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so basically young teens who smoke are psycho's


Active member

This study is a delusional piece of mental masturbation by researchers that don't know dick about cannabis.
Show me 2500 teenage kids that were all given .5g of Sour Diesel a day in 3 canna-caps..... for 10 years. THEN we'll have a bit of a study to look at and make 'Assumptions' from.

Until we get this to happen...... it's ALL bullshit on their part. Those of us who have taken the time to actually WORK through strains like psyche/pain meds already KNOW this for a fact. Unfortunately.... WE don't make the legislation.

Stay Safe!
First of all, hi to all, and welcome to myself in this forum ;)

The discussion that often appears is if psycosis is generated by marijuana, or if psycotics search it. I myself am diagnosed with ADHD as an adult, been "puffing" since I was 14 (43 now), tried most things that isn´t injected (and if it wasn´t for my fobi for needles I probably would have tried does too....), but I always tried them 2-3 times, except for hasj and maria that is, then stopped.

I don´t think that drugs create ADHD, but I´m convinced that we with the diagnosis will search stimulants to calm down, that be impulse or thoughts. So why shouldn´t this apply to psycosis as well?

What concerns me is that studies show that young mice (equivalent to age 12-15 in humans) show that they will not orientate as mice that haven´t been "smoking", this for the rest of their life, while mice that "smoked" when acchieving post puberty age showed no difference in their orientation skills versus the group not "smoking".

So personally I think that any drug, including alcohol (which clearly is the worst drug we have) will slow down, and alter a brain in development, but if you are a responsible adult smoking for relaxation, or just because you love it within the normal you would be safe, less stressed, happier and still be able to function like all the rest of humanity!

I do not think the same about socalled legal and prescribed chemical medicins that will deteriorate the whole system, liver, kidneys, brain, blood and so on..... So fuck the goverments that ban a cultural, medical safe substance that clearly is a human heretage proven worthy and safe for 10000 years while the medical companies support, and sponsorice politicians in all they do..... Why pay them with tax money, they get paid well enough by the companies if you catch my drift.....

Did this make any sence? Have a good one folks!
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Active member
Sensitive much? The study shows increased probability of psychosis in ppl who used marijuana in their teens. Our cognition continues developing into our 20's. Any substance you take and environmental factors are going to play a role in the development of our brains. Anytime you are in anything other than an alert sober state, you are in an altered state. If you're high all day, you're perceiving the world differently than someone who is sober. As a kid, I never had access to MJ, or any other drug for that matter. I bet kids that do have access to MJ also have access to other drugs, and at a young age are more likely to get pressured into trying them. I never smoked as a teen, but I did drink. That has had effect on my cognition, I know it made me depressed, and now I perceive the world differently than I would have had I not had that experience.

Lots of people with psychotic disorders live normal productive lives. Quit being so sensitive you nut jobs...


Patient Grower
If it's true that cannabis causes psychoses, why the hell didn't the rates of psychoses increase in the 1960s when cannabis use skyrocketed? One can not introduce a causal factor into a population without causing the end result.

Then there's the fiction that cannabis potency has increased in the last 20 years, also not resulting in increased rates of psychoses. Psychoses rates have been static for the last century. Yet people keep swallowing the lies, including people that should know better from personal experience.

Someday people will realize that the government is lying, and that researchers are paid for predetermined conclusions, and not paid if their results don't fit the predetermined outcome that the liars want.


Active member
If it's true that cannabis causes psychoses, why the hell didn't the rates of psychoses increase in the 1960s when cannabis use skyrocketed?

Cannabis does not cause psychosis. People who smoke marijuana before like 24 or w/e age have more of a predisposition to psychosis compared to people who didn't smoke before 24, or started after. It could be that those with a predisposition seek out the drug, but that's another study.


Active member
It was found that people who started smoking after the age of 24 (again, the age might not be spot on, I'm not pulling out my text book), and smoke chronically, can end up in psychosis, but upon cessation of the marijuana, they quickly returned to normal.

The difference here is that they were fully cognitively developed before they started using the drug. Marijuana, as many other substances and environmental factors, has a permanent effect on the cognitive development of youth.

This is not a statement that marijuana users are psychotics. It's saying that there is more evidence of psychosis among marijuana users. Now why do people seek out drugs? To self medicate.


St. Elsewhere
People with schizophrenic tendencies are generally less bound by social norms and taboos, thus a higher percentage of these types of people will use substances that are considered taboo. Simple really.


Patient Grower
The trouble is that the reefer madness crowd is presenting cannabis as a causal factor in psychoses, when it is demonstrably untrue based on the population's rate of use vs rate of psychoses. People who become psychotic would do so at the same rate if cannabis were absent from the planet. The only relevance that drug seeking behavior from pre-psychotic people would be that people that choose to smoke cannabis should be more wary of it happening to them.

There aren't very many people who pick up the habit of getting high in their 20s. The ONDCP will be happy to tell you that if people reach 21 without getting high that the likelihood of them doing so is practically nil. What they don't point out is that the people who don't get high before 21 don't do so because they have no interest in it. Keep everyone sober until whatever age, 21, 24, 30, and you'll find people that like to get high will still figure it out after they reach whatever arbitrary age you set.


I condone the use of psychoactive substances at any age, as long as you have $$ to pay me for it.



Active member
The first time I got high was 18, in college, and I didn't pick up the habit until I was in my 20's. I agree most of my friends who use marijuana picked up that habit earlier than me, but we're out there. I just really enjoy getting high. :)


Smoking the herb made me realize how crazy people that don't smoke are, you know all the tools that worship their material possessions, and feel a need to update their facebook status hourly...that's insanity if you ask me


Patient Grower
The first time I got high was 18, in college, and I didn't pick up the habit until I was in my 20's. I agree most of my friends who use marijuana picked up that habit earlier than me, but we're out there. I just really enjoy getting high. :)

I didn't start smoking regularly until I was 19. But the statistic is those who don't start until after they're 21, so it's really irrelevant...people like Jack Herer who never got turned on until he was 30 and then take it up whole heartedly are rare birds indeed. Yes, you'll find exceptions like Jack, but it doesn't change the reality that most people who stay sober until the age of 21 are people that are fine with their natural state of mind. I don't think it a bad thing at all, really I'd rather have been born with such satisfaction in the way I exist. But it's a mistake to believe that if you had somehow kept me from smoking until I was 21 by locking me in a room that I would have had that satisfaction from my natural state of being. I also don't know that Jack didn't enjoy some other form of getting high before he found cannabis. It's not just cannabis, it's not getting high on anything at all including alcohol until 21. If Jack liked his beer/wine/liquor/prescription drugs/whatever from 18 until 30 he's not even an exception.

Amos Moses

I didn't find marijuana, it found me.

Can anyone really say what is normal and what is not? What is sane and what insane? Is it how you think, or how you react to your thoughts?

I've seen the most respectable people completely lose it, if only temporarily. Does marijuana make you insane? Or, does it allow you to be......you?

Does a person who smokes pot have different thoughts than a person who does not? Is it that a pot smoker thinks more.....about more creative ideas? Maybe those deemed insane simply can't distinguish creative thoughts from reality?

What is reality? Do we all interpret events the same way? Our brain interprets the visions we see, the sounds we hear, the things we touch. It combines these inputs and creates our perception of the world around us. Does everyone's brain function exactly the same?

We can only perceive the world with our senses. Does that limit our interpretation of our environment? Perhaps there are other things that exist around us that our limited senses cannot detect. It is a known fact that some birds, fish and animals have senses that we do not. What senses do bacteria, viruses, mold and plants possess? Are there life forms around us that we cannot sense?

Perhaps marijuana enhances certain parts of the brain that makes it more sensitive to things that we normally would not be aware exist? Hallucigens have been known to do that.

The sad part of the whole story the media presents is that marijuana is most likely the cause of insanity. The liberal media has constantly been the propaganda arm of special interests. This so called liberal media, if you look at it, benefits from advertisement revenue from big pharmaceutical firms. Look at their ads. See who is pulling the strings.

It's the news media that sways public opinion. There is always a reason for every story they print......or don't print. That's how they make money. That's why they want to influence the voting, the money spending......public. You really don't have to think that hard about it. Do you?

It was the media that printed the stories, that persuaded Congress to pass the laws that now imprison people who possess a flower.

Keep watching your lovely little news media. They have conspired to fuck up this whole world. And they continue.

Have a really nice fucking day, eh? :)

Amos :wave:


Active member
I haven't stopped smoking since basically the first day I tried it. I was 22 or so.

Smoking the herb made me realize how crazy people that don't smoke are, you know all the tools that worship their material possessions, and feel a need to update their facebook status hourly...that's insanity if you ask me

I have friends that smoke that do that.

I'm sure some here on ICmag do that.

I know some that dont smoke, that dont do that.

You should stop labeling people and making assumptions about everyone.
I think everyone should read/see the "Emperor of Hemp", most of the gov lies/myths are killed, torn apart and burried!!

May he rest in peace, who will fight for our rights now?

And for the socalled psycosis "effect" from marijuana, watch the BBC doc on marijuana, the shrink that made it is on a crusade towards use of marijuana, but can´t confirm any link between them, and if any he says that it may alter the % by 1 %, but couldn´t this % be the ones unconciously trying to medicate themselves?

(Btw, since in the med. forum part. Someone that could give me an advice of a strain that will be good for back pains? Have a quite serious condition, and I´m taking way too many painkillers to control my pain. Has to be grown inndors.)


Patient Grower
I didn't find marijuana, it found me.

Can anyone really say what is normal and what is not? What is sane and what insane?

Umm, yes, we can and it's not that much of a mystery.

I've seen the most respectable people completely lose it, if only temporarily. Does marijuana make you insane?

No, it doesn't. In fact thinking you're crazy is a definite indication that you aren't.

Does a person who smokes pot have different thoughts than a person who does not? Is it that a pot smoker thinks more.....about more creative ideas? Maybe those deemed insane simply can't distinguish creative thoughts from reality?

No, it's that crazy people can't distinguish fantasy from reality.

What is reality? Do we all interpret events the same way? Our brain interprets the visions we see, the sounds we hear, the things we touch. It combines these inputs and creates our perception of the world around us. Does everyone's brain function exactly the same?


We can only perceive the world with our senses. Does that limit our interpretation of our environment? Perhaps there are other things that exist around us that our limited senses cannot detect. It is a known fact that some birds, fish and animals have senses that we do not. What senses do bacteria, viruses, mold and plants possess? Are there life forms around us that we cannot sense?

Perhaps marijuana enhances certain parts of the brain that makes it more sensitive to things that we normally would not be aware exist? Hallucigens have been known to do that.

The sad part of the whole story the media presents is that marijuana is most likely the cause of insanity. The liberal media has constantly been the propaganda arm of special interests. This so called liberal media, if you look at it, benefits from advertisement revenue from big pharmaceutical firms. Look at their ads. See who is pulling the strings.

It's the news media that sways public opinion. There is always a reason for every story they print......or don't print. That's how they make money. That's why they want to influence the voting, the money spending......public. You really don't have to think that hard about it. Do you?

It was the media that printed the stories, that persuaded Congress to pass the laws that now imprison people who possess a flower.

Keep watching your lovely little news media. They have conspired to fuck up this whole world. And they continue.

Have a really nice fucking day, eh? :)

Amos :wave:

Bah, it's silly to respond to this point by point. On a judgmental scale these philosophical questions are kindergarten level. People can 'conspire' to 'fuck up the world' all they like, it can't happen without the consent of the masses. Psychosis is a defined mental state, with an obviously misfiring brain. Do you know how common it is amongst the insane that they believe that they are being controlled by radio waves? That they think that people that don't even know that they're alive are conspiring against them? That the government is trying to manipulate them directly? People that hear voices actually do hear disembodied voices you know. The difference is that their perception is that these conspiracies are directed against them personally. Yeah, you can argue that the government and authority are trying to manipulate the masses, and I'll even give credence to that argument, as long as it's directed at the masses. But when some nobody thinks the weight and strength of government are directed at them personally it's demonstrably psychotic, because it's just not worth their time. People might, perhaps even likely, conspire against a man like Martin Luther King Jr, but they don't waste their time conspiring against the nutcake that stands on the street corner with a sign saying 'the end is nigh'.

The presence of conspiracies does not mean that everyone that thinks they're being conspired against is real. No one had a clue who the Unabomber was until they finally caught him, and he was decades into his fantasy that he was being conspired against before he was identified. Unless you think the government purposefully allowed him to send bombs to random people, or that he had some magical ability to identify the conspirators while living in a piece of shit cabin in the Montana woods.

The presence of conspiracies does not mean that everyone that thinks they're being conspired against is real. No one had a clue who the Unabomber was until they finally caught him, and he was decades into his fantasy that he was being conspired against before he was identified. Unless you think the government purposefully allowed him to send bombs to random people, or that he had some magical ability to identify the conspirators while living in a piece of shit cabin in the Montana woods.

Would it really surprise you? Don´t you think goverments have done worse to its own people/citizens?

Not that I believe that this is what happened, but I got news for you, they hide things of relevance to humanity every day!

Hydrogen motors have been available since the 50s, put all the money the car/petrol industry have used on research on own products for 50 years into research on hydrogen motors and you have a fucking effective car that don´t pollute!

And they wouldn´t hide the trueth about MJ if they gain from the medical industry????? Off course they wouldn´t, and tomorrow santa comes to tea :D

This is an answer to something I think I understood was written, but then again I´m quite deep into a very nice one ;) But the point(s) still stand in my opinion....
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