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Sowahh grow diary


Well-known member
I think I will harvest this run at day 70, it will depend on the plants of course but as the light were always on11/13 for this run the flowering is a bit faster and they are clones. They have been fed a lot less compared to the previous run and they seem to like it this way, as I use tap water the level of Cal/Mag must be high enough so I don't have to supplement.
It's the first time I'm using Aptus and I like to have each element in a different bottle, this way you can really customize the feedings to fit the needs of each individuals.
I will pop some of the seeds I made with the 2 Sowahh males, not for the next run but the one after. I'm sure I will find some great females in those seeds, specially the Rocky Melon S1 x Sowahh, I hope to find a female with the flowering speed of the mother(+/-50 days) and the yield of the Sowahh and both lines have incredible smells and taste.


Well-known member
I have some ice-o with the trim from all my different plants of the previous run and I'm really happy with the result, the dominant smell is coming from the Black Cherry Punch so far but it will evolve with time. The resin has a very sandy texture, the Sowahh has this type of resin, I find this easier to work with to make some hachich compared to the greasier resin you can get. In total I had a bit over 100g of very resinous trim, I gave 25g to a friend to make some rhum with and the rest was transformed in ice-o, the return seems really good, a solid 10%. This is some pictures with and without flash, the bigger pile id the first run with the 90 micron bag and then the second with the same bag. I have also some from a last run with the smaller bag( 25 micron I think but not sure) Many leaves were purple and the water has a crazy color now, I will use it to water the plants once it's at ambient temperature.


Well-known member
On the 3rd pic of my ice-o you can see some little bit of purple, that's funny. I think it is some contaminants coming from the purple leaves I had in my trim, it's the first time I see contaminants so easily thanks to their color.
This ice-o run is good but not the best with those visible contaminants, when I used some some fresh frozen trim the result was much better, I wanted to do it this time also but too much time passed between the first harvested plant and the last one and I didn't put in a freezer the trim from the first plants. For the next harvest all the plants will be cut about the same time, maybe one week gap max, I'll freeze the trim this time.
I let the result from yesterday dry on an absorbant material for 24h before working it to agglomerate all the loose kief. This is the biggest piece made with the first run of the 90 micron bag, 6g of decent resin even if not the cleanest I'm happy to have my own hash.The little purple pieces are still visible, I'd have like a purple piece like I've seen already.
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Well-known member
This is a few pics of the clone run at day 42, as it's summer the temps are higher than previous run and the purple plants have not yet shown any color like they had before, I think the Purple Kush and Black Cherry Punch will show some colors in the coming weeks with the fading.
The Sowahh are still green, the S#1 is really healthier than previous run, fun thing I have 2 S#1 clones but they don't really have the same look while flowering.
I didn't keep the BCP finally because I really don't like its structure, it stays too small, the branches are too close to the the stem and her flowers are too prone to mold, I have to monitore it closely in my grow because of that.
PIcs are S#1A/S#1B/S#2/S#3/BCP on each side of the BCP you can see the PK above and the AOxAK under.


Well-known member
There is currently a terrible heat wave in my country, I hope the plants won't be too much impacted. I have only ventilation to help me in this case as I don't have AC, the biggest problem is humidity, it is constantly around 80/90% outside and in the flower space it varies from 55 to 75%. The BCP being prone to mold, I'm worry about her flowers, they are at day 48 when they become more and more dense so it's a critical period. The heat wave should not last too long, fingers crossed.
The BCP and the plant I call Purple Kush(supposed to be a cookie/kush cross) I have are starting to change their color, it starts on the underside of the leaves and once it is all purple under the color are starting to appear on the exposed part of the leaves. It is funny to watch colonize slowly the plants, I'll take pictures tonight to show the evolution.
The 4 Sowahh are doing good, they are really healthier than the seed run but will soon lose their dark green shade as I didn't add any N since the beginning of flowering, I can see some leaves on the bottom turning yellow, it's a bit too early so I'll use some Terra Aquatica Bloom in the next waterings. Pics update tonight or tomorrow for week 7.

All Cacti Are Beautiful

Active member
Nice diary 👌 the plants are looking healthy and like a really good smoke. I didn't know the sowahh cross so had to look it up. Sour diesels are something I've never grown and don't even recall smoking it before but the descriptions and pictures are really making me want to try and pop some SD lines. Not something I remember being widely available Europe when I was younger. Have fun with pheno hunting those crosses you made!


Well-known member
Nice diary 👌 the plants are looking healthy and like a really good smoke. I didn't know the sowahh cross so had to look it up. Sour diesels are something I've never grown and don't even recall smoking it before but the descriptions and pictures are really making me want to try and pop some SD lines. Not something I remember being widely available Europe when I was younger. Have fun with pheno hunting those crosses you made!
Thank you, I've seen you read the whole thread, I hope it was interesting for you. I'm from Europe as well and I don't think the Sour Diesel was sold a lot in the 00/10's unless you knew a grower who had a cut or seeds. It was not part of the buds grown commercially in EU when Amnesia was everywhere.
The seeds from Karma are really worth a try, his best ones are Biker Kush, Sour DieselBx2 or Sowahh and HeadBanger, those 3 are his great hits but he has many other nice crosses. i've made some Rocky Melon from him with great results, I've made a grow journal as well for those seeds.
I've also grown some JackONesia, Strawberry and Cream , HeadBanger and Acid Dawg from Karma, the HeadBanger was my favorite for years, it is a great hybrids and all are some great smokes.
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All Cacti Are Beautiful

Active member
It's always interesting to learn from others and see how they do things especially when they're growing some interesting strains. Amnesia is still a favorite of mine but the introduction of uk and usa genetics and completely new flavors has been very interesting. I'll have to check out karma seeds SD lines and your rocky melon grow journal for sure. Can't wait to start chucking some pollen again myself, always fun!


Well-known member
Yes making your own seeds is great way to have fun with this hobby and discovering some new terpenes profile. I made a cross with a Headbanger female and a male supposed to be a Colombia Gold who had the most intense lime smell in veg I had ever smelled, it was so strong I was sure it would be a female. I'm glad I used the pollen of this male because it made some of the best hybrids I've ever had, adding an intense touch of lime to the strong smells of the HB and making the high even better.

All Cacti Are Beautiful

Active member
Sounds like a great hybrid indeed and lime can definitely be a good thing 😋 I had some fun with my own seeds but they are getting too old to rely on, probably around 2010. Last 2 years I have grown bought seeds but I'm trying to get some seeds to pop and hopefully preserve it through seeds and clones. It's a great hobby for sure.


Well-known member
The intense heat has lowered a bit today, I had to dim the light to 75% to be sure the temps didn't rise too much over 30°c but it's back to 100% tonight. Most plants endured the heat without problem except the BCP who makes some bananas since yesterday, they were on the top buds and I took all of them I think. I'll keep an eye on her to be sure they don't drop any pollen.
I see some spots on the leaves of the Sowahh#1, it looks like rust, I have no idea what it is. I try to find a pic where it's visible or I'll take one later when the light is on, I run the light during the night to have easier control of the temps and cheaper electricity.


Well-known member
I had my first spot of mold last night on the AOxAK, I knew this would come sooner or later with the high humidity of those last days, it's only day 52 so I can't harvest so soon without losing some quality. The climate is more manageable today, I hope it will stay like this until harvest time, I can take most of the leaves off to be sure there is no contact point between a leave and a flower, that's where mold will start because of the water drops made by leave's transpiration who can't evaporate normally.
The mold was just starting to develop so I won't lose a lot but I don't like seeing it appear so soon, usually it 's around day day 60 but the AOxAK buds are quite big already. It will be a stressful end for this run , monitoring all the plants everyday to be sure there is nothing wrong.


Well-known member
The climate is a bit more friendly now; I hope I'll be able to finish this flowering without mold. Some plants are close to the finish line, today is day 56 of 11/13 and I'll be able to harvest the AOxAK and the tops of BCP around day 60. There is very little purple on this run perhaps more will come in the very last days, we'll see. It's strange to see the huge difference of color for the BCP and PK between this run and the precedent, they were so purple last time and now just the underside of the leaves and a few spots of purple here and there.
The Sowahh are still healthy and they are putting a lot of weight now, the S#2 is really huge compared to her sisters. I have 2 clones of the S#1 and one of them will yield more than her exact copy, I don't understand why there is such a difference of production between two clones who have been treated the same way.
Here are some pictures from Day 54


Well-known member
The BCP is PITA to grow, she throws nanners since a few days now and I just spotted a bit of mold in one of the main buds despite the RH being 50%, it's the first time I see a plant with such tight flowers she's able to mold at 50% RH, she's really not apt to grow in my environment. I have another seed of this cross in veg right now, I hope she'll be more adapted to my grow conditions compared to this one. The seed plant had a problem with mold already in her apex, this insanely dense flower structure coming from the indica side is not the best suited in my place.
The Sowahh are doing good, much better than the seed run health wise but the yield won't be as big, they didn't veg as long as the seedlings under my bigger light. I'll see how much this run will produce , should be decent still when I see the size of the 2 big Sowahh.The light was dimmed at 75% for the end of the flowering; at this stage I don't think the full power is needed, the plants just finish to swell and mostly mature, they don't need as much light for this stage comapred to full flowers production.


Well-known member
A few pics from day 61 of 11/13, the climate is not easy with the plants , the humidity level is insane so to avoid problems, I harvested the AOxK who had some big juicy buds I didn't want to see full of mold,I harvested the tops of the PK as well and 2 apex from the BCP. I cut a small bud from one the Sowahh to see how she's doing but I know they are not yet ready for the cut. I hope 70 days will be enough for them because I don't know if I'll be able to go over with the big buds they will all have by then, they are already quite big but not fully done.


Well-known member
The session is at day 67 of 11/13, I only have the 4 Sowahh clones left flowering, the other plants were harvested some already dry and some still drying. The Sowah#1 is closer to the the finish line than her 2 sisters, maybe I'll cut one of the 2 clones tomorrow and the other a bit later. The Sowah#2 and #3 are not as close to harvest as I'd like, I might have to go over 70 days of 11/13 for them, we'll see how they look.