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Spider mites AKA The Borg


ICMag Donor


the inexperienced or untrained eye will first notice spider mite webs:

this is why it pays to:


make mite checks part of your gardening routine.
from what I heard from the dude who grew for like 3 years and quit...he quit using neim oil after a guy read a thing wrong.....1. It says to use a table spoon or half a cup ... cant remember to every gallon of water....well he used a gallon of water for every gallon of neim oil and made the weed shit....after that incident the dude started using 10% BLeach ...90% water bleach/water solution and when he sprayed it on the mites and there webs....it started to melt the webs and kill off the mites without harming your plant...is this true?


New member
question for dr. oolittle....oops....when you have mites you don't spray the flowers...so does hat mean he mites stay on justthe leaves??? HELP


mommadukes420 in my expirience spider mites arent very fond of bud leaves, or atleast leaves that already have trichomes on them, but they love to lay theyr bombs (eggs) on the damn fan leaves :badday:

great thread was having spidermites problems recently myself, useed neem oil and it seems to have worked. :asskick:

spider mites aka the borg, hahahaha thats so funny :D


Dutch Master Penetrator + Neem oil

Dutch Master Penetrator + Neem oil

I was recommended Dutch Master Penetrator combined with neem oil and I had wonderful results. The story behind the penetrator is that it's a wetting agent that can be applied with the lights on. They have a specific mixture for spider mites.
I did one application and after about 4 days I applied again. Several days later when looking at the leaves with a 10x loop I could see all the dead dried up little critters. It really killed them. I only did this in veg and maybe the first 2 weeks into flower but after that I would leave it alone.
The only drawback is the price. I paid almost $20 for a small bottle of Einstein oil ans $25 for the penetrator. As I can see there are more cost friendly solutions but this has worked great for me.
But just like Docleaf says, keep inspecting the leaf undersides with a magnifier. A couple minutes every few days of close inspection is a valuable preventative. I think for you to be vigilant against mites you have to experience an infestation and a loss of crop to realize that you always have to think about them and be ready to fight them at the first signs of their existence in your garden.

I will also give props to the "Organocide". The stuff smells real fishy and I only used it on my outdoor crop but it works great this year was my first outdoor grow without a spider mite issue because of Organocide. I have already accepted the fact that the spider mites will always be there, I just always have to treat them, and a little preventative maintenance can go a long way in your garden.
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Well-known member
birdbrain said:
I have already accepted the fact that the spider mites will always be there, I just always have to treat them, and a little preventative maintenance can go a long way in your garden.
i agreeee... during veg,we spray the plants every week with safer's, and every few days with a spray of plain water...

we also cover the floor under our buckets with d.e., and also paint the sides of the buckets with d.e.

so far...so good...


I'm about to put some girls into flower after my last grow had mites. Whats something I should use to clean the floor and walls before I put them in there? Also, do mites like a lot of clothes lying around?


What if you have spider mites during flower say like 8 weeks in flower?
How could I use floromite? Also is it organic?


What i like to do is spray floramite with sturup-m on the floor and walls in late flowwer. The sturup-m draws the mites to the floor and walls and there eventual death. You could also vacume them off with a shopvac in late flower.


Active member
Something i found good that works for mites is organacide.I spray clones after rooting.Spray again before going into flower then in another week or so.
A friend has recently been completely over run by mites, and with less then 2 wks till harvest has TONS of nasty little bodies and eggs stuck all in the buds.
What should he do? baccas125 says a shopvac.....anybody else got any ideas?

...would the mites be extracted into hash with a 45 microgram bag?
I might have some for you Vbp6us, my moms plant has mites on em upstairs, and I noticed a few on my plant. No webs yet, I got some cigarettes in water right now, gonna boil it when I get home tomorrow and spray em when lights go out. I am 21 days into flowering, is it safe for my tiny little buds starting to get crazy cig juice on em when I aim at the leafs :p



Active member
Down with mites! Bastards all of them!!! The only good mite is a dead, ass-raped one. Don't know where the ass rape idea came from.


no wuckin furries!
people in australia ....find a product called "omite" EXELLENT product....mix the powder up in a spray bottle ...drench the plants ...do it 2-3 times to make sure youve broken the cycle......thought i'd mention this product again for us aussies with less products available to us here .HH. =]-~
Does this look like spider mite larva to you?!?
...or any larva?

wouldn't let me upload or post link, so please help me!

EDIT: put on larger pic :)
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i just bought the SMC (spider-mite control) at the local grow shop today, last night i noticed on my young cheese clone there was a small web, found 6 spider mites in total under the leaves, managed to get them all off and killed them 1 by 1, when is the best time to use the SMC?, should i use it just before lights off or is it ok to use it now?, also should i treat all the plants in the room even although the cheese is the only 1 that had the mites?



nicotine killin

nicotine killin

Goyakla said:
Boil some tobacco in water.. to get the Nicotin out... rest for a day and spray
daily. Nicotin is EXTREMLY deadly in VERY small doses 2.mg pure will kill u at once... the borgs REAL dont survive that treatment.

hey, i have a mite problem and need to do something asap. does this really work? how much tobacco/water?


Found Floramite by the ounce here, and cheap, got one and its by far the best spider mite killer i've used. Obliterated them all after the first use. Haven't seen em since. Think this is a great thing to have in your arsenal. Free shipping here too.
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