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Sowahh grow diary


Well-known member
Little update on the SOWAHH#3 clone at day 18 of 12/12, she's looking happy and the growth rate is pretty good. Each branches was trimmed to the max and each one of them has grown a lot, becoming branches able to produce a decent cola. I might cut a few of the lower branches who won't get a good enough exposition but I have to wait for the end of the stretch to know exactly which ones have to go. I was a bit worry about the age of this clone, it has made roots in March, but it doesn't lack vigor. This plant has 60 days to go before being ready for the cut, it should run smoothly; I can't wait to see her at the end, it will be a big bush :canabis:


Well-known member
Here is an update on the Sowahh#3 clone, it's day 29 of 12/12, I have messed up her feedings, I am not used to Aptus so I make some mistakes on dosages, honestly I think I'll go back to the old nutes I have used for years with great results, the old General Organics line, now called Terra Aquatica in EU, I love their bottled nutrients for the ease of use; you don't have to use a lot ML/L and the buds it produce have great taste, better than the ones I've made with Aptus I think.
this is the Sowahh#3 day29


Well-known member
This is some pics from one the crosses I've made with the 2 Sowahh males i had, it is a Rocky Melon (bagseed) mother and the Sowahh pollen who created this lovely plant, I like how she looks so far with her narrow leaves and many rein glands early in the flowering, she's at day 29 of 12/12 but was not yet declared when I switched to 12/12, she has been flowering for 3 weeks only. It looks like she took the fast flowering from her mother who was ready in 50/55 days only and her resin coverage as well, the smells are very sour for now but it will develop more nuances with time.I'm pretty happy of the outcome of the cross.
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Well-known member
Pics on previous post are:
Sowahh#1, 1st run /2nd
Sowahh#2, 1st and 2nd run
Sowahh#3 idem
The calyxes are slightly smaller on the 2nd run but #1 and #3 are looking very similar, the #2 is the only one with a clone run looking different than the seeds run. The 2nd run was done during summer, I think the plants didn't like going over 30°c thankfully the intense heat wave was pretty short and I had more problem with extreme humidity this summer. I don't know if the smaller calyxes in the 2nd run is a direct reaction to the different climate. It's the first time I compare pics of the same clones on different runs and I like how it allow me to see the small differences and similarities; with those pics I realize how the #2 changed in the 2 runs, it's the only where it's so obvious.
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Well-known member
Update on the Sowahh#3 clone, it's day day 41 of 12/12, I have lowered the LED closer toi the canopy, it was a too far away, around 50/60cm and now it's at 30cm from the tops. I have a HPS at 250w also to help raising temps and lowering humidity, I will soon add a few plants directly under the HPS to create a bigger canopy.
The last 2 pics are from the Rocky Melon x Sowahh, I like the way she looks so far and the resin has a very appealing smell.


Well-known member
The weather where I live is crazy, the humidity is constantly between 80/95% with peaks at 98%, I had never seen in autumn so freaking humid. The plants are at day 50 of 12/12 today but i already had to cut a plant because she had moldy spots around day 45, I have never had this problem so early in the flowering. So far 2 plants have been touched by mold and I'm afraid more will lose some of their flowers. I'm able to keep RH around 55/65% in the flowering space but the weather is so damp the mold still appear with those %. Thankfully I will move in a few months in a different building with better isolation because it's becoming really hard to grow and live in the conditions I have in my current appartment.
The Sowahh are good to resist mold, I didn't lose a single bud from this genetic and I hope the #3 I have now will resist as well as the other in the previous runs. I hate mold and humidity close to 100% is driving me crazy.

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