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Spider mites AKA The Borg


wow great thread thank you very much. i have been using just neem oil/water/soap to kill them off and it has done pretty well but i will definitely be adding the organnacide to my shelves


New member
hey there, if somebody could let me know how late into flower I can use floramite?, I appreciate it, I only have four plants but damn it's my first grow and I already got the f@#$^&g BORG.
Great product from Ed Rosenthal!

Great product from Ed Rosenthal!

I just had my first "attack" of spider mites...couldn't believe it, but then again, considering the conditions, now I can't believe it only happened once! (not overly-clean, very humid atmosphere, no vent....all, my bad)

Anyway! I'm in no way connected to the promotion of this product. I just called up my local grow shop and asked if they had anything to combat this problem. They said they'd heard good things about this product.

It's called ZeroTolerance and it's totally natural with food grade essential oils. It's not cheap, at $20 a quart, but it worked great, and smelled even better. (Cloves and cinnamon....I may even use it as a room freshener, I liked it that much!)

Anyway, here's the website:www.z-tolerance.com

Hope I haven't violated any ICMAG rules about giving out other websites, it's just that this is a very worthwhile product.

Grow on, people!
johnathanvpr said:
hey there, if somebody could let me know how late into flower I can use floramite?, I appreciate it, I only have four plants but damn it's my first grow and I already got the f@#$^&g BORG.

Grabbed floramite off ebay. Got a good ass deal. You can use it up to 3 1/2 weeks into flower. When i first got them i was in flower, and had to. No problems at all and it worked perfectly. Good luck.
any suggestions for mite control during mid flowering? im gona get some ladybugs they seem like they would help control the population atleast. any other suggestions?


any suggestions for mite control during mid flowering? im gona get some ladybugs they seem like they would help control the population atleast. any other suggestions?
Ladybugs MIGHT eat spider mites if they're almost starving. A sure thing would be predator mites or spider mite predator beetles(Stethorus punctillum).


I fucking HATE mites! I always had a few of them but kept in control... this run they completely devoured a foot tall purps... it was like a goddamn mite motel yet the rest of the plants are fine; I think I must have missed spraying the purps or maybe it was just really stressed/vulnerable...completely BURSTING with mites lol.

I'm using neem every week regardless of whether I see em or not (till week 4 of flower.)


ladybugs are notorious for flying off. the predator mites are the best bet if using beneficial insects. problem with predator mites is they like a very humid enviornment to make them aggressive, and most gardeners go to great length to keep their enviornment dry as possible, thereby decreasing their effectiveness. not to mention that most all beneficials are slow performers. since the cycle of the plant is a fast one, many have paid a lot of money for bugs and simply have seen no evidence of deinfestation. if you must use ladybugs, they're cute and entertaining at any rate, try rinsing them in coke or pepsi briefly (don't drown them). the sugary syrup in the colas (no pun intended...yes it was ;) glues their wings down for a while so they can't escape as easily. but remember they can move around and will climb out through any opening in your system. the thing is, if you can keep them around long enough, once the ladybugs settle down to their new digs, they will begin to eat. hope this helps for those determined to use bugs.

having said that, there are so many products out now that work well against spidermites that its tough deciding which one to buy and use. the important thing here is to begin a preventative routine from the time your cuts get roots or the seed plants have a couple true sets of leafs. also during veg at least once. this is one case where the old saying "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" really holds true.

anyone having trouble with this new "thrip" that looks exactly like fungus gnats? if so, what did you do to get rid of the little bastardos?


Evidently the borg seems to be everywhere, but one question that is still unanswered is what to do when your late into flowering, and you suddenly open your eyes, and there are mites everywhere? Do you cover your lover in chemicals? Do we boil nicotine until the sun goes down ( BTW does anyone have more on that, because it sounds interesting)? Do we hoover our babies with the shop vac? Or do we abort the mission? OR do we smoke the fuckers alive and burn their souls out...? Or is there a better way, and I just cant think of it?

P.S. Ive got an Outdoor grow ( close to home), One Highly Borged plant( Not terribly, but oh so sad and yellowing by the day),7 more about to be invaded, Late into Flowering, WWJD?


terran2 said:
yep , still have my 1qrt of Floramite and it does seem to have a long shelf life ....i discovered it a few yrs before most grow stores had it in stock . It was advertised on the biggest international Rose growing site down in tennessee as the one solution to the mite problem.

Had spent so many nights before spraying with ineffective solutions till
arms fell off , lol...nice thing is it doesn't kill beneficial insects only targets the bad critters.

www.Rosemania.com is where i got my floramite a couple years ago.... Try useing Stirup M with it too.....
Ladybugs MIGHT eat spider mites if they're almost starving. A sure thing would be predator mites or spider mite predator beetles(Stethorus punctillum).

thanks for the advice weed ninja


growinthehills: no prob, bro

thinman: thanks for that extra info, I was feeling a little lazy the other night. I forgot the coke trick. BTW there is a type of predator mite that is supposed to flourish under lower humidities.

Benny:jesus would go medieval on the little pricks. The fact that you're outside definitely complicates matters. I would try a clove oil-based spray. I want to point out to people that they are NOT for clones and seedlings. A gentler approach would be to mix a little Ivory dish detergent with water and spray the leaves, especially the undersides. Investing in a pump sprayer will save you from carpal tunnel syndrome.

The Vermonster

Active member
I have had my share of mite problems and as i result i lost almost all my veg/mothers. i used dr doom fogger and have followed it w/ dr doom spray. This product worked great for me and i spent 35 for both w/ shipping. i have also added 1500 ladybugs as a preventitive measure and all looks healthy. The lady's were 15 including shipping. I was told to spray the ladybugs w/ coca cola as they wont fly away due to their wings sticking to their body from the stickiness from the sugar in the coke. Gl and if anyone needs a good place to buy any of the above send me a pm and i'll shoot ya the link where i received them from............
Aerokush101 said:
why is it so expensive? $269 - $359.00 for a quart?

That $300 quarts enough to treat a room for years it check EBAY, I picked up a 1oz bottle there for about $20. Worked like a charm and haven't seen the little bastards since. There's no better fix.
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4 wks to go and they are covered w/ mites!!! I'm in super bloom.. 80% of my BIG WOMEN are COVERED. It was like over night...WTF! MY questions is ???? HOW DO YOU treat them OUtDOORS and in SUPER Bloom??

Help a girl out! I'm freaking....
There is a product at the store close to me. Called "Bang"
Says it can be used up to 3 days before flowering. About 20$ a bottle.
It won't kill them off like Avid/Floramite... butit will contain them long enough to harvest (ask me how I know)


Active member
I think that I am gonna try overwhelming the little bastards with a giant dose of predator mites, I just harvested a real mess, webs and mites and eggs everywhere, so since my room is now filled with small clones (each one hand checked and dusted with DE) I am gonna order like 2000-3000 predator mites and turn them loose after a good water spraying to knock the dust off so it doesn't kill the predators. I figure that 75-100 predators per plant should wipe the little f**kers out for good!!!
Using predators in numbers like that may be a little cruel to them (they're gonna starve to death very soon) but it should get my spider mites under control (preferably wiped the hell out!!!!) oh and BTW I found what I believe to be one of the best places pricewise to buy predator mites its at http://www.benemite.com/index.htm $25.00 for a thousand predators, your choice of type. most places charge $50.00 or more for a thousand of the "triple threat" mix (333 of each?), well for $75.00 I am gonna buy a thousand of each and totally eradicate spider mites from my grow. I have been growing indoors now for almost ten years and this is my first run in with mites. very frustrating, hope the predators work.