yeah i agree with you sumdumguy, i mean at the end of the day no one here is 100% original even if they claim to be... even those who used landraces will most likely be using the work of 1000s of years of domestication by people in the areas they came from yet they pay no homage to them do they? the fact that people take other strains out their breed it up and sell them through their own company, while it may be fairly tactless if they don't ask permission etc, if they keep the name of the strain they're hardly being sneaky etc... it's there for everyone to see that they've just bred their own stock and sold it whether or not you think it's ok. if you don't like it, like me and anyone else you have the right to not buy their stuff.
and joe fresh LOL skinny hash making santa what a perfect analogy hahah did you see the house he said he lived in for so many years? it looked like a massive rock had come and crushed it! crazy life he must've had!
Spoken so eloquently DarwinsBullDog... Now I hope people reconsider who or what it is they are really hating on after reading your thoughtful post. Thousands upon thousands of years.