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Sittin in my shed....


Well-known member
Summer has announced its presence….

I’m sitting in the shade of the cherry tree, enjoying a joint and coffee…Simple pleasures are the best :tiphat:


Well-known member
Going to get the paddling pool out today so it’s ready when little miss b gets home from school… it’s a 10ft round one so takes a fair few hours to fill up.
Got a few bags of sand to level up a bit as the ground has dropped a little over the winter then I’ll put the tarp down and we’re away.

Got to trim the next gorilla haze while it’s filling 👍


Well-known member
I made sure to dunk myself in the pool last night before bed as the temperatures are not dropping much overnight … cooler by Friday so they say


Well-known member
Just had groceries delivered and after they left I realised one of the tins of tuna in oil was open… covering everything in fishy oil 🤦🏻‍♂️
Including the sofa cushion :yoinks:
well that sort of thing really sucks :(
But at least you recieved your delivery,lol I´m still waiting for my package which was meant to be delivered 8 days ago. I managed to find a phone number and rang them up. This morning I got a message that the contents were damaged. God knows when I´m gonna get my meds.
I´ve been so pissed off for a week now. It´s not the first time the parcel service has screwed up but never this bad.
Honestly, they keep getting more and more expensive but each time they put their prices up, they also provide less service. :(
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Well-known member
Back to cooler weather for a few days… I’m definitely not complaining 👍 still sunny here and there and dry, but a much nicer air direction.

I’m more of an autumn/winter/early spring person, not good with the heat

Got the tent all cleaned out for the lemonade og today, they’re all repotted and waiting for the light to come on- the recent hot sunshine has boosted their growth very nicely