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ICMag Donor
first-hand testimony from witness' and personal experience on my part are going to be very difficult for you to challenge.

there was significant spraying going on today across Washington state and I recorded a massive ring around the sun from the haze created by the chemtrails.

The problem is that pictures by themselves are not evidence of anything that cannot be readily explained by atmospheric science , but a lack of knowledge leads to wild assumptions of evil intent.

Suggest you read a book on meteorology and educate yourself , the subject is not that difficult to comprehend , basic maths and reading skills will suffice.

You will discover a century of accumulated atmospheric facts and peer reviewed science from around the world that explains all the features you can see in the sky.

Or you could base your knowledge on websites with no science , no peer reviewed evidence or checking of facts and sources , with an agenda based on fear and driving traffic to their sites , or some random videos on the tube.

Its very easy for anyone with a camera to post there or on youtube , and be told how clever you are by others with no knowledge of meteorology or aircraft , but a general fear of science and government.

It has become a popular CT mainly because it is so easy to become part of with the ubiquity of digital cameras , just post a pic of a contrail and you are an instant hero , not many chances to photo aliens or the NWO in action.

If I showed you hundreds of pictures of Easter eggs , could I convince you the Easter bunny was real ?

aren't you clever?

Compared to the lack of knowledge expressed on infowars I am a fucking genius.


Kiss My Ring
The problem is that pictures by themselves are not evidence of anything that cannot be readily explained by atmospheric science , but a lack of knowledge leads to wild assumptions of evil intent.

Suggest you read a book on meteorology and educate yourself , the subject is not that difficult to comprehend , basic maths and reading skills will suffice.

You will discover a century of accumulated atmospheric facts and peer reviewed science from around the world that explains all the features you can see in the sky.

Or you could base your knowledge on websites with no science , no peer reviewed evidence or checking of facts and sources , with an agenda based on fear and driving traffic to their sites , or some random videos on the tube.

Its very easy for anyone with a camera to post there or on youtube , and be told how clever you are by others with no knowledge of meteorology or aircraft , but a general fear of science and government.

It has become a popular CT mainly because it is so easy to become part of with the ubiquity of digital cameras , just post a pic of a contrail and you are an instant hero , not many chances to photo aliens or the NWO in action.

If I showed you hundreds of pictures of Easter eggs , could I convince you the Easter bunny was real ?

Compared to the lack of knowledge expressed on infowars I am a fucking genius.

I wasn't referring to pictures GENIOUS! I was referring to firsthand eyewitness, see for yourself, shit in the sky testimony.

you've now called me a liar and insinuated a lack of intelligence.

nice of you to show up and explain to all the kids that the stuff they're breathing is just air...

as far as educating myself, I've managed far better than accepting what MSM and such present. your pathetic reliance on "settled science" and "peer reviewed" pulp no longer suffices.

Publishers withdraw more than 120 gibberish papers

Conference proceedings removed from subscription databases after scientist reveals that they were computer-generated.

24 February 2014 Updated:
  1. 25 February 2014
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The publishers Springer and IEEE are removing more than 120 papers from their subscription services after a French researcher discovered that the works were computer-generated nonsense.
Over the past two years, computer scientist Cyril Labbé of Joseph Fourier University in Grenoble, France, has catalogued computer-generated papers that made it into more than 30 published conference proceedings between 2008 and 2013. Sixteen appeared in publications by Springer, which is headquartered in Heidelberg, Germany, and more than 100 were published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), based in New York. Both publishers, which were privately informed by Labbé, say that they are now removing the papers.


Among the works were, for example, a paper published as a proceeding from the 2013 International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering, held in Chengdu, China. (The conference website says that all manuscripts are “reviewed for merits and contents”.) The authors of the paper, entitled ‘TIC: a methodology for the construction of e-commerce’, write in the abstract that they “concentrate our efforts on disproving that spreadsheets can be made knowledge-based, empathic, and compact”. (Nature News has attempted to contact the conference organizers and named authors of the paper but received no reply*; however at least some of the names belong to real people. The IEEE has now removed the paper).
*Update: One of the named authors replied to Nature News on 25 February. He said that he first learned of the article when conference organizers notified his university in December 2013; and that he does not know why he was a listed co-author on the paper. "The matter is being looked into by the related investigators," he said.
How to create a nonsense paper

Labbé developed a way to automatically detect manuscripts composed by a piece of software called SCIgen, which randomly combines strings of words to produce fake computer-science papers. SCIgen was invented in 2005 by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge to prove that conferences would accept meaningless papers — and, as they put it, “to maximize amusement” (see ‘Computer conference welcomes gobbledegook paper’). A related program generates random physics manuscript titles on the satirical website arXiv vs. snarXiv. SCIgen is free to download and use, and it is unclear how many people have done so, or for what purposes. SCIgen’s output has occasionally popped up at conferences, when researchers have submitted nonsense papers and then revealed the trick.
Labbé does not know why the papers were submitted — or even if the authors were aware of them. Most of the conferences took place in China, and most of the fake papers have authors with Chinese affiliations. Labbé has emailed editors and authors named in many of the papers and related conferences but received scant replies; one editor said that he did not work as a program chair at a particular conference, even though he was named as doing so, and another author claimed his paper was submitted on purpose to test out a conference, but did not respond on follow-up. Nature has not heard anything from a few enquiries.
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“I wasn’t aware of the scale of the problem, but I knew it definitely happens. We do get occasional e-mails from good citizens letting us know where SCIgen papers show up,” says Jeremy Stribling, who co-wrote SCIgen when he was at MIT and now works at VMware, a software company in Palo Alto, California.
“The papers are quite easy to spot,” says Labbé, who has built a website where users can test whether papers have been created using SCIgen. His detection technique, described in a study1 published in Scientometrics in 2012, involves searching for characteristic vocabulary generated by SCIgen. Shortly before that paper was published, Labbé informed the IEEE of 85 fake papers he had found. Monika Stickel, director of corporate communications at IEEE, says that the publisher “took immediate action to remove the papers” and “refined our processes to prevent papers not meeting our standards from being published in the future”. In December 2013, Labbé informed the IEEE of another batch of apparent SCIgen articles he had found. Last week, those were also taken down, but the web pages for the removed articles give no explanation for their absence.
Ruth Francis, UK head of communications at Springer, says that the company has contacted editors, and is trying to contact authors, about the issues surrounding the articles that are coming down. The relevant conference proceedings were peer reviewed, she confirms — making it more mystifying that the papers were accepted.
The IEEE would not say, however, whether it had contacted the authors or editors of the suspected SCIgen papers, or whether submissions for the relevant conferences were supposed to be peer reviewed. “We continue to follow strict governance guidelines for evaluating IEEE conferences and publications,” Stickel said.
A long history of fakes

Labbé is no stranger to fake studies. In April 2010, he used SCIgen to generate 102 fake papers by a fictional author called Ike Antkare [see pdf]. Labbé showed how easy it was to add these fake papers to the Google Scholar database, boosting Ike Antkare’s h-index, a measure of published output, to 94 — at the time, making Antkare the world's 21st most highly cited scientist. Last year, researchers at the University of Granada, Spain, added to Labbé’s work, boosting their own citation scores in Google Scholar by uploading six fake papers with long lists to their own previous work2.
Labbé says that the latest discovery is merely one symptom of a “spamming war started at the heart of science” in which researchers feel pressured to rush out papers to publish as much as possible.
There is a long history of journalists and researchers getting spoof papers accepted in conferences or by journals to reveal weaknesses in academic quality controls — from a fake paper published by physicist Alan Sokal of New York University in the journal Social Text in 1996, to a sting operation by US reporter John Bohannon published in Science in 2013, in which he got more than 150 open-access journals to accept a deliberately flawed study for publication.
Labbé emphasizes that the nonsense computer science papers all appeared in subscription offerings. In his view, there is little evidence that open-access publishers — which charge fees to publish manuscripts — necessarily have less stringent peer review than subscription publishers.
Labbé adds that the nonsense papers were easy to detect using his tools, much like the plagiarism checkers that many publishers already employ. But because he could not automatically download all papers from the subscription databases, he cannot be sure that he has spotted every SCIgen-generated paper.

Journal name:NatureDOI:doi:10.1038/nature.2014.14763

none of the videos were random. what foolishness! all were relevant to the op.

...and this isn't about conspiracy theories...

...it's far from theory, it is science fact. I propose you go back to school and learn manners.

couldn't you just send me the easter eggs and i'll call you the easter bunny?

how does attacking the messenger disprove the message?

look up at the sky.

...btw, please reference your choice of meteorology book, GENIOUS.:biggrin:


ICMag Donor
I wasn't referring to pictures GENIOUS! I was referring to firsthand eyewitness, see for yourself, shit in the sky testimony.

Does not matter if its pics , videos or observation.
From the ground you have no way of telling the composition of what you are seeing , but will happily jump to the worst conclusion no matter how illogical it is.

By your standards it would be obvious that the stars revolved around the earth.

and this isn't about conspiracy theories

Thats all you post , from vacines to chemtrails and everything in between.

you've now called me a liar and insinuated a lack of intelligence.

I did not make it personal , but if the cap fits . .
I just find you kind of sad.


btw, please reference your choice of meteorology book, GENIOUS

In your case i suggest you start here and work up .


how does attacking the messenger disprove the message?

Developing a persecution complex now , better up the meds.
You will be getting morgellons next.

Or you could try these , sone of many products makeing money out of chemtrails , this ones a bit pricey , guess encoding your DNA is expensive.

Biophoton Analyzer will Antidote the Toxic Effects of Chemtrails and other Environmental Hazards

The biophoton analyzer can be used to create antidotes for environmental toxins both indoors and outdoors. The residue from chemtrails and other outdoor pollutants are collected on coffee filter paper for about a week.

Indoor dust and residue is collected by pressing cellophane tape onto areas in your home or office that have collected dust for a while (the corners of rooms are good). These samples are placed in the input well of the Biophoton Analyer along with a sample of your hair.

The machine scans the toxic frequencies and creates cancelling frequencies and encodes them with your DNA and places them in water or other substances. Keeping yourself hydrated with the cancelling frequencies minimizes or eliminates the toxic effects of those frequencies in your environment.

This one is only 15 dollars a bottle..


HAARP would be better debunked in a separate thread , though the chemers like to link them as a confusion tactic.

Hope I have been of help.
The problem is that pictures by themselves are not evidence of anything that cannot be readily explained by atmospheric science , but a lack of knowledge leads to wild assumptions of evil intent.

Suggest you read a book on meteorology and educate yourself , the subject is not that difficult to comprehend , basic maths and reading skills will suffice.

You will discover a century of accumulated atmospheric facts and peer reviewed science from around the world that explains all the features you can see in the sky.

Or you could base your knowledge on websites with no science , no peer reviewed evidence or checking of facts and sources , with an agenda based on fear and driving traffic to their sites , or some random videos on the tube.

Its very easy for anyone with a camera to post there or on youtube , and be told how clever you are by others with no knowledge of meteorology or aircraft , but a general fear of science and government.

It has become a popular CT mainly because it is so easy to become part of with the ubiquity of digital cameras , just post a pic of a contrail and you are an instant hero , not many chances to photo aliens or the NWO in action.

If I showed you hundreds of pictures of Easter eggs , could I convince you the Easter bunny was real ?

Compared to the lack of knowledge expressed on infowars I am a fucking genius.

Foomar, there is no point arguing with the stupid. All we can do is pray that they never breed. The lovely thing with nutty shit like the chemtrail conspiracy theory, is that it immediately tells you about the intellect of someone you are talking to. If they say they believe in it then you know that you N-E-E-D T-O S-P-E-A-K R-E-A-L-L-Y S-L-O-W-L-Y and avoid using words of more than one syllable so that they'll (maybe) understand you.


ICMag Donor
And you are beyond redemption .

This is my favourite antidote , serious woo.


But ChemBuster has to be “activated” before use. How do you activate it? By purchasing an “orgone energy generator,” setting the bottle next to it, and turning it on, which will “potentiate” it, increasing its strength by a factor of ten (following the mathematical principle that 10 x 0 = 0).

At this point, I should mention that the “orgone energy generator” uses the power of gemstones to “collect, concentrate, transmute and radiate all ambient subtle energy into life force,” and that the person who came up with the idea of “orgone,” Wilhelm Reich, believed that it was the “life energy” that was released suddenly during an orgasm. I’m not making this up, by the way. So here we have a claim that combines four ridiculous ideas — homeopathy + chemtrails + gemstone energies + orgone.

All this for 27 dollars a bottle , or less in bulk.

Or you could just hang up some vinegar soaked rags , guaranteed to destroy chemtrails at 30 000 feet and fifty miles away.
Tell me one thing, these chemtrails, how come I never see them when planes land/take off? There is clearly a way to deactivate them, so who controls this, the pilot, co-pilot, radio controlled from somewhere?

How do the chemicals get introduced to the engine exhaust? From where are all of these chemicals sourced? Must be some super awesome secret keepers at the company that produces enough shit for all of the planes in the world yet hasn't told anyone. As a grower, I wish everyone I knew was that good at keeping secrets.


Kiss My Ring
EU Conference on Weather Modification and Geo-Engineering

Christof Lehmann (nsnbc)-. On 8 – 9 April a conference was held at the European Parliament, under the title “Beyond Theories of Weather Modification – Civil Society against Geo-Engineering”. The conference reassessed a 1999 resolution and lack from both the sides of legislators and military to safeguard transparency and democratic control over classified programs, which affect entire populations without consent, democratic influence, or access to verifiable information and data.

EU member states governments covering up the obvious by silent complicity

The conference began on 8 April, with an official screening of the documentary “Why in the World are they Spraying ?” of the US-American filmmaker Michael Murphy.

The conference was held under the aegis of the parliamentary group “The Greens/European Free Alliance”, which is an alliance of European Green Parties and Liberal Parties.

Speakers at the conference included EU parliamentarians Tatjana Zdanoka from Lativia, who is a member of the Committee of Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, Werner Schulz from Germany, who is a member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Francois Alfonsi, who is a member of the Committee on Regional Development, the municipal councilor Linda Leblanc, who is the secretary of the Green Party of Cyprus, the former ambassador of the Ukraine in Greece and deputy president of the Green Party of the Ukraine, Valerie Tsybukh, Giulietto Chiesa, who is a former EU parliamentarian and the president of the “Alternativa” alliance, Wayne Hall from Greece, who is the coordinator of the website “Enouranois“, Josefina Fraile from Spain, who is an independent environmental research manager of the International Platform against Climate Modification “Skyguards“, as well as Claire Henrion from France, who is the president of the association ACSEIPICA, and others.

The conference was held as an outcome of the collaboration between civil society organizations, who were coming together under the international platform “Skyguards”, in collaboration with the “Alternative” alliance.

The primary objective of the conference was to continue the work that had been started in 1998 by the European Parliament´s Committee on Foreign Affairs, Security and Defence Policy, which culminated in the adoption of the “Resolution on the Environment, Security and Foreign Policy” on 14 January 1999, with Maj Britt Theorin as rapporteur.

2013-04-09-113601 - Skyguards - Q&A After Conference 01Lack of Democratic Instruments, Democratic Rights and Transparency within the European Union.

The motion for a resolution has been ignored since 1999 and until this day, which elicits an acute lack of democratic rights, democratic instruments, as well as an acute lack of transparency within the European Union.

The motion for a resolution has been ignored despite the fact that it demanded an exacting investigation of its findings on military experiments being carried out in the atmosphere, despite the fact that it emphasized the need for protection of the population, public health and the environment, and despite the fact that it highlighted the need for citizens to be given the means to determine the purpose, extent, and significance of these experiments. Since 1999 however, no measure for securing transparency has been adopted.

What has happened since 1999 however, is that there has occurred a significant distribution of disinformation about the military´s atmospheric experiments, which indicates that well proven and highly effective techniques of social engineering by misinformation and by positioning concerned citizens as objects of ridicule have been implemented, along with European Union members governments consequent denial of the obvious, which is visible for everyone who observes the sky above Europe on a standard day.

The motion for a resolution was also ignored despite of the fact that evidence was presented at the conference of how the atmosphere of the Earth has become a terrain for experimentation, which is threatening public health, evidence for the clandestine spraying with substances of unknown composition and for undisclosed purposes. Studies which have been part of the presented evidence have documented the increased presence of aluminium and other metals in the environment. So far, no peer reviewed studies about the long-term effect on human health and the environment have been published, while the spraying continues with increased intensity.

Lack of the most elementary precautionary principles. Both the 1999 and the 2013 conference condemned the sophisticated military activity which is being carried out in defiance of the most elementary precautionary principles. The conference also addressed new weapons systems which focus on the military use of the ionosphere, such as the HAARP program, based in Alaska, and its pendant near the Norwegian city of Troms and elsewhere.

The participants of the conference demanded, that the motion of 14 January 1999 be implemented, given the abundance of documentary evidence existing today, that underlines the seriousness of the problem. The conference participants emphasized, that the European Parliament has at its disposal the legal instrument of the parliamentary committee of inquiry and the demand was submitted, that such a committee be established without further delay.

Absent substantial public pressure or a catastrophic development however, even a parliamentary inquiry is unlikely to yield results which would protect the population from the effects of continued military experimentation. An acute lack of democratic instruments within the EU system, the delegation of important decisions to un-elected commissioners being one of them, the lack of the EU parliament and EU citizens influence over NATO led military activities being the other, and a general lack of transparency with regard to classified military operations in EU countries in general are only a few of the primary stumbling blocks for progress with regard to the question of geo-engineering and weather modification. That is, in spite of the fact that these operations or experiments may have a direct impact on the general population. Participants of the conference emphasized the need for public information and initiative.

Some of the speakers at the conference indicated, that they will attempt to draw the attention of the European public opinion to what they perceive as violation of European principles, as an attack on the environment and health of citizens, and as silence of complicity by concealment of extremely serious wrongdoing, involving legal and penal responsibility.
So the EU parliament has a handful of crazies that believe in chemtrails? No surprise, it has a lot more members that believe in even crazier shit - holocaust denial etc.

That article presents absolutely NO proof of chemtrails, just that 2 members of the EU parliament (out of 766) have agreed with the CT. But when you have MEPs like this guy:


it's not really a surprise that they found a couple dumb and crazy enough to believe that there is a worldwide conspiracy to control the weather. I can't believe just saying that out loud doesn't make you feel absolutely effing retarded.


Kiss My Ring
SKYGUARDS demands from the European Parliament protection for European Civil Society
In its petition presented on Monday 13th May, Terra SOS-tenible, Skyguards and Alternativa asked the European Parliament to investigate the facts reported, which pose a threat to the health, security and integrity of European citizens, all of which are being violated and denied by the governments of member states.
The facts in question pertain to clandestine aerial spraying in the context of weather modification programs which have now been deployed by the military for over a decade in European skies within the framework of NATO, without the knowledge or informed consent of citizens, outside of any legality, and disregarding the most elementary precautionary principle.
This is the second time within a month that this petition is being presented to the European Parliament by the above associations. The first time was in the context of a conference entitled “Beyond theories of weather modification – Civil society versus geoengineering” – which took place in Brussels on 8th & 9th April, patronized by Mrs. Tatjana Zdanoka of the Greens / EFA Group.
In the introductory letter to the petition, the signatories say that Mrs. Zdanoka dared to patronize this conference when nobody else in the European Parliament would have done it - given the content and the players behind it. But, by doing this she gave meaning and hope for the very existence of an institution that is losing ground for European citizens, who feel betrayed by their European political representatives, given that these representatives seem to be defending personal, party, and corporate interests, instead of defending the common good.
As we said at the conference, we are part of the 43% minority who voted for that Parliament in 2009, and we still want to be among your voters in 2014, in spite of the growing euro-skepticism, and generalized political discontent.. However, we need to feel that the Parliament of European citizens will listen to us, and defend the common good. What common good could be more important to people than health and security?
In the European year of Citizens we hope that the European Parliament will accept our petition and agree to our appeal.
It is our turn now, as citizens affected by these indefensible policies , to support this petition all over Europe. Only nationals and residents of EU Member States can sign it. Within this perspective we have prepared a short version for the sake of saving paper. Please download it, sign it and send it by email to [email protected] or by postal mail to SKYGUARDS – Plaza de la Paz, 16 – 34886 Velilla del Río Carrión (Palencia) SPAIN.
We encourage you to sign online too. This signature does not have legal validity but it will be of some use for increasing political pressure. - THANK YOU!

The Platform

SKYGUARDS is an international civic platform created to take action against weather modification activities such clandestine aerial spraying, as they constitute a threat to public health, and to life on the planet. Within this perspective it will promote synergies with other groups at a global level to give global answers and put an end to this horror. Our focus will be on political action, research, evidence accumulation, court reporting, awareness rising, and social opposition.

Skyguards has no political or religious affiliations. It does not entertain conspiracy, mystical, paranormal, or climate change theories. It engages exclusively in confronting the facts and consequences of geoengineering and taking action at all possible levels. Any association or individual sharing its objectives can subscribe to it.

The facts are that people have been sprayed upon for decades without their knowledge or consent and in defiance of the most basic precautionary principle, violating all fundamental human rights to physical and psychical integrity enshrined in national charters and international conventions. The consequences of this spraying on people´s health and on life on the planet in general are incalculable.

In skyguards the use of terms is important. They must allow for comprehension and be accurate. We therefore will talk about clandestine aerial spraying and not about chemtrails. The word “spraying” does not need to be explained and provides a better definition of the intentionality and its consequences. The “contrails vs chemtrails” debate is a futile distraction, introduced by those responsible for this horror as a means of gaining time, misinforming people and dividing scientists and public opinion. Meanwhile spraying not only continues but gets heavier.



Persistent contrails have been around long before jets , these from WW2 , the science was well understood before that.

these images are easily doctored btw but on your defense weather modification has been around longer than WW2, according to the patents.


Kiss My Ring
these images are easily doctored btw but on your defense weather modification has been around longer than WW2, according to the patents.

hey! remember when fuel was chock full of heavy metals?
yeah, they hung around same as what they are spraying now.

they are hard at it again today.


Read the evergreen air program bit carefully.

I never knew they used commerical sized planes for tackling fires? thats new to me?

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