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SR71 Strainguide and Clones

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clones available today

clones available today

Took a 3 hour ride today and visited sr-71 and Care to see what they had to offer

Sr-71 Menu

hindu skunk
shiva a
shiva b
deep chunk x strawberry cough
white widow


the church
sour diesel
grandaddy purple
there was some others but none interesting enough to remember apparently

I picked up some hindu skunk,shiva b,deep chunk x strawberry cough,sour d,and the church

one problem though is I picked up the shiva b on a buddies reccomendation but I dont know if it is big shiva,shuga shiva or candy shiva???
anyone know which one it is?
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classy grass
I've got a menu here that says it's Shiva Skunk (NL5xSk1). A, B, and C are different phenos from the same pack of 2006 Sensi Seeds SS. It says of the 'B' pheno: "Though a lower yielding plant, it more than makes up for it with copious resin production and excellent sweet pineapple-candy taste and bouquet. Very fast maturation time."

Never grown it out, but it looks like you got a nice selection of goodies. Nice score!


I have grown out Church and the pheno B, i must also state that i am originally
from CT so gentics on the westcoast are amazing even if some are innacurate...
but for medical strains I felt pheno B and church are both slow vegetating and
not the biggest yielders. I am giving church another round now and trying out
the JackTheRipper cuts now.

Pheno B smells like pineapple, and is a great buzz, church (i ordered it off
greenhouse seeds) blows up in the first four weeks of 12/12, but never really
gains mass in the last few weeks which is disappointing, also when you
medicate with church do not expect instant results, give it a few min then it
will get you. Thats the story with the JTR too i hear... :joint:


I have grown the Shiva pheno A and the yield was Great but the taste and the high left somthing to be desired. Wish i would of gone with B or C.


230-some-odd posts and here's my first picture.

This is the DC at day 35 of flower. Because of heat problems I'm growing her under only 120 watts of CFL. My reflector is pretty good, though, so that's something. The picture doesn't do her justice - the areas around the buds are really thick with trics. She's been smelling for two weeks and she's now strong enough that you don't have to put your face right up to her. Since I normally grow under HPS I've got a whole lot of air moving through there, so she must really reek at this point.

With the nutes she's gone through a couple of phases, dropping from 1200 to 1050, to 900ppm. Other than the adjustments with each of those stages she's very consistent. She hasn't had problems, really, even though the temperature and humidity have been high. I'm quite happy with her.



Bong Smoking News Hound
deep chunk nice! Anyone have a smoke and flavor report on this bad boy from the old sr71?


Shes almost their and I also hit this PK with pollen from my Bubba x Bluemoonshine from Bodhi seeds . Zoo

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The revolution will not be televised.....
Real frosty lookin there Leonidas/Zoo!! Where did you pick up the seeds from Bhodi at if you dont mind me askin?


Went in to Blue Sky today and picked up 2 Jack the ripper and 2 Querkle. They had full trays of AK-47, Hindu Skunk, Shiva Skunk B or C (no longer carries pheno. A), Bubble Gum, JTR, Querkle, Deep Chunk x Strawberry cough. They were out of PK. The guy me if i wanted some Pk that i need to show up when they open.


clones that I picked up were infected with thrips :fsu: so be sure to quarantine and treat accordingly. I lost two hindus and am not very happy but I am not complaining. I will be back for more clones, just wanted to give everyone the heads up and dont say I didnt tell you beforehand.


i cant wait to move up there. im gonna be like a kid in multiple candy stores :)


I got 2 Querkle and 2 Jack the ripper in flower right now. they both are looking very healthy and i will let everyone how these work out.


Active member
how does SR71 PK differ from Urkle....i have heard they are very similar.
very nice looking leonidas.....you are very close to enjoying some sweet treats!

oh ya....what temps are needed for purpling?
been getting leaf curl this time on hindu shunk.and lower branches breaking? i aint doin anything different...does anyone have this ? its just on H.S.


hey guys...ive left my pk outdoors for the longest time now...but the buds still only have shades of purple..but overall green. other than that the crystal formation has left nothing to ask for...so outdoors have you all found that the PK doesn't purple up as solidly as indoors?


Active member
I have tried to pick up some Qurkle cuts, but every time I make the trip there is no more qurkle. Has anybody else been able to buy Qurkle cuts? Does anybody have any pics of Qurlke? I just picked up the new book DANK by subcool, and they have some nice things to say about the Qurkle. Same with Jack the Ripper. Any advice would be great.


Active member
No offense intended Bulldog11, but it might be better to get your evaluation of subcool's offerings from someone other than subcool, don't you think?
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