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Size does matter!


Gene Mangler
"In soil" pot size does matter, an occasional exception for shallow rooting indicas. I'm torturing a PurpleWreck in a 1gal all the way to finish right now lol not much loss in yield, but its a shallow rooting, low yielder too. It didn't even start to use the 5gal last run, looks like a 2 or 3 would be fine for it.
My JaneDoes on the other hand, totally stuffed these 7 sp's this run from the top to bottom solid angle hair, looks like she NEEDS 10gal sp's for anything over a 100 day run.

2 gal nets on a root mat can't really be considered 2gal, more like 5's for a soil comparison. Its a slick way to grow though & its a lot of extra work using soil/organics for a small boost in the gooey dank factor.
I wouldn't be surprised if I come around to a coco drip to waste for everything but my stash eventually.
I'll grab a bag of coco soon & toss 1 in with the others ;)

Were both right, depending on medium/method & strain.
Soil it really matters with vigorous rooters, much less with coco & shallow rooters & a nice dense rootmass always matters!



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I have one in a smart pot #7. I noticed when I water some of the water drips out from the sides of the smart pot so if you use these you have to have a moister barrier on the bottom.



i just harvested some comparison plants and the results were similar.

OG Kush- the difference between a 1gal 50/50 mix and a 3gal 50/50 mix was about a quarter ounce favoring the 3gal. the 1gal was rootbound and the 3gal wasn't even close to rootbound. Ceteris Paribus.

Purple Urkle- the 3gal produced almost twice as much as a 1gal. Same situation with the roots.

It seems that the roots will get rootbound easier not only with a smaller container but with soil compared to a 50/50 mix. All the soil containers (1gal or 3gal) were rootbound at harvest. The 50/50 mix i could pull the plant out of the container and the rootball with it, leaving most of the container filled with the medium still.

anyways, nothing new i guess....just rambling. can't wait to try DWC.


Gene Mangler
@ Hammerhead - Nice perpetual ;) like to see how they do.

@ Brastsman - Cool ;) that's as much or more than the most expensive nute product could deliver, which was my reason for starting this thread... You can't beat big pots (with soil) for a cheap & legit yield boost!

The other grow mediums using less is interesting, have always ran soiless mix/salts or 100% organic soil. It would explain some of the increases with hydro & some of the disagreements on the big pot subject too. Been trying to harness some of the hydro increases into organics without going organic hydro, think I'm onto a few things.
A hybrid of some sorts looks like the answer, for max yields with max organic quality.

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jrosek, I know you know this but....

2.4 lbs under 1 600 = 1.49 grams per watt

9.5 lbs under 2 1000's = 2.128 grams per watt

Unbelievable goals man, you should be famous, lol :respect:

How are things going by the way, any new records with those tables?
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jrosek i am very excited to see this thread. i have read every post for half of it then all of yours.

what in the hell is AN3?? can you tell me the whole thing so i can try to buy it? and GH as well?

i have your ppms, but how does that work out to teaspoons. yeah i'm a noobie. i kill everything in sight. i think i offed almost all my plants like you did to the cold one night. i have threads in the infirmary. i really like how you are only vegging them for a week or 10 days (tho now you go straight to flower). i have your feeding schedule too. just alittle sketchy on the ingrediants. i have two 400s. one MH and one HPS in my veg. i have been vegging them in a 1 gallon pot to about a foot high then to flower. this is all wrong. i am getting squat.. most of my plants have no light to the bottom. i have read some dumb shit. like never cut your fan leaves, the bud needs them to die & sacrifice themselfs to the holy bud. what a crock of shit. i have been trying to grow this stupid weed for over a year now and have never done anything in my life i have failed so miserably at! i am going to grow a room like yours or die trying. i have two areas about 4x4 to grow in. i have been using almost all organic compost and perlite with what i thought was great results, until i got to the size of my plants in flower. it has taken way too long to get what i'm gettin. i am going to do exactly what you are doing, or were doing. i don't want to use the bed. i like my gallon jugs. (plastic coffee cans with the extra 1/4 pound from Costco). i need to get this crap in gear now, because of the recession, i am going to lose my house if i don't increase my yeilds. i don't care about the cops, everything is invisible except for my posts on this website.

please tell me the name of your fertilizer. i too am waiting to get to the magic 50 to PM folks. i am going to throw out all my soil and compost. my water has been strictly 6.8 to 7.0 from a fish tank. well oxygenated. i can adjust it easily with ph Down. i like the fact that vermiculite is reusable too! i can't figure out what to do with all the fucking dirt.

for vegging, which you say you don't do anymore, should i just use a T-5 grow light on them for a week then put them in under the HPSs? How many hours on/off should i use? or, in the alternative, are you absolutely positive they don't even need to be vegged at all?

i use these little cloning plugs. when they have roots coming out of them i put them in a little 3-4 inch container to grow out the roots. should i keep doing this? i have had pretty damned good luck cloning this way. i keep the plugs (@20) in a tray with with water on the bottom just touching the plugs, with a little 6" tall green house over them and squirt them down a couple times a day. should i just take them straight out of the tray, and put them into the 1 pound coffee can full of perlite/verm? or should i still use the 3-4" containers? i don't know what these plugs are, they come in an unmarked bag, are about 2" tall, 1" in diameter. not the flat discs you have to water.
i have pics in my gallary of all my sick-ass plants. things aint goin so good at the moment cause of that one cold night, and my over fertilizing f'ups trying to overcompensate. basically, what you are saying is that every one of my plants should be under 12/12 since they all have roots now. right? and it should be just fine to take them with their soil their roots are stuck in and stick them into the pot filled with the p/v?
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Gene Mangler
Getting ready to flood 18 #7 & #10 Smart Pots, I have all the parts for my new 24 pot drip sys or they're on the way.
I have 4 #7's, 2 #10's @ 15 days (on a temp drip sys), 1 group of 6 #7's just turned back & 6 more #7's ready in about 10 days.
I swear the 10's on the drip @ 15 days think they're outdoors :p going to have to bump all my vigorous rooters to 10's it looks like?
Have a nice mix of strains to compare this run, will take some rootball cross sections @ harvest to see if they all made use of their big shoes? or need even bigger?

I'm like a little kid with a new set of Knex blocks :p



New member
back to basics...

back to basics...

Greetings, people
I'm a newbie to this (or any) forum, but not to growing - I'd like to submit that pot size is mostly irrelevant. The key is delivery of nutrients - if ya wanta leave a plant in a six-inch pot forever, all ya gotta figure out is how to water/fertilize often enough. Eventually you approach a hydroponic system because the entire pot is filled with roots! I've coped with grows that were essentially SOG in six-inchers, and it is indeed a pain in the butt to keep up with without abusing the plants with the watering wand. All this is why I've gone to beds - units of 5x20' - planted 150units/bed, and I can deal with it as if it were a field, instead of feeding/watering individual plants. Means I can do it with a drip line with embedded emitters set up to soak the entire bed. Better to work smart than work hard....


Gene Mangler
"I'd like to submit that pot size is mostly irrelevant"

My trees in 10gals didn't get that memo! :p


New member


yeah, but are we talking indoors? Real world constraints say plant stability in a small pot is a problem, tho

And I'm not saying bigger pots don't work - but a really big pot is kind of a small bed, isn't it?


New member


ya'know, in the US, if we have a specimen-sized houseplant - say a big dracaena - it's probably in a big pot. 5-10 gal. But in Europe that same plant might well be in an eight or ten inch pot with built-in wick watering...but it might have to be supported. How large a footprint your facilities allow has gotta figure in to the calculation -

Like the rest of us, I'm into learning...and sharing info. If I step on anyone's toes (or treasured myths) it's inadvertent.


Gene Mangler
Hey SOGger :)

Agreed, your available footprint plays a big part in what will work best, strain, growing medium, growing method...
SOG Beds are a hands down winner. I was going to say that beds are nothing but a huge pot before
I'm indoors, but limited to 6 plants per patient, I'd have 400 where I have 24 otherwise :p I'm simply going for a 4'x6' SOG canopy with each 6 plants.
In soil, big pots make a huge difference & thats a fact!

ok , so i have somewhat of an enigma for you guys: can a 3gl pot yield a7 foot sativa in veg?
Yeah, I just finished a 6ft Columbian Gold in a short filled 5gal bag, about 3 gals. I short filled it on purpose to keep her under control a bit, smaller pots work great for limiting the big strains too.

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New member
hey Chef...

hey Chef...

And while we're talkin' about beds...has anyone figured out a sure-fire cure for mildew? I thought I had a handle on it by adding enough ag lime to the Sunshine #4 to bring the ph up, but I'm seeing spots again. I use a couple of the 3-in-1 sprays, but that carries its own risk of mold from the spraying if ya overdo. I think I've got airflow and movement provided for...and my humidity runs in the low 30's.

(All of this is, of course, about this guy down the road....)
can anybody tell me what fertilizer (for hydronics, apparently), that jrosek is referring to. AN3? AN 3 part? i transplanted my best 4 starts into his per/verm medium and have to throw something at them no later than tomorrow (now today) what is GH?

okay found the GH. and a thread recommending their flora nova bloom bottle instead of the 3 part. FINALLY just found out what AN means; advanced nutrients.

wow, finally after days, got the answes i need. other than that, where in the hell are you jrosek? i gotta get some ph up for this fertilizer.

anybody know if jroseks method/medium has a name, ie, been done before? maybe i can find some other threads on this. i am using a little bit bigger pot for this, it's like 6x6" square and 16" deep. i'm sure bigger pots make for bigger plants but with the amount of internal pruning you have to do or else you get such small buds under the main ones, i can't see the point of growing big plants. i am convinced in my own little mind that getting them into bud asap and budding asap will make for less work, and just as much income. assuming of course i can ever figure out how to grow them in the first place! :(
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New member
Hi Jrosek.
I've been reading your post with lots of curiosity and interest.
Your flowering room is really something ! and using that sooo cheap medium ... i will have to try it myself.
but with all those cuts you use, it makes me so curious about you vega-room.
how much time does it take to get clones for each of those tables ? and how many mother-plants do you have for that ?
what kind and how many lights do you use in your vega-room to suply your flowering room with so many clones ?

i'm really thinking about starting with a 2x600W room using the same system you're using. but i've been thinking about the vega... so much !!!
you put your rooted clones inside plastic cups, right ?
how do you water them ?
must be a mess to water so many cups in a room, isn't it ?
give me some hints (photos would be great).

waiting for a fast answer ... :) (need to build the room fast)
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phineas fogg

New member
Hi Jrosek great info. I'm running a sog at the moment from seeds started 10 weeks ago aiming for 9 per sq ft in 1.5 lt water bottle s that are cut down using bio buzz all mix soil and feeding organic teas, but because of the size of the pots watering as become a daily occurence. So am thinking of going with your bed idea but in 30"x15" plastic trays. What I wanted your input on was what you did with the mix you use after harvest , do you reuse it , and if you do, do you need to disinfect it in anyway ?

Oh and while on this thread my pots are 1lt with plants 12" to 16" with a good 8" bud developement .These were the runts from the seeds with the best ones going on to be mums. I think in my very limited experience is that as long as the plants are small without side branches and the feeding is good then you can get away with small pots.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
7g smart pot 5g square pot

7g smart pot 5g square pot

Ok I have 2 Kali Mist. One is in a 7g smart pot the other is in a 5g square pot both are very tall 54" and 50". here is a pic 12/12 started at 12". The light is at 6'

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Ive found that 3 gallong pots are the minimum size required to grow a decent sized plant and thus harvest a decent amount of bud. 5 Gal is preferable in most indoor grows, and anything more than that you would have to gauge it according to your own specs.