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Sour Diesel (Sour D) - Upstate NY 2000/01


Chasing the Present
One of the 3 duds above is fasciated; anyone who breeds a flowering plant like cannabis towards fasciation is one of 3 things

1) inexperienced
2) a fool
3) a charlatan

Fasciation in cannabis = more leaf, more stem, less flower & imo clear sign end game inbreeding depression, most often a sign or a result of 1-3#’s above, but most importantly it suffers in all @ quality

PS: that said; I’ll sell you the fasciated plant seeds for at least 2X my going rate, see above for said rate

St. Phatty

Active member
One of the 3 duds above is fasciated; anyone who breeds a flowering plant like cannabis towards fasciation is one of 3 things

1) inexperienced
2) a fool
3) a charlatan

Fasciation in cannabis = more leaf, more stem, less flower & imo clear sign end game inbreeding depression, most often a sign or a result of 1-3#’s above, but most importantly it suffers in all @ quality

PS: that said; I’ll sell you the fasciated plant seeds for at least 2X my going rate, see above for said rate

Are you saying that Fasciation is bad for Trichome production or inversely related to Trike making ?

The pictures didn't load.

Are the fasciated plants on page 2 of the thread ?

Personally I don't mind a freaky looking plant if it is slathered in trichomes.


Chasing the Present
I’m saying I hope clearly, see above, at least 9/10 times take a pass… at least

My message IMO is being kind; it’s likely you’ll find many things I say are contrary stuff you’ve heard…

I’m good with that, fits perfectly

Fasciation is for tulip lovers … not the plant the misinformed hype…


Chasing the Present
I’m saying I hope clearly, see above, at least 9/10 times take a pass… at least

My message IMO is being kind; it’s likely you’ll find many things I say are contrary stuff you’ve heard…

I’m good with that, fits perfectly

Fasciation is for tulip lovers … not the plant the misinformed hype…

Fasciated & non next each other, all that larf - fasciated-


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Donald Mallard

el duck
I’ll send ya some, cheers - remind me

But I’m not into collecting money nor paying much for others postage so hopefully you’re in the states, if not I’ll still send to ya as I already said I would, above - just now, guess I could edit that - ha…

If a handful people want to grow these or the HI Indica x Ampakafo id be happy to share if you’re into growing them out, soon, and sharing your experiences - Bad & Good

Wally; how many you want (your dad)? even with your crazy Oz posts Nazi & Gestapo you fellas know I’ve yet to fail - many sends over the past 5 years :) -

I'll be in touch about that when im in a safer place hahaha


Well-known member
Fasciation in cannabis = more leaf, more stem, less flower

Exactly, to me its like breeding down syndrome people.

There is this tendancy in cannabis breeders to favor the more rare freaky traits. Mutants and genetically disabled plants are seen as these possible grails. I think the idea is that you know, if it looks all freaky in these ways, what else is possible with it? Its the unknown.

For me plant health is first, quality of terps and effect is second. Plants with deleterious mutations or unfortunate recessive recombination get put out back and shot. Plants with marker traits (like crinkly leaves etc) are tolerated but not put on any pedestal.

St. Phatty

Active member
I suggest mixing that pollen in with something goopy like Mayonnaise and feeding it to the birds.

They will make it all disappear.

I've never had a fasciated Cannabis plant and I've grown thousands of Cannabis plants.

I figure it's extremely rare or maybe happens with strains I haven't grown.


Active member
I’ll send ya some, cheers - remind me

But I’m not into collecting money nor paying much for others postage so hopefully you’re in the states, if not I’ll still send to ya as I already said I would, above - just now, guess I could edit that - ha…

If a handful people want to grow these or the HI Indica x Ampakafo id be happy to share if you’re into growing them out, soon, and sharing your experiences - Bad & Good

Wally; how many you want (your dad)? even with your crazy Oz posts Nazi & Gestapo you fellas know I’ve yet to fail - many sends over the past 5 years :) -


That's amazing and very thoughtful, I'd really like that. Yes I'm in the states, in thankfully a state where I can grow legally. Keep up the good work!


Plant Abuser
ICMag Donor
Do You live in worse environment than upstate NY in snow belt 200” + per year…?

pretty close to to it ;) maybe not 200 but it feels like it from time to time

my people are from Baldwinsville NY I am 45 minutes west of Smallbany

Cambodian / Laos x Haze finishing outside up here

I have Haze going out that I can only hope looks like that

almost missed your thread

all the best and grow well



Chasing the Present
pretty close to to it ;) maybe not 200 but it feels like it from time to time

my people are from Baldwinsville NY I am 45 minutes west of Smallbany

I have Haze going out that I can only hope looks like that

almost missed your thread

all the best and grow well

I know baldwinsville well, used to put the beat down on ya in sports regularly back in the day :) - These days head South & bit East into the hills, hence the excess snow

Thanks for swinging by, got a few threads this one focused on the Sour



Chasing the Present
Now all that Diesel Hash you make from Seed plants will be something real special for sure, Diesel Hash 🤤
Likely won’t need to even use the beast for that, it’ll be all quick trays work & static….

Though I’ve be planning for an experiment letting heavily seeded flowers get super dry & spinning them; this is far from the time year to do that…

Can RPM 1-50 or so, depending on the variable speed control


Pic can be deceiving, it looks small here but it holds lbs of flower, weighs 75-80lbs, bit cumbersome to move @ but a lifer machine no doubts, extremely well made…

Seed hash can be excellent hash no doubts

Peace brother


Chasing the Present
Seeds forming

00/01 Sour D x Sour Mango

Sour D - 10 females out of 30 or so I forget exactly; all are from same single selfed seed I pulled winter 2000, these are from the S1’s I made @2008 or 09

Sour Mango - Donald shared seeds, I used 1 out of 8 males

I want plants to stretch more than mom, get better calyx:leaf ratio, maintain sour D uniqueness, taste & terps, pic up some up, bliss from the MHz - good thing I’m not greedy or anything - ha

mix above =75% Sour D - 25% Mango Haze

Think I’ll call it Sweet & Sour D

Time will tell - things are starting to look what I recall on mom a bit more, I thought I was loosing my memory there a second









Few spots of PM I see but it’s been crazy humid in there, tight & temps in the zone… considering I’ve done nothing to deal with it, I’m pretty stoked how well & easy this grow has been all @…

I also believe this Sour D is quite unique to much of what was passed @ on forums, & likely older, nobody is saying better please chill in advance…

So I’m expecting some added vigor from the Sour Mango dad, perhaps more than many would expect, have to wait & see… could always be a flop too, but I very much doubt that… And 00/01 Sour D tosses some late nanners so hopefully that Mango Haze assists in that regard too

Have a great week y’all
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