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Smart Meters

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what if you have them flip-flop contactors, that flip from one ballast to another?

this is how i plan on doing it, 2 ballasts on a flip-flop contactor.

but i guess you could still see the current draw as one goes off & the other goes on.

any thoughts?
Guess i'll take muh puter back to the store cuz i cant run it for fear that im running a 400w extra utility in my house they MUST know im growing.

FUCKEN life sucks.

Dr. G

Active member
what if you have them flip-flop contactors, that flip from one ballast to another?

this is how i plan on doing it, 2 ballasts on a flip-flop contactor.

but i guess you could still see the current draw as one goes off & the other goes on.

any thoughts?

oh man noones thought of that b4 did you even read this thread?

he doesnt give a fuck he just wants to argue you


meters won't detect the difference when you flip...

when a bulb gets ignited (is that the word?) the capacitor I believe surges something like 10k volts through it to start it up.... BUT, when its using that 10k Volts, the amperage is pretty much nil, so the Wattage it is drawing is still the same. W = V x A

honestly, power companies can give two shits about power draw, I don't believe they have ever just handed over usage charts of specific individuals to the cops because you are using too much power. (unless you stop paying or steal power, then they will fuck you over as much as possible)

EDIT: whodi ;)

Verger OG

verger, the cat who mentioned flip-flops was spot on. The reason they'll fool the meters is that the ballast runs 24 hours a day. Every 12 hours the load is switched between two bulbs, so you can power two rooms off one ballast. Since there's no on/off cycle that can be detected, no meter reader or software algorithm can fuck you over.

That could work but I don't want to spend that much on my grow. You will have a constant power consumption at least during vegging. I also grow solely for my own use. That means at some point I have to stop growing. And so for some period of time you will have a 24 hour 400W increase over the rest of the year as you grow weed.
But then what about flowering? I can go to 12 hours straight, so in 2 rooms that means I still go down 50%.

Very clear cut. I can choose to gradient down to 12. But that too is a pattern. Remember, the meters here register per 15 minutes.

If you do this several years at a time there is a pattern. I grow in winter because it gets dark early to cover up any light leakage I have. In summer there is no excuse to have a light on that bright. Yes I cover it up by using plastic etc. But my closet door needs to open when I check the plants etc. So the light goes into the kitchen which has a door to outside.

So anyway, it is not that a meter detects ballasts switching on and off. It detects how much power u use per 15 minutes. So that is my worry, not some ballast switching on or off.

Run your veg lights 24 hours and again, no suspicious cycles. Flip rooms kick ass. You get twice the grow space per light, and the ballasts run at full efficiency all the time, as opposed to running off a timer. When a ballast first is powered on it is less efficient than after it's been running for a while and warmed up. A suitable flip-flop relay costs about $20 and solves your problem. No programming required...

Ok but that is good for a continuous growth. As you describe it, this could help with a perm grower. Me I grow once a year. 4 plants or so. I don't need more and i can't sell it or want to. I grow weed because buying is expensive and I like the idea of growing my own. And because I feel I should be free to do so. I am not so integrated as some here into this weed culture.

As for the bigger issue of whether smart meters are a good thing, well, really what difference does our opinion really make? the power cos are going to do it if they think it will make them more $ or make their grid more efficient.

Well, as far as I can tell there are 3 arguments to install them:

1: Climate change needs to be stopped. Therefore consumers must be more aware of their power consumption. To achief that smart meters will offer consumers insight into their power use. So they can save power and that helps climate change.
2: The improved insight into their own consumption will help them save money in a world where energy costs will keep rising.
3: Power companies can start providing in-depth analysis through a website (with a login account no doubt) of your own power use and by doing so, hope to attract more clients, so, a competition based argument.

I am all for battling climate change. But I feel education and campaigns are better than to allow a smart meter in my home.
I am, also for saving energy. But again, I can learn to save power without some power company offering me insight and analysis, including graphs per 15 minutes. Think of such a service as the equivalent of web statistics.

I have no doubt that once we all have these meters, horny LEO will get permission to use that sort of collected data to their advantage.

Why do I believe that? Because in many other areas this has happened.

First they said that our social security number would ONLY be allowed to be used by the IRS. Now you need it to get a bank account. To apply for work, to proof who you are at other governmental institutions, to apply for an unemployment pay.
Thye said that database X, used by government or pseudo-government organizations such as the one that deals with paying pensions to retired folks Would NEVER be coupled to database y of the IRS. Now, many more databases are networked and in their naivity governments lack the insight into security.
Data collected is data stolen, credit card companies, banks, you name it, it gets hacked into.

And LEO always gets permission to confiscate. Even if there is a suspicion against me they can go to my library and collect data on what I loaned there. I better not be taking out books about marijuana... or islam. Because the fear of terrorism makes that governments get away with increasingly draconinc measures and laws.

But I explained all that.

So, I am not worried at all! I KNOW for a fact it will be a matter of time before LEO starts nagging the power co's to provide their data. Just as they now can with ISP's.

Remember when Overgrow was busted? How everyone panicked?

Now they attack me saying I am a fear monger while in their own homes they have a spy device!

We have zero input on this matter. So our only option is to be smarter than the meters or move to a location where they haven't been implemented. I mean, come on dude, growers have been using their ingenuity to circumvent stupid laws and detection methods for decades. Do you really think some new power meter will send us all packing?

Unfortunately, my growing weed is not so important to me that I would be willing from my ideal location to elsewhere. My gf lives neaby, the supermarket I need, the bus stops in front of the door (not that I use it, I ride my (motor) bike and I live in a good area close to the inner city. I don't want to move.

Besides, the plan is to install smart meters in ALL Dutch homes! They are starting this year.

No, the meter won't start us all packing. But I also explained that everytime we need to take a step back. And gain a new level of being smart.

However, society changes. In the early days there was no such technology available as there is now. Agreed?

And that new type of technology, you know what I mean, from cell phones to internet and its assembly of technologies, the camera's, cctv, networking, database technologies, BOINC, new and reformed laws around terrorism, the whole modern day deal of it, has reached a momentum and a speed of development that makes it increasingly difficult to stay below the radar.

And it ain't paranoia either. Since there is no true dedicated organised opposition, politicians, to gain respect in the eyes of dumb people and their own kind, to be able to boast it wasn't there fault people died in an attack that will never come, push through laws and rules and allow for studies and new security implementations for the 'greater good and 'think of the children'.

Even here as we debate this, people allow themselves to be pushed to the position where they will have to be smarter than the technology imposed on them and actually defend fatalistically that this is the way it has always been.

But remember, by no means is there an etched in stone rule, not in a holy book or by the word of god or man or by any theory or wisdom or philosophy, that explicitly states that there will never be a time when you cannot find novel ways to escape into a new space of non-detection.

I think very rapidly we are reaching the point that we lose all privacy and have by the 'grace' of science and technology that we ourselves so much adore for making our lives 'easier', nowhere to hide from it.

I guess it is a matter of perspective. And of inner fears. I am one to confront :wallbash:and oppose.:dueling: Others rather not see it this way to allow themselves a breather. :joint:

Thanks for taking the time to post something civil.

Verger OG

Everyone, Original thread starter included.....watch your tone and words or this'll be closed in a flash....

That is what whodi and Dr. G want I think. He is being crude just to have you close my thread down.
That way he can 'win' the argument. Please do not fall for it.

Rather, warn him about his abuse because it cannot be so that a thread locks down because one person insists on reading something he doesn't like to see.
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Verger OG

Guess i'll take muh puter back to the store cuz i cant run it for fear that im running a 400w extra utility in my house they MUST know im growing.

FUCKEN life sucks.

My evil PC runs on a 600W PSU.

I feel bad about it.


New member
Anyone else find it odd that verger uses the I,we,our pronouns when describing situations in USA eg, taxes,social security #.... but insists he's Dutch?

And this thread is a dead horse.

Karma Genetics

Verger do you ever do anything else then fighting and pissing people off.

Almost always when i read a post from you. You are in battle.


meters won't detect the difference when you flip...

when a bulb gets ignited (is that the word?) the capacitor I believe surges something like 10k volts through it to start it up.... BUT, when its using that 10k Volts, the amperage is pretty much nil, so the Wattage it is drawing is still the same. W = V x A

honestly, power companies can give two shits about power draw, I don't believe they have ever just handed over usage charts of specific individuals to the cops because you are using too much power. (unless you stop paying or steal power, then they will fuck you over as much as possible)

EDIT: whodi ;)

not true, thay have and will co-operate with police when ever police ask for your info, dont be naive

Dr. G

Active member
hes just mad cuz hes jealous

im wondering if this cat even has a grow

you sir are a troll

Verger OG

Anyone else find it odd that verger uses the I,we,our pronouns when describing situations in USA eg, taxes,social security #.... but insists he's Dutch?

And this thread is a dead horse.

I am Dutch. People, you need to get over yourself. Just because you disagree you do not have to:

1: Call me LEO,
2: Question my nationality,
3: Call me insane,
4: Call me paranoid,
5: Call me a fear monger,
6: Constantly exclaim this thread has no purpose or is dead.

If you have doubts, read the Dutch forums where you can see my posts in Dutch.

Another bad reader, cause a few posts back I have exhausted myself in explaining the Dutch society and its principles.

If there are parallels with american societies, that could be. And in that case you should for thatr eason know where I am coming from, no pun intended.

I am also capable of looking beyond my own country. Are you?

Verger OG

Verger do you ever do anything else then fighting and pissing people off.

Almost always when i read a post from you. You are in battle.

The reason for that lies not with me but by other people, who are incapable of forming an argument and engaging in a meaningful discussion. Who are incapable of reading with understanding. Who are impatient and flashy, like newsbites and have no time to think something through.
It is much easier to bite someone's head off.

You ask me this question. But I do not see why people should let them self go off like they do. They do not have to read it if they don't like it, yet still, they come here to say this thread is dead or useless, verbally abuse me for my apparent audacity to appeal to their brains. They are scared shitles to think about society, technology and what it will mean to their lives.

They can't link things together. They can't see a link between a smart meter, the technology it consists of, how that affects principle issues of privacy and security, how that connects to society's choices regarding how governments look at their people with distrust and how all that is bound together and symptom of a greater pattern.

I can't help that. But I don't see why I should stfu just because others dislike what they read. You can just not to read it. I will try to get a meaningful response because out there on this site there MUST be someone with half a brain willing to exchange some ideas. Because what I do know is that weed smokers are a reflection of all of society and that therefore there must be someone with half a brain on this site.

Is it not for these reasons this subforum exists? They call me a fear monger, if so, why does IC allow a 'Security & Legal Issues' forum?
The troll is the one who posts to elicit a negative response, that would be you Dr. G. see like the post where you brought nothing to the discussion but to call someone a moron and the like, that's called trolling.
Venger has a point, but then you've freely admitted to not reading his stuff, so you're not taking part in the discussion part, you're just trolling.

Venger, it's a pity that your ideas are falling on deaf ears, I have a feeling that you pissed people off in the chat with your Germanic insistant nature, but hey, that's the Dutch for you, takes a little getting used to the style and if you were less abrasive maybe you'd have gotten further with some real discussion and some intelligent counter posts, but unfortunately that didn't really happen.
Good luck dude, and by the way most state agencies grant access to the police when it comes to any of your utility records these days.

Verger OG

not true, thay have and will co-operate with police when ever police ask for your info, dont be naive

In the Netherlands they already work together. When the police finds a large grow house with 400 plants for example, often they tap power illegally. So they inform the power co. And they will fine the growers with huge fines. Because they don't know exactly how much power has been tapped, they make sure they get what they think they lost.


It would be just a logical next step to share collected data with LEO. It is not a choice either when a judge issues a court order.
Just like they do with ISP's.

Verger OG


verger, why don't you stop worrying about power bills and grow outside?

Last summer I grew outside. My first attempt but it was on my balcony and I got too little light. Sun only shines directly on the plants after noon. Then hides a bit behind a tree in the street and comes back after a couple of hours. Not the best place to grow.
I still have enough for the summer. Perhaps I will try again although i doubt the results will be much better :-( So later this year I will grow inside again.

Dr. G

Active member
ha he says hes an overgrow member but tis was his first grow atempt

this cat is also now resorting to pming me and giving me bad rep and just harassing me

verger if you fucking contact me again ill have you banned quit bothering me

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