Sorry to OP and this will be my only comment on the subject.
Dirt Bag, please be sure to support your points. You keep bashing DE but when I PMed you to offer you a free light so you could see for yourself, you made it clear that you had zero first hand experience and werent interested in actually comparing 2x 315 vs DE. you are spreading false information based on your speculation and opinion (which was formed without actually trying the product) and representing this as fact.
You can't breathe on the moon. I've never actually been there, but by the use of logic, deductive reasoning, and information provided by others, I can make this statement with confidence.
I've never driven a Ferrari, but can tell you with confidence that they are excellent machines.
And so goes my statement regarding DE CMH. The technology is flawed. I don't have to (nor wish to) use it to know it. Logic, reasoning, and information provided by others is sufficient to make the decision.
I made direct statements. Which do you contend are inaccurate? Which "fact" do you find untrue?
1) DE CMH bulbs (with multiple arc tubes) do not last as long as single arc tubes. The science supporting this fact is sound.
2). DE CMH costs significantly more.
3) DE CMH bulbs create a much bigger hotspot.
4) two Philips 930 bulbs produce more (and generally better) light than a 630 DE.
5) multiple bulbs create better canopy penetration.
6) Single ended CMH are more readily available.
These are facts as things currently stand. But I am certainly open to discussion. Nothing is carved in stone.
PS- you never mentioned free.