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~Star~Crash~ All & Everything


Well-known member
On my way home from picking up a bottle of Scotch I looked towards Cayuga Lake and saw this...maybe not as good as Loriented's pix but a rainbow never the less


Well-known member
You cat is asking when you'll start growing some of the "cat Nip"
When my cat was alive I gave him some catnip which grows wild around my yard. My cat was like a bad drunk on catnip, he would get mean. No more catnip.

So I grew him some oats along side my houseplants, he loved the young oat leaves, they have a sweet taste to them. Even when he was going downhill with cancer and not wanting to eat, he still craved oat leaves. The only problem was he couldn't digest them.

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer

Owner wants to have a long involved meeting today and I was not even going to come in. So I got here early and waiting waiting. Someone told me he left for vacation. Wtf. So now I'm waiting to make sure I guess. I'd like to take off and tell him to take a long walk off a short pier but I've been trying to be nice and what not. Guy has zero problem wasting people's time and that drives me straight nannercakes.

Hope you all are getting ready for a nice Thanksgiving!

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
Whew, just chopped and hung 17 plants out of the 750 hps room. Got it done in one shot which is an improvement. Usually have to come home and rest for a bit.
Tells me the plants are a little lighter and I’m okay with that. Nice thing about having another room online is I don’t feel the need to squeeze every gram outta these plants anymore.
Evening all.