums up my take on this.
I've ordered fems before (3 sets) but the seedlings I got could NEVER stand up to the keepers I find in a mixed fem/male pack of seeds.
This is not a blanket statement just what happened in my grow and my observations.
Currently I have a satelite grow with a friend going on and he kept a male a little too long side by side with an off the chart pheno of Grapefruit x Skunk I got from JJScorpio.
Well some top buds got seeded and are tecnically closet fuck F2 genetics, but at an average of 5-10$ a bean the seeds are worth more than the buds lol.
I think fems are good in a pinch, say you have a shot at a 40 plant outdoor plot and have no mother plant.
I like that regular seeds give every grower the chance to supply his or herself and to get that genetic out into the growing community.
If I spend 100$ on seeds I am buying the right to make more, I am buying the right to use the strain in my garden period.
If everyone where to make seeds think of the quality of weed we will be dealing with in 20 years, these beans from JJS don't take a back seat to anything I have ever grown, they are top notch (and so is JJ :joint: )
If I had the space I could se myself devoting a lifetime to creating the perfect strain but alas a closet if far from a good start.

As far as spending $ on males I recyle my soil and my nutes are already in the soil, also I transplant after sexing with excellent results :2cents:.


Well-known member
Fem beans are 10X more difficult to make than non fem.

If you say different you have never DONE it...

My guess is that every bean company would rather produce non fem beans?
Why are they making them?

Its either make em or have the non fems sit around forever.

I like the idea of fems of the clone only plants, thats all

i believe[from observation not here say] that back crosses to clone onlys are ok
and there are good phenos

but with fems of clone only plants the serious phenos come from them[from observation]

and some are superior to the clone only.

I am NOT in favour of the world turning into fem seeds only

BUT there is so much misinformation coming from people who have never reversed a plant that they may actually influence people who are on the fence.

Any other strain that has has been in non fem form, i would rather have as non fem.

opinions with out any hands on knowledge and a dollar will buy you a cup of

so possibly instead of talking about methods you may only have heard of

perhaps you should put your $$ where you opinions are

and BUY some non fems so this fem world doesn't become a reality.

have good day!!
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Active member
ICMag Donor
Rgd said:
Fem beans are 10X more difficult to make than non fem.

If you say different you have never DONE it...
LOL...please, Rgd...

How hard is it to have a light leak and pollinate your whole box?
Without even trying, no less.


tench said:
dj and shanti sure will be making some feminized beans soon..i think they want to make some money to

and where did you get this info??

if dj wanted to make money IMO he wouldnt have sold his mothers to clubs in cali


Rgd said:
Fem beans are 10X more difficult to make than non fem.

If you say different you have never DONE it...
really?!?..., i disagree 100%.
your talking about the actual reversal of the female(s) right?,
i don't see how you can compare reversing a single female or even a number of them or a field of them for that matter to the long and tedious work a breeder goes through every day,
the dissapointments, the setbacks, testing the females as well as testing the progency of the offspring to determin how good the Male(s) are which could take months leading to more set backs and having to start from scratch again.
reversing a female is basically a formula set in stone,
follow the guidlines and anyone can do it.
Breeders on the other hand are creators, innovators in their chosen field,
i don't know about you but when i buy a packet of regular seeds, you grow them, and when you finally get the chance to smoke the finished product it gives a good feeling, a feeling of respect for the breeder the seeds came from, your smoking his/her creation that you know alot of hard work has went in to,
Rgd said:
My guess is that every bean company would rather produce non fem beans?
Why are they making them?

Its either make em or have the non fems sit around forever.
your making it sound like the whole growing population is demanding feminised seeds, what makes you think the regular beans will "sit around forever"?,
i'm glad there's still alot of companies that sell regular seeds,
if everything went the 'feminised' route the canna buisness would eventually grind to a halt and go stale.

i guess feminised seeds is like Marmite - you either hate it or you love it

peace :joint:


Well-known member
I have grown femed seeds before and they worked fine I believe there is a place for them because I am an outdoor grower only and understand what they mean to fellow guerillas.

On the other hand much like corn and other agriculture type crops when you start messing with nature you get rid of genes that are useful in nature. Take a look at cows, chickens, pigs they have been altered so much they do not even resemble what they started out being. Not only that there is no diversity in these breeds either. It just seems like a slippery slope to go down. I would hate to loose diversity of any living thing not only is it a pleasant thing it is necessary to combat disease and other problems.

It’s a big picture thing for sure but Mother Nature is the real expert breeder and we are all newbies in her eyes.

Just to keep it real I would use femed seeds again and a IC brother is making a few and I hope to try them I just feel there is a bigger picture and it takes a bigger man than me to abide by the bigger picture.


if dj or shanti not wont to make money dankbuds they would not have a seedbank.. ;)
do you think they do it for fun?


Elite Growers Club
dankbudz said:
and where did you get this info??

if dj wanted to make money IMO he wouldnt have sold his mothers to clubs in cali
DJ made his money on us with his True Blueberry$150 or more for 10 standard seeds. I've ran TB and think it's ok....but $150 or more for 10 standard seeds. This guys on every thread ripping people and thinking he knows it all. :spank:
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Elite Growers Club
tench said:
if dj or shanti not wont to make money dankbuds they would not have a seedbank.. ;)
do you think they do it for fun?

HA HA HA.....Yeah he knows it all man. :laughing:......KIDS


I want to say for a second, maybe a 3rd time, that femmed seeds are absolutely wonderful. They don't hermie, they don't produce male flowers, they can be cloned, mothered and bred without concern. V ariation is less with fems and I have a better idea of what Im going to see come harvest time.

Im not a breeder, Im a grower, so let me pass on this law of growing cannabis.

Under no circumstances, regaurdless of the strain, regaurdless of the breeder or any other aspect of the plant, never, never, never will a standard pack of seeds, with 3-4-6 females in it, even come close to producing the smoke that 10 females of the same strain will produce.

You grow your standard seed pack and Ill grow my ten pack of fems and every single time, my harvest will at the very least, double your standard seed harvest.

It really depends on what one's goals are for growing, but mine are to harvest a reasonalbe supply of smoke. Using femmed seeds increases my likelihood of achieving that goal bymore than 100%

As an outdoor grower its really quite the simple equation. Do I want to plant fems and harvest all of the plants i grow, or do I want to do 2X the work by growing standard seeds, dispose of 1/2 of my plants that turned out to be males and then work to replace those.

Lets see now...... what should I do????
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silverback said:
I want to say for a second, maybe a 3rd time, that femmed seeds are absolutely wonderful. They don't hermie, they don't produce male flowers
wrong silverback, so the countless number of growers who this has happened to are what? imagining it?, countless growers errors resulting in this happening?, i don't think so!.
your trying to generalise the stability of Feminsed seeds in that 1 sentence and it's physically impossible for that statement to ring true,
sounds like a case of selective reasoning and selective hearing IMO.
it's a catch 22 scenario and an excuse the seedmaker can use to good effect time and time again.
it's all too easy for the seedmaker or another grower to say something along the lines of:
if your feminised seeds hermied it's not the seeds fault, it the growers fault.
when i grew the feminised seeds around the time i started growing and they hermied as well as showing males i began to question myself,
at that moment i put it down to my mistakes but there was nothing wrong (health wise) with the plants,
there was no light leaks, the photo-period was stable, wasn't using too much nutes, wasn't any big drops or increasing in tempreture or humidity, plants weren't rootbound and they weren't stressed.
you can see why it puzzled me trying to figure out why this happened,
if you wanna see the photos give me a shout and i'll dig them up from another forum

silverback said:
V ariation is less with fems and I have a better idea of what Im going to see come harvest time.
yes that's another reason why i don't like them, variety is the spice of life afterall so in this case regular seeds wins the argument again.
silverback said:
Im not a breeder, Im a grower, so let me pass on this law of growing cannabis.
i'm not a breeder either, just a normal grower, everyone has an opinion silverback, to debate and question things instead of just going with the flow is a healthy thing IMO
silverback said:
Under no circumstances, regaurdless of the strain, regaurdless of the breeder or any other aspect of the plant, never, never, never will a standard pack of seeds, with 3-4-6 females in it, even come close to producing the smoke that 10 females will produce.
that paragraph said it all^, yeild obviously means more to you than quality, i'm the opposite, i'll take quality over yeild time and time again

silverback said:
You grow your standard seed pack and Ill grow my ten pack of fems and every single time, my harvest will at the very least, double your standard seed harvest.
i said it before - yeild means absolute nothing to me,
if it did i'd be growing on a clone basis every time cramming as many pots as i could per Sq ft easily smashing the g/w,
i don't, the majority of the time i grow by seed, and grow them big (4 plants under 1 light at most),
the day i start picking yeild as a priority over quality is the day i'll give up growing

silverback said:
It really depends on what one's goals are for growing, but mine are to harvest a reasonalbe supply of smoke. Using femmed seeds increases my likelihood of achieving that goal bymore than 100%
the quality of the end product should be more important than the reasonable supply of smoke.
i'd rather smoke quality 'erb for a couple of months then go without till next harvest instead of having a constant supply of 'ok', generic bud

silverback said:
As an outdoor grower its really quite the simple equation. Do I want to plant fems and harvest all of the plants i grow, or do I want to do 2X the work by growing standard seeds, dispose of 1/2 of my plants that turned out to be males and then work to replace those.

Lets see now...... what should I do????
i agree with that paragraph silverback, if i was an outdoor grower i'd consider going down this route, it would be a choice between that and using clones, but it would all depend on the circumstance at that time which method i'd choose,
the chance are it would be DP Passion, DP Purple etc i'd try, quick finishers that can handle harsh outdoor environments,
but as i said - it's the only time i'd consider using fems again,
once bitten, twice shy n all that.

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