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Silver's second straight-bulb several strain sweetened soil sweetness. Seriously.

silver hawaiian

Active member
Seedlings & cuts coming along, ..


Front row are cuts of the Nightmare Diesel, with the ChemD on the far right/front.

Back row is the Blue Satellite 2.2 seedlings. I'm fairly certain the one in the back row/far left is a dude, but I'm gonna let things develop a little more and go from there..

Stashed in the back, under the dome, is a lonely GG cut.. Preservation is on the brain this time, believe it or not.

EDIT: And Bud-Boy, good call. That was last night's dessert. Tonight's is two bigg'ns of the Pale Ale.

When I'm in super drunk-mode, I go for the torpedo - a lil' more booze for the same number of pennies. :D


plants bounced back great man. that straw looks fine and that ND is gonna turn out for you for sure!

silver hawaiian

Active member
....................and for all the overweight old fogies like myself there's this, tastes ok, just no buzz..........................

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Ooh! Beautiful patio! Seems sufficient for sipping some brewski's to me!

Small sidekick's stewardship seems sufficient....salute!!


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damn im fast


Love the garden gnome silver! Gotta get me one of those :biggrin:

:thank you: He's got an 18" buddy holdin' it down outside too.

They're my wife's contributions to the gardens.. :dance:


Senior Member
looking good Sliver! nice bonsai on the Nightmare Diesel shes gonna flower out nicely :tiphat: looking forward to all these ladies in full bloom for sure!


silver hawaiian

Active member
looking good Sliver! nice bonsai on the Nightmare Diesel shes gonna flower out nicely :tiphat: looking forward to all these ladies in full bloom for sure!


Thanks for swingin' in NE_GROWER_978 :wave:

She did damned well for me last time, but let's see what I can do this time 'round.. :watchplant:

just found this thread, love the looks of it, still reading thru, it reminds me of marlo's WoW thread, the way he trained to the walls... im lurkn silver, good lookin

Thanks man - it's definitely inspired by/stealing a page from Marlo's WoW concept. The second level will be old-fashioned trellis netting, to keep 'em from getting too close to the bulb/falling over (vs. securing from the back) - let's see what works best.

Check out my most recent/completed thread in the signature - it's the genesis of this room & this experience for me :dance013:

With the training-against-the-wall deal, it's nice to have a grid to which to fasten the individual ties. With the on-top trellising, I think I may use a few bamboo stakes in the pot to spread the branches apart.. (Though, if I'll be securing them to bamboo to splay 'em out, then what's the need for the trellising in the front?)



Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
good lookin, cant wait to see how u improve on (not stealing) the concept of vert. scrog against the walls.
ur 2nd trellis net will still be arranged vertically right? like btween the bulbs and plants?
or horizontal?
i think i need pics to fully understand

good work

silver hawaiian

Active member
How dare you all!

:snap out of it:

But, um, yeah, .. Sorry for the digressions. You'll get used to 'em soon enough, .. :shucks:

And let's not act like the distracto-topic was UNworthy - it was beer, for cryin' out loud! :asskick: :sumo:

Yesterday was day 14 (?) for the flowering broads. Daylight is fast approaching, so if y'alls can hold your horses, there may be some photos up soon enough.

Stuff is going well in veg too - fairly certain I've got one male in the Blue Satellite 2.2 batch.

Here's the real pisser - in about 3 weeks, I'll be calling up the next batch from the minors to the majors. 3 weeks after that, I'll take the next batch.

So, that means that, of the veggin' ladies, a handful will go into the oven in 3 weeks.

The other handful will cruise out another SIX weeks in veg. :yikes:

silver hawaiian

Active member
Take clones, 2wk root, then only 4wks veg.... ;)



That's what I think we'll be looking at going forward - this run was a sort of mashup/bottleneck of sorts, .. The only reason I'll have these facacta overvegged broads is because I'm trying to be disciplined in putting 'em in the oven, for perpetual's sake..



ICMag Donor
All about knowing your space / setup. I need a solid 2wks in beer cups, 4wks real veg, then flip. So if I sprout seeds its every 42 days, like clock work.

But I also sprout too many at once....lol. Want better selection numbers, but want variety too. Then comes finding room for a re-veg or clones of the un-flowered. Experience has taught me I need more veg space than flower....lol. Could just be me. :joint:


silver hawaiian

Active member
All right all right all RIGHT! Here goes:

Sorry for the lousy photos. 'round here, you get subpar growing and subpar photos.

Nightmare Diesel day 14


Golden Goat day 14


You'll see she's outstretched her space under the shelf, so I'm planning on training her forward a bit, towards the bulb, up and out from underneath the shelf. If this styl-ee works out, it'll gimme another ~ 6" of height on the bottom row.

Roomage, thus far. Lotsa fillin' out yet to do.. :shucks:


Avinash. - Here's the trellising on the top level. The idea is that the plants will be behind the trellis. Who knows how it'll work - I kind of like the idea of letting everything lean forward, while still tied back by the trellis.. But, the trellising behind the plant gives something nice to which to train, to sort of splay out the branches for maximum penetration.


(huhuhuh. He said maximum.. Then .. Huhuhuhuh..)

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