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Starbucks funding anti-marijuana lobbying.

Starbucks funding anti-marijuana lobbying.

  • Yes!

    Votes: 268 94.0%
  • No.

    Votes: 10 3.5%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 7 2.5%

  • Total voters


I apologize for posting here but...

#1 I am a MMj patient who adheres to California law

#2 I am a patient because of a beating I recieved 33 years ago at the hans of police. Imagine Rodney King, but I am white and I wasn't an armed robber fleeing the police.

#3 I have had severe opain for the last 33 years.

#4 Owl Mirror has been virtually trying to build a case against me online.

#5 I was visiting another site 8 years ago and was shocked to see a friend of mines name in it. People online were investigating him. Junior wanna be cop / arm chair detectives

#6 I contacted my friend and told him about it.

#7 On phoney information recieved from that web site . 8 , yes eight county athorities got warrants and rousted my friend. They found out the people online were just nutjobs. My friend recieved no apology from the police.

#8 This guy Richard Owl Mirror growing weed in violation of federal law wants this site closed down and alot of people here arrested.

#9 I have been a strong advocate here who has tried always to help EVERYONE not get arrested for this herb.

#10 This guy plays this same game on several other sites. He has no real stance on anything...just oppose the one thing that any site stands for is fine with him.

#11 I take lame nutcases seriously, IF they are the tenacious type that I have seen ruin lives. For this reason I have left here and will not be back. JUST a little heads up on how AN IDIOT PLUS IDIOT COPS can = unnecessary trouble
Finally .. from my experience nut cases like him need to be nipped in the bud.


Active member
Yes, apparently Mr. Owl, the LIAR, was only here to put this site down and discourage us from becoming more active and involved in cannabis political activities.

And now apparently, HE IS THE THIEF. I see where he calls others thieves, yet he is the one copying copyrighted material, which ironically is exactly what caused this whole uproar over Starbucks!

OK, folks, thanks to Quests comments, it's clear to me what this person's agenda is here. So I was more than right to ban him. He is AGAINST our movement, and trying desperately to stop it.

Thank you Quest.

It is the mods duty to root out and remove trolls, esp. those who try to fly under the radar and try to do permanent harm to the website.

I've run across these types before. Read up on COINTELPRO and what they did to us in the 1960s & 70s before they were discredited.

His posting up lies all over the internet shows his true colors now.

Those who support this troll are likely in the same camp, and will also be rooted out if they continue to troll us.


I'm honored to say that I've never stepped foot inside a starbucks. Leave that for all the yuppies out there.

Dunkin Donuts is where it's at.

And GLOCK is in on this anti-marijuana shit? Fuck them too.


Active member
HaHa here is an article about Mr.Mirror stealing material and passing it off as his own, splogging is what they call it lol...


Just playing Devil's Advocate here, but what about this bit (from the original person who posted) at the bottom?

"ekim941, from your buddy Timethief:

(2) If it is an excerpt with a link, don’t worry about it and ignore it, even if the excerpt contains inaccuracies. It would probably be considered “fair use”, and you would be wasting your time trying to stop it. Think of it as advertising for your blog.

looks like this applies to me, they're just excerpting it and linking back. i find this all pretty fascinating!"

If he's excerpting and still giving credit by linking back it's not exactly stealing... :rolleyes:

I apologize for posting here but...

#1 I am a MMj patient who adheres to California law

#2 I am a patient because of a beating I recieved 33 years ago at the hans of police. Imagine Rodney King, but I am white and I wasn't an armed robber fleeing the police.

#3 I have had severe opain for the last 33 years.

#4 Owl Mirror has been virtually trying to build a case against me online.

#5 I was visiting another site 8 years ago and was shocked to see a friend of mines name in it. People online were investigating him. Junior wanna be cop / arm chair detectives

#6 I contacted my friend and told him about it.

#7 On phoney information recieved from that web site . 8 , yes eight county athorities got warrants and rousted my friend. They found out the people online were just nutjobs. My friend recieved no apology from the police.

#8 This guy Richard Owl Mirror growing weed in violation of federal law ( I have his address) wants this site closed down and alot of people here arrested.

#9 I have been a strong advocate here who has tried always to help EVERYONE not get arrested for this herb.

#10 This guy plays this same game on several other sites. He has no real stance on anything...just appose the one thing that any site stands for is fine with him.

#11 I take lame nutcases seriously, IF they are the tenacious type that I have seen ruin lives. For this reason I have left here and will not be back. JUST a little heads up on how AN IDIOT PLUS IDIOT COPS can = unnecessary trouble
Finally .. from my experience nut cases like him need to be nipped in the bud.

Yes, apparently Mr. Owl, the LIAR, was only here to put this site down and discourage us from becoming more active and involved in cannabis political activities.

And now apparently, HE IS THE THIEF. I see where he calls others thieves, yet he is the one copying copyrighted material, which ironically is exactly what caused this whole uproar over Starbucks!

Now, I don't know this Owl Mirror cat. I have been around on these types of forums since the OG days and I haven't come across the guy until now. So I do not know if there is a deep backstory here that I am missing out on. But one thing I have noticed over the years is that the cannabis community seems very quick to jump on a bandwagon without much proof to back it up. This guy very well could be a real prick, but based on what he has said in this thread ALONE I gotta say I agree with most of it.

But the post above by Quest is interesting - I have to ask what proof can be provided that any of the above is true, however. Seems pretty odd to have said something so libelous about the guy without anything to back it up. So can you shed some light here Quest?


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
He forgets that all the years before MMJ was legalized here, that the people he resents now were the ones keeping his bag full before. Maybe not in reality, cause hes a broke dick and smokes schwag for sure, but still. Hes just a hater and a whiny baby, when I get my Aston Martin I will go do doughnuts in his front yard with a naked chick in the passenger seat and a white boy blunt of the finest. :) I might throw out the roach for him.


Active member
Those who support this troll are likely in the same camp, and will also be rooted out if they continue to troll us.

Well you don't need to root me out, I'd be happy to leave of my own volition if I'm one of those "trolls" you're talking about. I'm not "trolling" at all though, for the record, just stating my opinion which happens to be in line with a lot of Owl Mirror's opinions on this subject it seems. If that is grounds for removal from this website, so be it. I would simply implore you to reconsider how you are running this website if that is the standard MO used in this situation. (i.e. someone disagrees with a moderator or the majority of the website on an issue and they are removed because of it)

That concept seems to go against all of the ideals that you appear to believe in and espouse. Just my opinion, that and 98 cents might get you a cup of coffee somewhere. peace


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Im going to assume that comment about banning me was not intended for me. Skip have you not banned him yet it does not say banned under his handle yet.


Active member
Im going to assume that comment about banning me was not intended for me. Skip have you not banned him yet it does not say banned under his handle yet.

The term "banhammer" is commonly used on message boards, it had nothing to do with you ;)


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
That would be the first time I have seen that term in 4 years. Thats why I asked. Good to know as I was not involved with this discussion.


Active member
One thing to remember, Starbucks Corporate did point their finger at their local franchisees saying they might've supported this anti-mmj without corporate knowing about it.

So why should we stop the boycott?

Until whomever it was who supported the anti-mmj campaign comes forward and confesses their involvement and withdraws their support for this group, there is no reason to end the boycott.

We can force Starbucks Corporate to put pressure on whichever franchisees support this group to stop supporting them. Then the boycott will have been a total success, but not until then.


Active member
Seems pretty odd to have said something so libelous about the guy without anything to back it up. So can you shed some light here Quest?
Do I need to point out how his comments about me are libelous/slanderous?


Freedom Fighter
What have I done besides express my views and defend myself from these unwarranted attacks on my character?

I have stood up for you right to your opinion...and spoke out against ppl calling you and others "Cop"...even tho I do not agree with pretty much any of those opinions of yours--
That being said....you have gotten worse and worse with calling others, "Thieves & Criminals"-- Just because we don't share opinions, that is no excuse to initiate personal attacks, then cry when someone calls you something--
Grow the fuck up--:booked:


Active member
Do I need to point out how his comments about me are libelous/slanderous?

I'm not biased towards the guy, I agree some of what he has said is negative and perhaps out of line as well. But truthfully Skip, out of everybody in this thread, you seem to be the worst offender...once again, just my $.02

and ya still didn't answer my other post ;)


Active member
Well you don't need to root me out, I'd be happy to leave of my own volition if I'm one of those "trolls" you're talking about. I'm not "trolling" at all though, for the record, just stating my opinion which happens to be in line with a lot of Owl Mirror's opinions on this subject it seems. If that is grounds for removal from this website, so be it. I would simply implore you to reconsider how you are running this website if that is the standard MO used in this situation. (i.e. someone disagrees with a moderator or the majority of the website on an issue and they are removed because of it)

That concept seems to go against all of the ideals that you appear to believe in and espouse. Just my opinion, that and 98 cents might get you a cup of coffee somewhere. peace

Well anyone who follows someone around on a site, constantly criticizing their posts, might be considered a troll.

I am very aware of tactics used to quell dissent in the USA. So I am very sensitive and respond whenever I see such tactics deployed, esp. on a continuing basis by certain individuals.

They will cloak themselves in the robes of those they are monitoring and do their best to undermine the goals of the group.

They will attack anyone they see as a leader or organizer. They will try to divide the group by making false accusations, and repeat them endlessly.

When all that fails they will smear the group publicly with whatever means are available.

Sound familiar yet?

These are the tactics of COINTELPRO. That organization may no longer exist, but the same tactics are being used by many Gov't agencies today.

So be aware! Don't let the naysayers divide us and sink our movement. We have learned the lessons of the 60s and won't be repeating them now.


Active member
I'm not biased towards the guy, I agree some of what he has said is negative and perhaps out of line as well. But truthfully Skip, out of everybody in this thread, you seem to be the worst offender...once again, just my $.02

and ya still didn't answer my other post ;)

And you keep repeating yourself over and over, yet are providing nothing new of interest to this thread other than criticisms of ppl posting here. I find that suspicious. Esp. when you're not criticizing the argument, but the persons making them.

Maybe you want to change your tone a bit.


Active member
And you keep repeating yourself over and over, yet are providing nothing new of interest to this thread other than criticisms of ppl posting here. I find that suspicious. Esp. when you're not criticizing the argument, but the persons making them.

Maybe you want to change your tone a bit.

Not sure what needs to be provided at this point? Seems that every time proof to the contrary of any of your statements is provided it is ignored and the witch hunt continues anyways. This is a message board, by default it is a community where opinions may be shared, ideally regardless of who they offend. This does not seem to be the case on this particular forum. When I first joined icmag, I was told to do so by an old overgrow buddy, won't mention names. "It's the new OG man!" Not by a long shot. This kind of suppression and fear mongering would never have been allowed on OG. I will not change my "tone" because there is absolutely no reason to. I have been more than cordial throughout the thread. Once again, if you feel that "dissenters" who go against the flow of majority opinion should be removed so as not to "poison the rest of us"...by all means, have at it. I still enjoy the website and the knowledge base offered here but seeing some of the posts in this thread has left a real bad taste in my mouth.


Active member
One thing to remember, Starbucks Corporate did point their finger at their local franchisees saying they might've supported this anti-mmj without corporate knowing about it.

So why should we stop the boycott?

Until whomever it was who supported the anti-mmj campaign comes forward and confesses their involvement and withdraws their support for this group, there is no reason to end the boycott.

We can force Starbucks Corporate to put pressure on whichever franchisees support this group to stop supporting them. Then the boycott will have been a total success, but not until then.

Now that Starbucks head office has disavowed all knowledge and participation in this at a corporte level, you are saying this boycott should continue because of a local franchisee donating a few urns of coffee to some cops?

No, I don't think that's a reasonable stance. Moreover, it does little to improve the plight of medical marijuana patients in Colorado or elsewhere.

All such implacability does is appear to make us look unreasonable.

Does that matter?

That would depend on whether or not you perceive maintaining the reciprocal goodwill of a large corporation (Starbucks Corporation) is a worthy goal.

I do not require a "total success" to deem something a victory. The march to legalization is not an event - it's a process Skip. A process where one cannot see all roads, know all eventualities and plan all contingencies.

I do not see "total success" in any political endeavour as being a wise standard through which to judge and evaluate the broad success of a specific political goal. Why? Because after the fight is over, there is always a tomorrow. I would rather on that tomorrow that large service corporations see us as reasonable consumers to ally with and support, and not as political zealots to shy away from and want nothing to do with.

A time may come in the next decade that we will want Starbucks and others like them actively working on our behalf. Indeed, the recent USSC decision which (mistakenly) deems political speech on behalf of a corporation just as important as the free speech of actual voters demonstrates that going forward, we need the goodwill of such corporations. We sure as hell don't need their indifference, contempt and opposition.

The politics of persuasion seeks to have a party change its stance. The politics of protest is far less about practical realities, and far more about promoting an uncompromising position for its own sake. Protest politics are poorly suited tactics when it comes to making practical use of the democratic process.

Put another way, after you've kicked someone in the balls and have them drop to their knees in pain and muttering/moaning an apology, a wise man offers a hand up and a drink of water -- not an explicit threat to continue the remonstrations.

This sort of unreasonable call to arms in the face of a what can only be described as a quick and compelling victory no longer appears to be reasonable. Instead, it has the appearance of an attempt to exercise political power in the marketplace for its own sake.

It might not be that in fact - but it can certainly look that way to a reasonable person.

Winning graciously is just as important as losing gracefully.


Active member
jd4083 said:
seeing some of the posts in this thread has left a real bad taste in my mouth.
Surely I am not the only person who is looking at Skip's posts with a big "WTF" look on their face. This guy is clearly not in touch with reality.
But truthfully Skip, out of everybody in this thread, you seem to be the worst offender...once again, just my $.02
my god you are clueless
the problem is that he is clearly on a power trip and chose to silence OM instead of refuting his points with FACTS instead of ridiculous emotional arguments that don't even make sense or have any basis in reality
These are only a few of the insults I have taken from you in this thread.

Are you done yet repeating yourself, and criticizing me?

The new Internet tactic these agents have is ensuring that every post you make gets a reply like this.

If you're not an agent then quit acting like one.

All you've contributed to this thread so far is insults to the forum mod and endless repetitions that you support what Owl Mirror says, in every post.
Last edited:


Active member
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No, I don't think that's a reasonable stance. Moreover, it does little to improve the plight of medical marijuana patients.

Fact #1. We don't know it was just an urn of coffee. It could've been thousand of $$$.

Fact #2. The Starbucks logo was at the top of the list of corporate sponsors. I know something about sponsorships, and top billing goes to those who pay the most, without fail.

Fact #3. Starbucks did not deny that their franchisee may have made a donation more than just coffee, although they said that was what CORPORATE would normally donate.

Fact #4. A new Cannabis Cafe has just opened on the same block as a very popular Starbucks. It HAS to have affected their business negatively.

Fact #5. Starbucks does do Drug Testing, and likely it covers cannabis. I find that offensive in general and an invasion of privacy. If someone can't do their job, then fire them, no need for a drug test as an excuse.

Fact #6. We don't know for sure that we have changed any behavior on the part of Starbucks or its franchisees. That is the goal of the boycott. For all we know the franchisee might even donate more to this organization as a response to our protests.

Fact #7. If this group, with support from local Starbucks succeeds in shutting down Colorado's medical marijuana dispensaries (and the new cannabis cafe too), I think it will add to the "plight" of medical marijuana users in that state.

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