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South Egyptian/Sudanese bango...(any info greatly apprieciated).



GanicGhani lotta great info here. that resin production in veg is wild BeAn!

Yeah man, the kushy one took my fancy from the begining...looking a little water logged at the moment, its really cold n the moisture isnt evaporating like it did a couple of weeks ago. :nono:

Looking forward to flowering the more sativa one too, i like its structure..:D

Jah bless.. :rasta:
BeAn said:
mars_attack_mar, what are you growing out there...local, or imported genetics. Also, do you know anything about the plants they make the hash from??...in april last year i had some real lemon flavoured hash, good food fro the mind.:yummy:

Jah bless..:rasta:

:D , nice to hear from you too , if u wann search fr bango type it " BONGO " thats what i figured ,

i am not growing anywhere , i want to get the seeds worldwide but i am sure about secure delivery , arent you coming soon to egypt to get me some :D ,

we have variety of hash , most of it is with chemicals additives , sorta of soap bar ,

we call a 6-8 gram a coin and it varies from a dealer and another , i get 4 gram good quality low chemicals hash for 25$ , others are like 7-8 gram for 20$ , you can get really awesome stuff in the north cost for about 20$ for 18 grams or so , we call it BALATA , its about 2 and half coins , thats all is not local hash i assume ,

in upper egypt " like luxor aswan sohag " u get local hash , i think its made from bango because its so cheap and bango is very easy to grow in Sinai and upper egypt and the north cost .

need anymore info , i wish the PM gets activated i wanted to pm u :D

good luck


ICMag Donor
mars_attack_mar said:
can u post a zoomed picture for the used seeds as well , or you can post a description for them :)


seed BeAn collected from Sinai 2007:

these seed are relatively small.
i will be scoring some BANGO in the next couple weeks , but i am trying to search for a good stuff with low seeds , i will post a feedback on it , and some pics and will compare it with the stuff you got


mars_attack_mar said:
i will be scoring some BANGO in the next couple weeks , but i am trying to search for a good stuff with low seeds , i will post a feedback on it , and some pics and will compare it with the stuff you got

Awesome man, good luck...will be good to compare. Have you grown the bango before?? :joint:

Jah bless.. :rasta:


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
DocLeaf said:
Bedu are wise in travelling and trading,, cause that's what Bedu do best :wink:

Here are the seeds picked after cleaning up 1 kg. of Bekaa herb,and a piece of the current "Brown" Leb.....smuggled and traded by bedu´s :wink:


ICMag Donor
:eek: Raco,, you're gonna have fun with those,, good to see yo still active man :wave: :canabis:

I n I dig the patterns these bango are putting out BeAn,,, real sativa erb me lion :dance:


ICMag Donor
yo dude,,

the plant is male,, but fear not Doc-shizzle-dizzle-Leaf is on the case, :dance:

yummm-weee,,, smells like greasy diesel these ends star,, so certainly woN'T go to any waste :wink:

Nubian Cheese it is then,, cloned n droned for the next round :canabis:

erb, roots, n culture,
peace dLeaf :joint:

"Cannabis isn't addictive, breeding cannabis is" [Ed Rosenthal] (or words to that effect)
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Mars, sprout some man...you might find a good one.:D:yes:

dL, the leaf profile is certainly cool...you reckon lumbo genes in dem, me tink dem a Afghan/pure sativa line...judging by what I n I see. The kushy one i kept back has revealed its true heritage with thin sativa leaves, and a reluctancy to flower under 12/12....great thing is, there aint a ball in sight...only hairs, i think this one is a true female n not intersex like the others...time will tell.:chin:

^^this one has a mix of male flowers with pistils shooting out, and pure balls..hermy. :nono:

^^This is the girl...just starting to bud..:D
i think it is very cool that you folks travel around and pick up seeds. i wish i would have thought to do that in my wandering daze. didn't know i'd be growing until my early 40's. :)

BeAn. that looks like those stiff, woody plants i hate because they are a pain to tie down and make multiple bud sites.

such fun to grow out something new. whenever any one says anything about smoking some great pot i always ask about how many seeds were in it. most have none or they aren't sharing.
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Yeah, collecting seeds is an addictive habit....but rewarding. :D
To be honest, they bend real easy...i just kept them short and didnt veg long, the stems are very fiborous and have a solid core...they do tie over n grow back well. :joint:

^^This one got culled, was the full blown herm...notice the light deprevation in the form of yellowing tips. :muahaha:

^^This girl is looking great, the buds are quite thick with an abundance of hairs...awesome stuff. No resin or different smells yet mind, will wait and see..:chin:
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