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Sudden influx of feminised seeds?


Well-known member

"How hard is it to have a light leak and pollinate your whole box?
Without even trying, no less."

>You are speaking about hermied plant pollenation.
Its not the same as cs/sts reversal fems!

haze seeker,

you appear to also be speaking of hermi produced seeds

choose you seed co's wisely, it appears by what you say the "fem's" you had were just herms.

not the same animal

i totally agree Silver back.. for out door they rock.
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Active member
Question- can fem'd seeds that show perfect female traits(no sign of hermie) be used for breeding, pollinating to make seeds?

I wanted to add, my experience with fem'd seeds has been good- excellent. I hear the stories about hermies and haven't seen it. But I don't have a lot of experience. My DP and Greenhouse fem'd seeds were perfect. I wish like Dutch Passion breeders would release their method of feminization because I believe they use different methods and therein might be a key to the stability or expectation. I tend to believe fem'd seeds hermie not because of stress but just because of a natural tendency or even by the method used to feminize. I really really stressed some DP skunk plants last year and they never hermied. My greenhouse White Rhino seeds didn't either and that was with some stress(moving, main stems breaking, skunk plant falling off a balcony and being stunned and repotted, etc). I think they're great if you're just growing for supply. I also think if the market moves too far towards being "all fem'd" that naturally non fem'd will be a premium product and breeders will continue to make plenty of non fem'd available. The market will dictate.

On one hand it might appear to be better for a seedbank to sell fem'd only so that we can't reproduce their genes but on the other theoretically we only need half the seeds from them to produce huge yields, never having to reorder their strains. It goes both ways. Anyway, there will always be a market for both.
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**AWD** Aficianado
I think any grower who serious about consistency in plant traits and has a strict timeline will opt for clones.
Most growers are using clones from a select motherplant..or am I missing something.
If I pull out a bag of beans I am looking for variety, new traits, better yield, better quality high.
Even if I had 1000`s of beans I would still clone, it`s a guarantee they finish at the same time, they drink at the same time, they have the same nutrient needs, it just makes sense to me, it makes dialing a room in easy really.
I guess if you grow exclusively from seed then fems are a definate bonus, but give me a plywood box and a few T5`s and I can have 50+ clones done in less than 45days with less than 2-3 hours work invested, that`s still cheaper than most femmed beans I think.


Well 50+ is ok, but what if you'd need 1000 or 10 000? Would you not rather buy femmed? Or if you grow in a micro setup for that matter?

There are so many different scenarios (out/in, big/small, hobby/comercial), so many different needs.
There will always be a market for regular seeds. But if one day ganja growing is legal femmed seeds will take the lions share of volume. No one wants to sex acres upon acers of sog :biglaugh: or take millions of clones.
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**AWD** Aficianado
Well 50+ is ok, but what if you'd need 1000 or 10 000? Would you not rather buy femmed? Or if you grow in a micro setup for that matter?

I agree with the micro grow but even at a few thousand clones that still equates to about a dozen 100 place bubble cloners with 10 or so healthy tress vegging under a few K.
I've built those DIY style in less than an hour.
Besides grows of that size represent a very small proportion of growers (maybe 5%*guessing*).
Not to mention that grows of that magnitude require ALOT of planning to be a reality and of the 2 commercial ops I`ve helped with where both based on clones.
Smaller ops where used as a testing ground for genetics then at the large op huge moms are used for clones, we didn`t just use grow tips we used the sections of stems beneath them, everything sterile (bubble cloners are great for that).
There comes a point where numbers don`t mean anything to a particular style of growing, I`ve never seen a strickly female op indoor or out using more than 1000+ clones...of course there are surely a few out there.
Some very large outdoor grows in certain countries just keep males and females together and there are fields of plants for hash making and reseed themselves, see GN's hash movie it's an eye opener.
I would never feel safe ordering 10 000 seeds anyway lol, I would definately look into making my own feminized seeds which is VERY easy to do, grow 6 or 7 monster tree plants and hermify.
Light poisoning method works great, give a few assorted and well rooted plants 1 hour of full light in the middle of their dark cycle and voila!
Could a breeder even supply 1000+ seeds?
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sag, sensi , have brought their game. I don't think it's about the money priority but more dank in your face? they just released their collections for a reason I thinking.


Elite Growers Club
If you grow a 10 pack of standards and you grow a 10 pack of Fem's of the same strain from the same company. Example Dutch Passion standard WW. and Dutch passion fem WW. How/why do you think standards are going to be stronger. Hazeseeker your going to get more weed and it's going to be the same as standard's. That's the first time I've heard that standard seeds give off stronger more potent plants than the same strain in a femished seed. Just like silverback said all of us aren't breeding seeds....so the fem seeds are handy and easier to work with when you don't have much space or time to breed,clone or whatever. Point being I'm growing for me. I just got a pack of paradise FEM sensi star. I'll guarantee you I get more weed of the same quality as I would've if a bought standard sensi star pack. Yeah you can get crap fem seeds.....but you can also can crap standard seeds believe it or not.


wvkindbud38 said:
Hazeseeker your going to get more weed and it's going to be the same as standard's. That's the first time I've heard that standard seeds give off stronger more potent plants than the same strain in a femished seed. Just like silverback said all of us aren't breeding seeds....so the fem seeds are handy and easier to work with when you don't have much space or time to breed,clone or whatever. Point being I'm growing for me. I just got a pack of paradise FEM sensi star. I'll guarantee you I get more weed of the same quality as I would've if a bought standard sensi star pack. Yeah you can get crap fem seeds.....but you can also can crap standard seeds believe it or not.
where have i said regular seeds produce more potent bud?,
if your reffering to this quote:
Hazeseeker said:
that paragraph said it all^, yeild obviously means more to you than quality, i'm the opposite, i'll take quality over yeild time and time again
so i was saying yeild isn't a priority to me, this quote i said^ was/is nothing to do with feminised seeds, it was a reply to silverbacks post on yeild of 10 feminised seeds = 10 female plants = more bud. i don't look at a pack of seeds wondering, guessing how much Oz i'm gonna get, that's the last thing i'm thinking about, i'm thinking about the quality of the finished product not the yeild
if it was a different quote your refering to, post it up man and i'll answer whatever it is.

peace :joint:

silverback said:
Under no circumstances, regaurdless of the strain, regaurdless of the breeder or any other aspect of the plant, never, never, never will a standard pack of seeds, with 3-4-6 females in it, even come close to producing the smoke that 10 females will produce.
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Elite Growers Club
I too am about quality that's why I'm getting the Sensi star.....Maybe one of the top ten ever. So I'm not all about yield. I'm just saying that with 10 fem seeds compared to 10 standard I'm definatly going to get more weed of the same potency with the 10 Fem. If you don't clone,breed,or have extra space,or time.....then it's just seems logical to go with fem seeds. Now I'll defend the guys who like standards the best....alot of you guys clone,breed,have extra time,space,a mother room,....You have to realize that some people don't have the time or space to breed, clone,have a seperate mother room etc....Just because I like Fem seeds doesn't make me a newbie because I don't have the space,time,or desire to breed seeds which takes tons of time. The deal for me is I wanna grow the most potent plants as possibly for my use. And the easy/best way to do it is with Fem seeds. I run standards alot but I don't like it when I start 10 seeds and 3 weeks later I've got 2 or 3 females. As if I had GOOD fem seeds I would have 10 females. I can't believe how some people are looking at this topic from one side of the fence instead of both......I'm glad there's so many fem seeds haters out here......just more for me lol. I grew standard seeds for 20 years and when fem seeds came around it was the best thing ever. It seems to me like the fem seeds haters have tried them ONCE and got hermi's and said F-this crap. You need to get a better strain or buy from a different company because I've not had very little problems with hermi's from fem seeds. As many SO-CALLED pro's having hermi's with FEM seeds is odd. I never really considered myself a pro but if I'm not getting hermi's and some of these guys that are considered great or pro's are......Maybe I'm just a damn Fem seed pro :jump:
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Active member
Suby said:
I would never feel safe ordering 10 000 seeds anyway lol, I would definately look into making my own feminized seeds which is VERY easy to do, grow 6 or 7 monster tree plants and hermify.

I totally agree there;p 10.000 seeds would also be too costly for anyone...

Suby said:
Light poisoning method works great, give a few assorted and well rooted plants 1 hour of full light in the middle of their dark cycle and voila!

Well you're definitely not guaranteed hermies - and why bother when CS is so easy to make?
More like... have lightleaks in your room and the ones that DON'T herm will be your potential mothers...


Active member
Grew fem seeds years back, mazar, skunk11, and one other. Have grown reg seeds since, due to hermies. Maybe the fem seeds are better now? I just wouldn't take a chance until sure that there isn't a higher potential for hermies. Never had a reg seed hermie. Since it takes @3 weeks from the time the seed pops to show sex, and they are still in stryro cups, so wasted material or light footprint isn't an issue here. I'm not adverse to buying them now if they are improved, but, it's so easy to increase the male/female ratio with growing techniques, that females seeds make no sense in my grows. My problem with reg seeds (not saracasm), is too many females going to 12/12 and an inability to predict how many females. I like 12 fems per seed grow (i only grow seed), so this grow germed 20 seeds and got 17 females (6 strains). That is a space issue in my grow but will have to deal with the consequences. Crowding.



I started growing them 2 years ago. Ive grown 11 different varieties from 5 different companies. I have yet to see a male flower, or find a seed in any of the original plants or in any of the clones from those originals.

With standard varieties, I seldom get to october without finding a few seeds here and there. I believe fems may in fact be a bit more stable sexully than standards seeds.

Hazeseeker, you are right. I should have prefaced my remarks with "from my experience". I disagree about the yeild comparison however. I stated that a pack of femmed seeds will always produce more than a pack of standard seeds of the same variety, because logic dictates that 10 plants will produce as much as 60% more than 4 plants, regaurdless of other aspects such as yield or potency. More plants are likely to produce more product.
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i think wvkindbud has a crush on me;)

wvkindbud said:
Point being I'm growing for me.

then why are you pm'ing people telling them you need seeds to grow because your mom is sick??
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Elite Growers Club
:laughing: Yeah I need seeds

I've got alot more on the way too :jump:

DANKBUDZ I never PM'ed you about anything regarding MY FAMILY.
My family has nothing to do with you and you have NO business bringing my family or there health matters or whatever in an open forum/thread. You don't know me or my family. The mods on here need to put a muzzle on you. You really have showed your true colors :fsu:

I like seeds I like different strains from different breeders,I like to swap and trade with friends. You can never have enough seeds. I like good seeds.
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I want buy seeds that are clown only guaranteed

Elite clown X another elite clown -then since one have to be reversed it's female seeds 100%-

And then maybe i will buy them

I dont even know if some vendors offering such seeds ^^


**AWD** Aficianado
Well you're definitely not guaranteed hermies - and why bother when CS is so easy to make?
More like... have lightleaks in your room and the ones that DON'T herm will be your potential mothers...

I'm 3 for 3 with the light poisoning method, they don't all turn just 1 or 2.
I'll look into CS but I'm done with fems for awhile, I have a bunch of beans to test and closet fuck lol.
I like the idea that I can choose which will hermie with the CS which makes it more selective :cool:


Wannabreed said:
I want buy seeds that are elite clown only guaranteed

Elite clown X another elite clown -then since one have to be reversed it's female seeds 100%-

And then maybe i will buy them

I dont even know if some vendors offering such seeds ^^

Correctus; for the few i know some elite cuts are hermie and/or "late nanners" tendancy
Whatever it would give at least some very females in the pack.