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SR71 Strainguide and Clones

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Bulldog11 said:
Sorry about my response. I have had a tuff week and I did not mean to offend you. I do agree that I would be pissed if I vegged for 2 months and then grew 2nd grade meds. So I thank you for your advice. I have heard of OGorganics before and I also believe Swerve is another quality grower. I don't think I can drive to So Cal any time soon, do these guys ever come to the bay? Anyway, take care and Happy Halloween everybody.

No offense taken and I'm not that thin-skinned in any case.

There are too few outlets in these parts for many of the better clone suppliers to be interested. Isn't swerve retired from supplying clones?




Active member
If swerve is retired that is to bad, he had a lot of quality cuts.

I went to SR-71 today and they had a nice selection of clones. They had Hindu Skunk, Shiva skunk, Querkle, Jack the Ripper, Purple Kush, and white widow. All were very healthy and it seemed like there was plenty to go around. All cuts were $12 except for the PK, PK is $20. Everybody was nice and helpful as always. Peace out.




Ok have gone to the blue sky
for like 4 random times, early - late
to get the deep chunk, never there
so this last time i picked up a few bubblegum
got them vegging currently they look really good
but the question is this, will they get the job done
and get me stoned, the pk and the hindu did the job
I searched this thread, but nothing recent on this strain.

peace and thanks


the bubblegum will get you stoned, but like stoney stoned don't leave the couch stoned. It can stupify you. For me it was almost too intense, I guess I prefer the more uppity stones or highs. This one just rendered me non functional. It is a great yield too with chunky big buds, surprisingly got pretty tall for an indica dominant. You'll be pleased with the sweet bubblegum smell too. Have fun!

I just picked up some Jack the Rippers yesterday. Anyone grow this one yet? Any tips?
Haven't grown that one yet, just the Ak47, White Widow, Bubblegum, Purple Kush and soon to be Jack the Ripper from Blue Sky

Sounds yummy from the booklet though


New member
my boy grew one of those outdoors this season, he said it got really dark...like darker than the purp dark... says it tastes great, no good details about the yield, haven't smoked any of it myself either...


I've got a few observations about the DC x SC. I harvested and she's drying right now, so I haven't tried any yet. That said, the yield looks to be good, given my relatively weak light (120 watts CFL). Before harvest she purpled up nicely, and the smell was amazing. Also amazingly strong - if odor is a problem for you do not grow this plant.

Also interesting, at least to me, is how she clones. I've been vegging out a mom while the grow was going on just in case I liked the plant. Since I do I've cut some clones, along with some AK47 and PK, and I'm rooting them in my little DIY aerocloner. After about 10 days the AK hasn't rooted at all, but still looks healthy so I'm not too worried. The PK has just started rooting - mostly just nubs. The DC, though, is rooting like crazy. The clones are admittedly looking worse than the other two strains, but now that they're rooted I'm sure they'll perk right up.

Quick rooting, easy to grow, and high yielding - she's going to be my go-to plant for a while unless the smoke is terrible. But based on the smell at harvest and the sugar coating I'm not worried about that at all.

Edited to add: Well, since I was posting about it I checked and everything was dry. I trimmed away the stems and weighed it, and it didn't turn out to be all that good a yield. I got 1.05 oz, compared to 1.12 oz with my last run, and that wasn't all that great a yield either. Since I need about an ounce to keep up with my usage during the next grow this isn't too bad, but it doesn't leave much wiggle room. Smells great, though.
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Any word on the new SR71/Blue Sky catalog? In an advertisement it said they had one out, along with DJ Short seeds now too. I want to know if they will offer any new strains.From rumor, I heard they were going to start offering Headband and a solid OG cut. The place I purchase my SR71 clones from just got in a "3 Leaf OG" and they claim its from SR71 as well.Any help is appreciated! Check out my sig/grow for SR71 strains in week 6 flowering......


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RiZlLA - I picked up a new catalog from the blue sky and they do have new strains but not Headband or OG cut. I received this catalog about 2 weeks ago so it is pretty up to date. The clone strains consist of AK-47, Bubblegum, Shiva Skunk, Deep Chunk X Strawberry Cough, Hindu Skunk, Jack the Ripper (new), Purple Kush, Querkle (new), and White Widow. Seed strains consist of D.J. Short Seeds: Blueberry, Flo and Vanilluna. Hope this helps.


New member


You rock Bulldog11.....

If anyone has any word on the quality of the new cuts or the quality of the Dj Short beans they are stocking , please let everyone know!

Drop a word........cuz the bird is the word
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I am currently growing the Jack the Ripper also. I have read through this thread and people say that it is a slow veg. I am not getting these same results, I find it to be a very fast veg. They are only two weeks old and all have been topped and they are already 12" tall. I also hear they stretch out a lot when flowered, 3x. If this is true I am in for a tall crop. Any feed back would be great.


I grew the Rip and its about 5 and a half weeks in...

I vegetated this clone for about a week and a half then threw her in 12/12 with some
church that i had going. The result of throwing her in so small was a 3x stretch
and what looks to be like a 10"-12" main cola! (however i am more than likely
just getting ahead of myself, as always) The hairs are very long and plentiful
and look like they will ripen to be some nice nugs...

I started them under 250w cfl dangling inches from them and they shot right
up around them and had to be trained. Probably grew from 6" to just over
2' in the stretch!

Currently i have a second round starting flowreing, 3x JTR beween dangling CFL
and 3x JTR under a 150w HPS. All with 4 weeks of vegetation and topped as
they went into flower... so hang tight a week or so and will post results!

This is all JTR and in the front are my topped plants with 4 weeks veg, on the
right if you can see thats JTR flowered at 6" (trained and pointing away from
camera)now standing over 2' :joint:

Note: All these plants are clones purchased the same day...
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Is it still wise to get to SR early (6:30) and get a number?? I went today and they were out by 10:30, the time I got there.
Thanks for the info.


Active member
It is always wise to show up early if you really want something specific. During the beginning of the outdoor season they are way, way more busy. When I showed up an hour early a couple of weeks ago, I was #3 in line and got what I wanted. I only picked up a couple however. The more you need the closer to #1 in line you should be. Hope this helps.


New member
I will be driving down to SR-71 this weekend from Chico area and want to get WW clones does anybody know if they usually have the WW in stock seems like they sell out of the others first.
I grew the HK/S1 it had a mildew as soon as the weather turned cool. The WW seem to be more resistent.

HK/S#1@ 57 days

WW@ 60 days
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