first-hand testimony from witness' and personal experience on my part are going to be very difficult for you to challenge.
there was significant spraying going on today across Washington state and I recorded a massive ring around the sun from the haze created by the chemtrails.
The problem is that pictures by themselves are not evidence of anything that cannot be readily explained by atmospheric science , but a lack of knowledge leads to wild assumptions of evil intent.
Suggest you read a book on meteorology and educate yourself , the subject is not that difficult to comprehend , basic maths and reading skills will suffice.
You will discover a century of accumulated atmospheric facts and peer reviewed science from around the world that explains all the features you can see in the sky.
Or you could base your knowledge on websites with no science , no peer reviewed evidence or checking of facts and sources , with an agenda based on fear and driving traffic to their sites , or some random videos on the tube.
Its very easy for anyone with a camera to post there or on youtube , and be told how clever you are by others with no knowledge of meteorology or aircraft , but a general fear of science and government.
It has become a popular CT mainly because it is so easy to become part of with the ubiquity of digital cameras , just post a pic of a contrail and you are an instant hero , not many chances to photo aliens or the NWO in action.
If I showed you hundreds of pictures of Easter eggs , could I convince you the Easter bunny was real ?
aren't you clever?
Compared to the lack of knowledge expressed on infowars I am a fucking genius.