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so basically young teens who smoke are psycho's


Amos Moses

Umm, yes, we can and it's not that much of a mystery.

No, it doesn't. In fact thinking you're crazy is a definite indication that you aren't.

No, it's that crazy people can't distinguish fantasy from reality.


Bah, it's silly to respond to this point by point. On a judgmental scale these philosophical questions are kindergarten level. People can 'conspire' to 'fuck up the world' all they like, it can't happen without the consent of the masses. Psychosis is a defined mental state, with an obviously misfiring brain. Do you know how common it is amongst the insane that they believe that they are being controlled by radio waves? That they think that people that don't even know that they're alive are conspiring against them? That the government is trying to manipulate them directly? People that hear voices actually do hear disembodied voices you know. The difference is that their perception is that these conspiracies are directed against them personally. Yeah, you can argue that the government and authority are trying to manipulate the masses, and I'll even give credence to that argument, as long as it's directed at the masses. But when some nobody thinks the weight and strength of government are directed at them personally it's demonstrably psychotic, because it's just not worth their time. People might, perhaps even likely, conspire against a man like Martin Luther King Jr, but they don't waste their time conspiring against the nutcake that stands on the street corner with a sign saying 'the end is nigh'.

The presence of conspiracies does not mean that everyone that thinks they're being conspired against is real. No one had a clue who the Unabomber was until they finally caught him, and he was decades into his fantasy that he was being conspired against before he was identified. Unless you think the government purposefully allowed him to send bombs to random people, or that he had some magical ability to identify the conspirators while living in a piece of shit cabin in the Montana woods.


"Really don't mind if you sit this one out.
My words but a whisper - your deafness a SHOUT.
I may make you feel but I can't make you think.
Your sperm's in the gutter - your love's in the sink.
So you ride yourselves over the fields and
you make all your animal deals and
your wise men don't know how it feels to be thick as a brick."

<hands over ears and eyes closed> LALALALALALALALALALA.....

Amos :wave: