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Smart Meters

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Verger OG

dude seriously so your saying that theres going to be helo copters over our houses one day how could you tell the difference from burning joint or a grow and especially a grow thats well filtered

you think just because you type intellegentally that your not 100% completely insane

Learn to read first before you reply. I have already stated several times that such sniffer helo's would certainly be used at first in areas they know for their grow houses. And is that not enough to be worried?

And than you say I THINK I write intelligently. It seems to be so that you picked that up as you scanned my posts, cause reading is not what you did. I do not think I write intelligently. You are projecting your assumptions on what I think to me.

I know I am 100% insane, because I must be when I am met with hostility, distrust by most people, who have lost all insight in freedom, principles and what is morally right.

I am proud to be insane then because I WILL NOT accept this change in thinking that I see in society, with sheep accepting apathetically ' the way things are' so fatalistically, always retreating into a diminishing space of true freedom and liberty.

You may be acceptant of smart meters and other such things but I rather be 100% insane.

and how the fuck do you think americans pollute more and use more energy who the fuck cares how bout start converting solar wind and water to energy does it still matter then im pretty sure your town runs on a nuclear plant most contries do

These are just simple facts that anyone can search for on internet. I know it is tough when a star spangled banner is tattooed on your penis, symbolizing the connection between your own ego and patriotism, to be told something negative about your country, yet still, what does that have to do with anything really. LOL!

My power is green. My power compnay buys only green energy. The Netherlands boasts one nuclear power plant. It provides in total 3% of our national power use. In the meantime a new wind park will be developed in the North Sea powering 300.000 houses.

But who is counting! :dueling:

have you ever been to america? how bout japan they have a million times more electronics than us

Yes, several times. The fact someone points out something bad about your land doesn't mean you should knee-jerk into pointing fingers at other nations to evade the facts.

But you know that in your heart. it is just you forgot about it in this inauguration time and the expectations of a new president, who will be just about the same as any previous one.

why dont you go back to your america hateing conspiricy theory websites we dont want you here

I don't think I am the stranger here son.

we would like to discuss real concerns we told you you shouldnt worry so much about smart meters and you go off on everyone

I don't go off and when I do, like in this post, I keep it civil. You are the one going off as I discuss serious concerns that weave together something simple like a smart meter device to the way society has turned to in general.

Where have you seen this before om this website then, interconnecting several points into a tapestry of societal thought?

If you cannot keep up and fall back on simple monotonous hostility without content, you should keep to shouting matches elsewhere.

Please be mindful that English is only my secondary language so, as a result I may be unable to express myself to your standards.

have a great day

I wish you a nice day as well!

Verger OG

if you are that concerned then level out your power consumption... flip flop flowering areas, and run veg lights 24/0....

Honestly dude,... yeah the cops are becoming more intrusive by the day. Thats why we must become smarter and more elusive everyday.

Also BTW you are more likely to get caught because you announced to the world on a public internet site that you are growing weed. When compiled with your anti government drivel, that you post in the same place... thats what is asking for trouble.

If you were REALLY concerned about smart power meters, you wouldn't be bitching about it on here. Grow more pot before the meter gets installed. Save up enough money to either buy property or rent a nice house. Start new grow from day one at new address. Power usage will remain consistent since service was initiated which won't show any spikes or deviations.

Yes I understand what you are saying but if we should not discuss such things because of fear, we are already dead inside and slaves to Big Bother. For the time being I hope to just blend in with the enormous data we produce.

In the meantime Dutch IRS scans Hyves to see if people boast about not declared income...

I know the drill. But I am not that far out to believe that' the tv goes two ways, dude'.

Cops are intrusive but do you not prefer a society where cops are restrained and limited in their ability to pry? Perhaps we should aim for that rather than too easily aceept it is the way it is, feeling powerless and unwilling to take a risk.

Me I love freedom. God I love it. I love it more than my life and I will always speak what I feel and express my opinion.
And I will not be limiting myself out of fear of being found out as I express myself in public places like this.

I understand too well that way of thinking you expressed. That IF I was REALLY worried I would shut up. To do so would make me a terrorist because they go underground. They fear to speak the truth knowing their opinion is too extreme and their intentions to deadly for society and government to tolerate.

I will not be forced to hide my opinion because of what might happen if I did. The moment I am silent, the man will worry.

Now I am just a loudmouth with an opinion! Again I am not afraid I am being watched here. Since i have no intentions of blowing up things.

And since when is debating these fine points " bitching"?

Listen son, if you do not want to deal with is, you are (still) free enough not to read this thread. Yet still I respect your opinion even though your expression is uncalled for.

Ask yourself why we gather here on this website. We share our love for a plant, discuss our freedom to grow, politics and how all that affects us. I have brought up smart meters as an example of a larger problem in our world that connects to these meters. You don't have to participate. But I appreciate it if you did in a beneficial way.

The least I achieved us made you think.

But I do not want to keep moving or fleeing from house to house because I am being chased by my choice to grow. Besides, I do not grow so much that it would justify leaving this lovely apartment that is cheap, and adding up all those expenses of moving.

It would be a bitter thing to do when every new house I move into has a smart meter waiting for me.
Sticking your heads in the sand won't help, maybe you don't like what he's saying but he's not that far off.

I have a friend who works in the military as a private contractor. He worked on a high sec site not so long ago, we used to smoke together.
He was shown the electronic bomb sniffer one day and the guy demoing it to him said, see it can do drugs too , wanna see? My friend politely declined and walked away quickly, there's no reason to believe that technology can't be deployed in a bigger way at some near point in the future, no reason that I can think of that it couldn't be hung under a chopper some day.
Some of you seem to think that technology is moving slowly these days, that's not true, since computers have come on stream look at all that's been achieved.
Cameras that can recognise you by the way you walk, not to mention facial recognition linked into databases with instant feedback, it's all their already the applications just need to be changed.

Just because you don't like it or understand it doesn't mean it isn't happening or going to happen.


When it comes to aircraft and electronics, I tend to know what is going on. I am an electronics engineer and make my living by keeping on the leading edge of electronics technologies. I specialize in avionics.
When it comes to aircraft and electronics, I tend to know what is going on. I am an electronics engineer and make my living by keeping on the leading edge of electronics technologies. I specialize in avionics.

So are you saying that in your opinion that it is technically impossible to do what he's claiming or that it will remain so in the near future?


At this point, it is not feasible for a scent sniffing chip to be used in aircraft. I do not think it will be in my lifetime.

Verger OG

At this point, it is not feasible for a scent sniffing chip to be used in aircraft. I do not think it will be in my lifetime.

I am sitting here thinking what to write. I could become angry. Are you calling me a liar? Are you denying what I saw with my own eyes on television?

Instead of being angry that my writings are so unjustly cast aside I give again the same link:


Since it is in Dutch I will translate it so you have no excuse or ground for denial. (2nd paragraph)

To be sure that the squad team does not lift innocent tomato growers from their beds, the helicopters are as well fitted with a device that takes air samples and can detect traces of forbidden substances. A sort of weed-sniffer or canna-sniffer thus. The air around grow sites is 'tainted' with these substances so that they can pick pit grow operations easily.

There is no point in denying this technology exists and is being used in airports or by bomb squads. Among many more applications no doubt.

In my youth I would never have dreamed up something like the internet. Or a mobile phone. Let alone that both inventions and technologies would after its common every day use be used by governments to track us.

Don't ever say something is impossible within our lifetime, save flying at warp speed to Alpha Centauri.
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It's funny you know I envisioned them on these unmanned drones too. Easy and cheap to deploy, none of this huge manpower and time BS, easy for any kid who can play a Playstation to control.
They've been using similar over Palestine for years. Crazy that they have the sniffer chip in them now too.

Crazy that article reckons they might even let them go autonomously eventually and just sniff out weed factories, crazy scary stuff. I can read a bit of Dutch by the way.
Link a few things up, datamining for power usage and put the GPS coordinates of the sites in and let these babies go.....not a million miles away it would appear.

Not the ravings of a paranoid madman after all it would seem, are you up on this tech Nightfire?


i would recommend a engine block heater and timer to cover it all up..dont use it just rig up a cord out of the grill and plug in to it...no power consumption but would be a legal public display explaining extra usage...in winter....in summer just say you have additional cooling etc..



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
I really dont believe that anything short of civil disobedience in the streets to protest this smart meter would satisfy Verger . Ive seen ppl make many suggestion to which he just returns with these incredibly long winded post.


babba-thats a good one-

i thought my engine block suggestion was decent ...but yeah right on...i see what you mean here after reading a few..he has his mind made up!



Verger OG, do you have any idea how aircraft stay in the sky?

They move massive amounts of air across their bodies. It is impossible to get a reading of air particles that are below them at normal operation heights.

A helicopter must produce more downward force than it's gross weight. A light Kiowa (OH58) has a max gross weight around 2500 pounds, a typical, small, police or military helicopter has a weight of 5000-6000 pounds. It is pulling air from above and pushing it down with very high speeds. The only chance that aircraft has of getting air that originates at ground level is when it is 50' or lower from the ground (which police only do when the public safety is in danger, or unpopulated areas). Even then, it would be taking ground air samples of everything within 200'+ in every direction (160,000+ sq ft measured horizontally or 1,600,000,000+ cubic feet at 50' above ground level). A football field (from end zone to end zone) is 300'.

So, if a helicopter were hovering at 50', put a football field, length wise, on every side of it. That would be the air sampling area. All of the air in that area will be combined and impossible to single out an individual house, or know if it's just a joint or a grow (or even sage).

Bomb sniffing devices look for explosives in a very small area in front of them. A bullet or fertilizer will trigger a bomb sniffing device.

So, unless some miraculous discovery is made to cause aircraft to stay airborne without disrupting the air, scent sniffing from aircraft will not be feasible.
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nightfire-well said-chasing and flir and viewing is all that a chooper is good for isnt it?

i mean they used to look for hotspots in the neigborhood...as compared to your neighbor..and maybe follow you to your patch but if they know where you live and have you on the list...i would not worry about it i would stop drop and roll or something..

sounds like a lot of pressure to me...

if your light bill goes off the charts the poco may not recognize it but if they get suspicious yeah they will let the cops know...they sign up for these programs like help the pigs or whtever and like buying cold pills at walmart if you get out of the box then you get a dime dropped on you..

if you have a ranch that has a lot of outbuildings and a 5000 sqf house nobody is going to care that every 12 hours your hot tub heater comes on or that your using excessive kwH...the poco charges by kwH...

there is some amazing tech out there so yeah be a little paranoid but...there comes a point when folks will start giving you the skunk eye ....


Dr. G

Active member
your just arguing to argue dude i didnt read all your crap cuz its the same bullshit over and over who the fuck wants to read all that noone cares enough

just shut up already your really annoying your worse than our gov. with the fear mongering

Learn to read first before you reply. I have already stated several times that such sniffer helo's would certainly be used at first in areas they know for their grow houses. And is that not enough to be worried?

And than you say I THINK I write intelligently. It seems to be so that you picked that up as you scanned my posts, cause reading is not what you did. I do not think I write intelligently. You are projecting your assumptions on what I think to me.

I know I am 100% insane, because I must be when I am met with hostility, distrust by most people, who have lost all insight in freedom, principles and what is morally right.

I am proud to be insane then because I WILL NOT accept this change in thinking that I see in society, with sheep accepting apathetically ' the way things are' so fatalistically, always retreating into a diminishing space of true freedom and liberty.

You may be acceptant of smart meters and other such things but I rather be 100% insane.

These are just simple facts that anyone can search for on internet. I know it is tough when a star spangled banner is tattooed on your penis, symbolizing the connection between your own ego and patriotism, to be told something negative about your country, yet still, what does that have to do with anything really. LOL!

My power is green. My power compnay buys only green energy. The Netherlands boasts one nuclear power plant. It provides in total 3% of our national power use. In the meantime a new wind park will be developed in the North Sea powering 300.000 houses.

But who is counting! :dueling:

Yes, several times. The fact someone points out something bad about your land doesn't mean you should knee-jerk into pointing fingers at other nations to evade the facts.

But you know that in your heart. it is just you forgot about it in this inauguration time and the expectations of a new president, who will be just about the same as any previous one.

I don't think I am the stranger here son.

I don't go off and when I do, like in this post, I keep it civil. You are the one going off as I discuss serious concerns that weave together something simple like a smart meter device to the way society has turned to in general.

Where have you seen this before om this website then, interconnecting several points into a tapestry of societal thought?

If you cannot keep up and fall back on simple monotonous hostility without content, you should keep to shouting matches elsewhere.

Please be mindful that English is only my secondary language so, as a result I may be unable to express myself to your standards.

I wish you a nice day as well!


Well-known member
Verger, you're absolutely right on.
People will attack you because denial is easier than accepting the oppressive realities of what is to come.
But as long as technology exists to control us, someone will be creating countermeasures.. I hope.
your just arguing to argue dude i didnt read all your crap cuz its the same bullshit over and over who the fuck wants to read all that noone cares enough

just shut up already your really annoying your worse than our gov. with the fear mongering

Yeah don't read it, that makes you a good one to argue either way, stupid fuck.

Dr. G

Active member
Yeah don't read it, that makes you a good one to argue either way, stupid fuck.

dude ive read tons of it its just the same shit theres pages and pages of the same thing

i totally see that the world is fucked up and that the us in perticular is a police state i don't deny that

but insisting paranoia isnt needed they cant have helicopters with any sniffing technology

the smart meters are something to worry about like everyone has said but not too much just do a flop i don't get wtf you people are worried about

get over it hes arguing for no fucking reason

just shows how unintellegent you sound calling me a stupid fuck

Verger OG

It's funny you know I envisioned them on these unmanned drones too. Easy and cheap to deploy, none of this huge manpower and time BS, easy for any kid who can play a Playstation to control.
They've been using similar over Palestine for years. Crazy that they have the sniffer chip in them now too.

Crazy that article reckons they might even let them go autonomously eventually and just sniff out weed factories, crazy scary stuff. I can read a bit of Dutch by the way.

Then you can testify my translation was accurate. It is good I get some support here and I thank you for speaking out. Maybe I am not 100% insane after all! :1help:

I didn't know that about Palestine. But it wouldn't surprise me. In Iraq they also deploy drones and Afghanistan.

The drones are not the problem that much is certain.

Verger OG

I really dont believe that anything short of civil disobedience in the streets to protest this smart meter would satisfy Verger . Ive seen ppl make many suggestion to which he just returns with these incredibly long winded post.

One of the problems of society these days is that if a post has 3 paragraphs it is consider long and if it has more than 4 it is considered a book.

The attention span of people is ultra short these days. This is bad. Because the exchange of ideas is done by words. In principle everyone would like to see posts with one word in them if that would be enough to convey a whole complex idea.
We would read one word and sigh and say 'ah I get it'.

That is not how it works and it is strange that a website around cannabis use and life has a moderator making comments about the length of someones' writings.

I would think that is what this is here for, communication.

What I want mostly is for people to start thinking critically about what governments do and how these new technologies and inventions not just attack growers and make life harder for them but all people in general.

And how so easily we accept and agree to take a step back and retreat rather than oppose such invasions.

That should be discussed on every platform on the internet. Otherwise in 20 years we will have another Neurenberg Tribunal.

But that aside, this is about smart meters. Not over what I want people to do in the street.
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