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Silver's second straight-bulb several strain sweetened soil sweetness. Seriously.

silver hawaiian

Active member

These guys, they gotta eat.

So do these gals:


+/- here or there, here's the recipe they got around day 7 and today.

Per gal [set out & dechlorinated] h2o:

Splash EJ Grow
Splash EJ Meta-K
Dash Ful-Power
Pinch Orca
Splash molasses
Half pinch Superthrive

..and just before they're fed, everyone gets a top dressing (and good working in to the soil with a fork) of high-P guano and kelp meal..

I meant to report this after the first feeding, but done forgot. :shucks:

IC, thanks for reminding me - that's part of the strategy to wrap up this ND a little sooner'n 82 days this time. More aggressive with the N up front, both in supplemental feedings & the general soil mix.. (Added lots more blood & mexican guano, some alfalfa meal)

silver hawaiian

Active member
How you know Friday doesn't suck:

How you know Friday doesn't suck:

You've been sick all week, and you finally sit and burn..

..through a fresh battery on the vaporizer, in one sitting. By yourself.

ND #1 and Rapture FTW



is it just me or is there too much hand in there? i dunno, different state of mind.... i saw a dude rocking whiteout latex gloves in his pics the other day, that was right up my alley... nice update man... doobs does set the bar pretty high for the rest of us lol. but these close ups are pretty nice man! plants look healthy too, you think the ND will stretch more? pm me.


Living life large...
Great pics Silver, the Rapture looks dank from where I'm sit'n !
Love the guys on the high steel. I have that one on my office wall,
safety... we don't need no stink'n safety, :mooning: those were the days !


silver hawaiian

Active member
is it just me or is there too much hand in there? i dunno, different state of mind.... i saw a dude rocking whiteout latex gloves in his pics the other day, that was right up my alley... nice update man... doobs does set the bar pretty high for the rest of us lol. but these close ups are pretty nice man! plants look healthy too, you think the ND will stretch more? pm me.

nameless! What's up bossaman. You know, I had, for a fleeting moment, the same thought about the hand. Y'know, .. So here's my brain at work:

"Hmm. Maybe they could identify me by my hands, bony knuckles, wedding ring..? Shit. If that's all it takes, .. Why am I not worried about the background/rest of the room? The door frame? The color of the floor? Location of outlets? Ducting? If they're going to identify and chase and convict me because a picture of a hand looked similar to what's at the end of this dude's arm, .. Then they'd probably try the same line of thought in re: the room itself, the chickenwire on the wall over top the white film.. The furnace.. The hot water heater, .."

At which point I've basically reasoned myself back to "meh," and then I also realize, "Well shit, I'm legal, fully compliant with in The Act, .."

So unless it's the Feds, .. :dunno:

But you're probably right - "Best practices" and all.. :thank you:

PS - if I had any skillz with Gimp, I might make the effort to swoosh out my pasty ass mitts, .. But, .. :shucks:

OH! The ND, .. I expect it to - last time, she didn't slow down with the stretchies 'til around week 5, +/- .. I hope she continues the same this time too - if so, I'll be halfway proud of the amount of wall-space I was able to occupy with one plant.

Great pics Silver, the Rapture looks dank from where I'm sit'n !
Love the guys on the high steel. I have that one on my office wall,
safety... we don't need no stink'n safety, those were the days !

:laughing: I was pleasantly surprised when that was at the top of the list when I did a Google Image search for "Lunch time."

Seemed appropriate. :D

And the Rapture is f*cking awesome - heavy, narcotic, and tastes like Grape Lik-m-aid!

silver hawaiian

Active member
+/- here or there, here's the recipe they got around day 7 and today.

Per gal [set out & dechlorinated] h2o:

Splash EJ Grow
Splash EJ Meta-K
Dash Ful-Power
Pinch Orca
Splash molasses
Half pinch Superthrive

..and just before they're fed, everyone gets a top dressing (and good working in to the soil with a fork) of high-P guano and kelp meal..

I meant to report this after the first feeding, but done forgot. :shucks:

Forgot to add, and I think it's essential enough that it's worth it to go back and make the correction/addition..

Along with what's listed above, I also throw in about a splash of Neptune's Fish Hydrolysate. Seems to be a difference-maker enough that I've, for a long time, made it a regular ingredient in the garden.

The beautiful blossoming broads go bodaciously bonkers for it.

From it, really, I suppose. :chin:

silver hawaiian

Active member
Glad I'm not the only one who gets a boner for colors like this come fall.

So, this hawaiian learned a new trick. A serious :thank you: is in order for, .. Oh - discretion, right. :yappy:

Never done this before. Never even handled the shit - the few times it's graced my brain cells, it was all served up for me and all I had to do was breathe.

So, critiques are welcome and encouraged.



..and some visual reference:


How'd I do?


Well-known member
Nice job man! You could probably give it 10 second blasts in the micro till it stiffened up a bit more, but I'll bet it takes the back of your head off, as is. :woohoo:


Active member
Silver that looks just nasty......... In the best kind of way :biggrin:. Needs a lil clean up, but a damn fine first effort :good:

silver hawaiian

Active member
:thank you: This old dog learned a new trick, y'dig? Well, is still learning..

The difficulty at this point is that it's now in its final resting place (for now?) - an ashtray.. (A bit ill prepared, if ya can't see that by now) :)

So, working it is a bit messy, as the bottom of the ashtray ain't exactly flat or smooth or conducive to scraping with any cleanliness..

In those photos, I can see that it looks like plenty of butane still needed to come out, .. I've whipped it quite a bit since then, and last I checked, it was starting to harden..

I'd love any input - I'll tell you one thing, I'm a f*cking mess smoking this shit. Oil all over and down the side of the nail, wads of it stuck to the rim of the dome, .. Practice? Practice.

I'm like a guy who's not discovered forks and insist on eating everything with my face.

silver hawaiian

Active member
Day 21 - calling smart camera guys

Day 21 - calling smart camera guys

Still trying to figure out the best way to shoot in this room. Any ideas, anyone? I shoot with lights out, usually with just the on-board flash. Depending on how deep I am in the room (which is only 3' deep), sometimes things improve with a light scoop. Full-auto seems to get me nowhere, so it's a combination of playing with the rest of the deal..

And I'd do the whole "Jeez, I dunno" smiley, but that'd cost us one [lousy] picture:

Golden Goat






Did the ol' finger rub --> sniff, and holy lemon, with a fuely afterstink.
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