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Does seem like really bad luck to get pinched for that,almost like someone was waiting for him to put a foot wrong.As far as i can make out from friends that have vistied and articles ive read that the czech folks are pretty tolerant,as are many eastern european countries now so this just wouldnt seem in proportion.Unless of course he was trying be clever by flaunting it.

Dont like to see this kind of thing happen to anyone.

The Strain Man

Soma's a celebrity now when peeps see you in another country and know who you are.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Yeah i heard the police logged into the boo and saw what he was charging for a ten pack.

sorry :D

Good luck with whatever is going down Mr. Soma.


ICMag Donor
many times ive recieved a joint from Soma,,,many times ive smoked from his clones,,,,i think i even attended his last court case,,,i hope this 1 works-out like the last,,,

i hope your allright Soma,,,

Mud Man

Sumthink Stinks
hope to see him back on the scene making the best green, the world needs that guy,, this sucks and i am left confused at this world,,


yano czech prison dat a worse dan russia or africa ..mana suffer badly now .. dem ah go mash him up ...torture everyday ting here ..all of u send some letta to czech president to FREE MAN from babylon dem hands!
this is just not true... most of our prisons are like a vacation, nothing like russian or sar prisons :) he will be probably deported from country, i doubt, that there will be any worse consequences

anyway i feel shame, that soma was arrested in my country...


Just a little FYI

Just a little FYI

U.S. Federal Law is 5 years for supplying cannabis to someone under 21.

California law is 3/4/5 years for the same.
Hey there berrea, good point on the country club style prisons. GK, what would be the penalty for passing an undercover a joint. Here its a fine... Im pretty sure the organizers informed him of the situation at the fair, if they didnt, theyre the ones that screwed up. Otherwise he coulda just gone outside with the rest to puff up. Noone would care.
pindulinka: well in somas case its look like head one of paragraph 187 ..

§ 187 – Nedovolená výroba a držení omamných a psychotropních látek a jedů
(1) Kdo neoprávněně vyrobí, doveze, vyveze, proveze, nabízí, zprostředkuje, prodá nebo jinak jinému opatří nebo pro jiného přechovává omamnou nebo psychotropní látku, přípravek obsahující omamnou nebo psychotropní látku, prekursor nebo jed, bude potrestán odnětím svobody na jeden rok až pět let.

1- Person that manufacture, import, export, trafic, offers, transmit,sell or give to other person drug or psychotropic substance or product containing drug or psychotropic substance, precursor or poison, will be punished by IMPRISONTMENT from ONE to FIVE YEARS!

...so minimum is one and maximum 5 years in prison ...in other heads of this law its even more years but he would have to make profit in large scale or pass it to person under age.

berrea: have you serve time in czech prison yourself that you so sure no torture is going on there? By my info people considered junkies or rastaman getting beating very offen from hands of czech police also foreign or "other than white" color guys are offen handled with hate and racism ..verbal insults and beating is usuall also with political prisoners taken at or after demonstrations ..personally know several people that was chained with handcuffs to heater at police station and get beaten and kicked into dem ..they was also refused to be given water, food or blankets in cold cells. Im sure some fat czech thiefs are having nice time in czech prisons watching TV and organising their bussines from there ..but Soma type person allways get extra hatefull abuse ..unfortunately babylon dem bwoys hate such people more than real criminals

headband 707

Plant whisperer
If that is true it would be very upsetting but lets not put the cart before the horse shall we.... and see what happens to him first and wish him the best of luck and help him in any way we can.. peace out Headband707

ok this news article say that they want give him § 188a ..thats spreding of toxicomania ..this paragraph have no bottom limit for punishment, maximum is 3 years ..seems better for him than paragraph 187 becouse he can get minimal or no time in jail ..they say he was given allegation from braking § 188a by promoting using of marihuana by visitors therefore spreding toxicomania and that he was also sending joint:D but he was probably not accused of braking § 187 by it so its seems to me that they are really not planing to keep Mr. Soma in jail for too long.. hopefully


To Have More ... Desire Less

any newz......

sending all the kindred karma........Soma's way.....

blessedBE............brotha.......U can't hold a good man down.....

WE wait for U'r release, .............chanting.......know.....

hope the tide changezin He'z favor..........
other wize............I say jail break............

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Crappy, we run a lot of his genetics. Sorry Soma, the cannabis world is behind you...hopefully you make it home soon.


berrea: have you serve time in czech prison yourself that you so sure no torture is going on there? By my info people considered junkies or rastaman getting beating very offen from hands of czech police also foreign or "other than white" color guys are offen handled with hate and racism ..verbal insults and beating is usuall also with political prisoners taken at or after demonstrations ..personally know several people that was chained with handcuffs to heater at police station and get beaten and kicked into dem ..they was also refused to be given water, food or blankets in cold cells. Im sure some fat czech thiefs are having nice time in czech prisons watching TV and organising their bussines from there ..but Soma type person allways get extra hatefull abuse ..unfortunately babylon dem bwoys hate such people more than real criminals

by your info? hehe your info is total bullshit man! prison in Czech republic is same like prison in Germany or Austria...not like in Russia at all...im just laughing...straight bullshit...



ICMag Donor
so sad to hear

any update on the situation

for pasing a joint,what a f'ing joke

hope soma is releaed asap

soma you are in my thoughts



Sharing Is Caring!
Yes this is very sad indeed..... why the fuc... arrest such a kind person. It´s sooooo wrong!!!

My kindest karma goes to soma....... hope you will get home as soon as possible!!




I hope this blows by like the breeze.

I'm sure this is a fight that Soma is proud to make and is standing tall.
He has lots of support from the community who also believe in the good fight.

I am reminded that our cause is the just one.