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Silver's second straight-bulb several strain sweetened soil sweetness. Seriously.


I like mostly wheat beers also but more of a hefeweizen. Can only handle a few blue moons or sunset's as they are too sugary.


Active member
I'm a rogue and stone brewery fan boy. Give me a dead guy ale or some arrogant bastard and i'm a happy camper. I rarely drink any more though, so it's either the best or a glass of water. I like my beer extra hoppy with a kick. Can't stand all that sugary, fruity, shit, I'm sweet enough already :biggrin:

silver hawaiian

Active member

'couple things, .. I used to dig Rogue, but I went to their brewpub in Portland around Thanksgiving one year, .. And the place just reeked of Restaurant Depot, from the hokey menus to the formica booths & tables, ..

Saw their barleywine on the menu - "I'll have one of those please." "Oh, we don't have that on tap now. We only have [like 4 rogue beers and 4 guest taps?]."

Me: "Oh. Why's it on the menu? Are you just out temporarily?"

Waitress: "Oh, no, we won't release that until January or February.."

Me: Head asplode, WTF is it doing on the menu, etc.

Kind of a lame experience - felt like I was sitting at TGI Fridays with some decent beers.. :dunno:

I love me some Stone - I've got a few bottles of '09 and '10 Old Guardian stashed. :D And I kept up with the Vertical Epic series for a few years ('06-'10?), .. Used to drink the Ruination on the regular, but MAN does it destroy my gut. Heartburn CITY.



Well-known member
I used to drink Big Bear when I wanted a good buzz. By the third bottle I was staggering........
-- ------------ :fsu:
Now you can't get it in Canada, so fewer hangovers :coffee:

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
now your talking. fried green mators and some white sauage gravey.

thats a healthy chem d silver.

oh yeah me and DHF are out of beer, would one of you guys in the back row make a beer run ? freds is buying!!!!!!!!

Thanks Joesy you got us off track and their is no telling what we missed. You and your cheap beer.

silver hawaiian

Active member
Mmmm, beer. [insert homer drooling here]

So I made an interesting discovery last night. I was down muckin', and I moved the fork (that holds up the blumat drip line) in the Golden Goat pot. As I moved the fork, some of the soil got turned up/disturbed. Somehow, my eyeballs focused right in, and I saw a bunch'a white creepy crawlies.

(First thought, Lost Boys: "Maggots Michael - you're eating maggots.")

Anyway, the initial reaction of course is "ZOMG I'M FUCKED." .. Came upstairs, .. Did some readin', .. More readin', .. More looking at pictures, .. More pictures.. Read read read read, picture picture picture.. Go down, look, come back up, look on the computer, go back down, look at real life, etc..

Turns out I've got springtails :greenstars:

I'd love for anyone to chime in here, but to my knowledge, there's nothing adverse that springtails will do to the grow/soil. In fact, it seems to me they're an indicator of healthy soil.

From another [inferior] blog:

Not only are springtails harmless to the garden, but their presence
indicates good soil health. Their diet consists of decaying matter,
fungus, & bacteria, & their activity helps keep nitrogen in the soil. A
radical explosion in their population might be an indicator that something
in the organic balance is out of wack, though it probably means only that
there are excesses of mushroom spoors which can increase springtail
populations since springtails go after the mushroom spoors like kids after
halloween candy, & a black springtail called "snowflea" even hops around
after snowfall gathering up fungal spoors from the surface of the snow. If
springtails vanish that means the microflora is probably also missing or
that soil is never sufficiently moist to support either springtails or
microflora. In which case the plants will be at great risk too.

Anyway, the good news is it's not Root Aphids - that was my initial freakout.

These are white-ish critters, long antennae (relative to their other limbs), and eensy - could fit 2 or 3 on the head of a pin.

I need to get my copy of Teaming with Microbes back from moms.

Anyone? Anyone? I'd love to hear mileage and experience from some others - I know most'a y'all are smarter cookies than I.

silver hawaiian

Active member
....give me a La Fin Du Monde, please.

Or a Chimay Grand Reserve.



Also, I'm down with the La Fin du Monde, though I prefer the Maudite.

Did the Chimays back in school, .. TOO brown for me. Though I'm sure my tastes have moved on and been refined since my last swish..

.Frank, you ever go to the Kuhnhenn? They have an EXCELLENT Grand Cru - I can honestly say it broke down my fear of Belgians. Also, my old standby there is Simcoe Silly, a "Belgian golden ale." When I started going there, you were lucky if they had 5 beers on tap. Now, they have literally 15-20 on any given day of the week. :good:

That's a VERY worthwhile destination.

The wife and I just did a small tour of sorts on the W side of the state - hit Founders, Brewery Vivant, Hopcat, Oddsides, New Holland, Bell's, Arcadia, ..

We have so much good f*cking beer here.


heh i remember when everyone thought USA beer was shit ... it was 20 years ago.
how times have changed.


Active member
I live right down the road from Sierra Nevada so we are stocked for those types

and for you pabst types i brought a truck load of......

should get us up to light flip.....


Well-known member
....................and for all the overweight old fogies like myself there's this, tastes ok, just no buzz..........................



Active member
If you're like me... you'll be looking at every little problem in your room saying... OH SHIT maybe I was wrong and those bugs are bad bugs.... DAMN.. how do I know for sure? haha

You're probably right on about them being awesomely harmless bugs but if you're still losing sleep over it, add some beneficial nematodes to your soil... and then you can rest assured there is a good balance going on in there.

I just pulled all of my plants and cleaned up.... then put them back in the room. I'm really looking forward to winter and awesome indoor growing conditions.

Hope all is well in your neck of the woods, It's been rainy all day here. But I'm okay with that. haha
Last edited:
Nematodes, Met 52, Azamax, neem oil, Bayer Tree and Shrub, worm castings, crab shell meal, neem seed meal, no pest strips, aspirin water. Use this opportunity to try them all and get versed in them. You know the aphids are right around the corner.

Don't forget the Guinness.

silver hawaiian

Active member
If you're like me... you'll be looking at every little problem in your room saying... OH SHIT maybe I was wrong and those bugs are bad bugs.... DAMN.. how do I know for sure? haha

You're probably right on about them being awesomely harmless bugs but if you're still losing sleep over it, add some beneficial nematodes to your soil... and then you can rest assured there is a good balance going on in there.

I just pulled all of my plants and cleaned up.... then put them back in the room. I'm really looking forward to winter and awesome indoor growing conditions.

Hope all is well in your neck of the woods, It's been rainy all day here. But I'm okay with that. haha

MHG! So happy to see you here! :tiphat: I was just thinking the same - checked the temp in the garden and it's a balmy 77, only to get better (and after I fire up another bulb) :D

Nematodes, Met 52, Azamax, neem oil, Bayer Tree and Shrub, worm castings, crab shell meal, neem seed meal, no pest strips, aspirin water. Use this opportunity to try them all and get versed in them. You know the aphids are right around the corner.

Don't forget the Guinness.

Good call! I've underlined what I've got workin' for me currently. :artist: I've not yet done the asprin water, nor the met52. Kind of funny, though, because in my freakout, I did some reading up on met52.

And no Guinness - tonight was another couple big Sierra Nevadas. :yummy:

silver hawaiian

Active member
Day 8 of 12/12

(Apologies for the sub-par photos - the motivation is not strong tonight)

Golden Goat


Nightmare Diesel


You can see it here (though the GG is trained the same way), but I really tried to open up the plants for maximum full branchage nuggature. The ND is a better example (visually), but the idea is to kind of have 'em splayed all wide open..

And this dude keeps it held down while I'm out (he's been fulfilling these duties for quite some time now - the past year or so at least):


And here's the Strawberry Diesel x ChemD, day 6 of flower


Pardon the couple'a torched leaves - those are from my foliar mishap..

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