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Sick plants in Promix. 400watt.


Even in Arcadia I exist
Have you used or read into ProMix BX? It has been pH corrected (read Lime Added), it has a starter charge of nutrients and a wetting agent (peat initially repels water due to an oil on its surface). FloraNova has adequate amounts of Ca and Mg and until I add a Bloom Enhancer I don't use CalMag. It's a balance ... tossing in some Not Needed Lime will throw this balance off.

I've heard of it, and used it. Lime is added, but I still add more and have noticed considerable benefits. Hope this helps!

To those of you saying its overwatering, please read before you post from now on. I understand it does look like over watering but I had been letting them get bone dry so there is no chance of it. If anything it is the opposite. They seem to have perked up a lot in the last couple of days because I have watered with pH 6.5.

Now I have time to work on the girls. I'm going to take Snype's advice because he read my post thoroughly before responding. Thanks to everyone who commented. I'll update this thread soon.

What's the pH of the runoff?


I did not check the runoff when I watered with 6.5pH. I will check it today when/if I water.


Active member
I didn't even look at your post count. Sorry about that. Kind of like yelling at a deaf person to listen to you from behind their back. Here's what I use ... In ProMix BX sans additional lime or anything else. FNG (on mothers and plants that will see an actual Veg time) FNB, Floralicious +, Kool Bloom Liquid, CalMag and an Enzyme product.


Active member
I don't ... Both the FN and the ProMix are buffered against pH drift ... I checked my level Once ... it was in the low 6s so I rolled with it. My tap clocks in at Neutral 7 and I let it sit for a few days before using it. I guess this really depends on the quality of your water supply. I'll pH this batch I'm about to use and get back to you ... The calibrated Milwaukee says 6.3.


There are FOUR lights!
You guys better wait for Super Guru fixit guy, before you mess something up!


Active member
Yeah ... If this SGfg guy says I'm doing it wrong I'll stop. But in the mean time I'm going to suggest a deletion of Unnecessary Amendments and a weekly flush to help control salt build up (this is what I truly believe is the issue here). I forgot to add this earlier ... When GH put the Shake Vigorously sticker on the cap of FloraNova they were serious.

Bud Bug

I grow in Pro Mix BX. It doesn't need Lime ... In fact ... I don't amend it at all. It is Not soil. Period. Letting it dry out completely is a mistake. 1/2 Tablespoon per gallon is too strong for young plants. That sounds more like what I give them Mid Flower. I also use FNG and B ... I start seedlings and just rooted clones at 1/4 - 1/2 Teaspoon per gallon and I step it up a little every time feed (which is every third day). If you want a complete run down of what I use and how I roll PM me.

Well you actually don't know if you'll need to add lime to pro mix. If its a new batch and hasn't sat at the wholesaler/retailer too long and its bone dry it will be ok if its been there for months all wet you might have to add lime, won't know till you test the ph. Peat is very acidic (aprox 4.5) naturally so they add lime to it.

As for drying out you should let it dry out (not wilting) and not keep it wet all the time especially in peat. Either lift the pot to see how light it is (you'll know eventually) or just shove your finger into the dirt. If its dry 2-3" down you're pretty much ready to water again which usually in ProMix HP will be on the third/fourth day. BX holds water longer so you might not have to water as often but it sill depends on how big the root system is.

Since you have 1 gallon pots, watering every 4 days is too long. I can guarantee that by the fourth day the dirt is bone dry. Normally I water in 500 mls into 1gal pots and two days after the water watering (on the third day) I have to water again as most of them are getting close to being very dry.

Your best bet is to alternate your food with watering. Feed/Food - water/flush - Feed/Food - water/flush. This keeps the salt from building up too much in the Pro Mix and keep them hungry for food after you flush them. Keep the ppm's reasonable at about 600 into week two but it'll depend on the strain. Only giving the plant food once ever week and a half is way too little.


Yeah I would like to hear from this Super Guru fixit guy. lol

Ok lights on. Deficiencies are becoming more pronounced. I have my nutrient solution mixed but the medium is still moist from the last watering. Should I wait until it dries more? I would say its at 50% - 75% saturation now.

Here are pics as of 10 minutes ago,

Edit: I don't have a ppm meter. Thanks for the tips.


Active member
To be more constructive... I don't know why people are telling you to water at such a high PH. In a soil-less mix like ProMix, I water at 5.7-6.0. That's from MY EXPERIENCE, nothing else.


Active member
Well you actually don't know if you'll need to add lime to pro mix. If its a new batch and hasn't sat at the wholesaler/retailer too long and its bone dry it will be ok if its been there for months all wet you might have to add lime, won't know till you test the ph. Peat is very acidic (aprox 4.5) naturally so they add lime to it.

As for drying out you should let it dry out (not wilting) and not keep it wet all the time especially in peat. Either lift the pot to see how light it is (you'll know eventually) or just shove your finger into the dirt. If its dry 2-3" down you're pretty much ready to water again which usually in ProMix HP will be on the third/fourth day. BX holds water longer so you might not have to water as often but it sill depends on how big the root system is.

Since you have 1 gallon pots, watering every 4 days is too long. I can guarantee that by the fourth day the dirt is bone dry. Normally I water in 500 mls into 1gal pots and two days after the water watering (on the third day) I have to water again as most of them are getting close to being very dry.

Your best bet is to alternate your food with watering. Feed/Food - water/flush - Feed/Food - water/flush. This keeps the salt from building up too much in the Pro Mix and keep them hungry for food after you flush them. Keep the ppm's reasonable at about 600 into week two but it'll depend on the strain. Only giving the plant food once ever week and a half is way too little.
Every bale I have purchased (lots) has been dry to begin with. There is absolutely no "dirt" in it. I feed mine every third day (2 times a week) and when I was feeding more aggressively I would flush and feed every other day. Once a plant is established there is very little chance you will over water in this medium.


Active member
dybert 6.9 Is high for soilless hydro. But lets try to Learn from each other instead of trying to bait someone into another argument. Koan ... Can you see that those plants are using the nutes stored in your lower leaves and killing them? This is because what's in the medium is preventing the plant from using the nutes you have provided for them. Everything we give these plants contains Mineral Salts and/or Metals. If you don't regularly flush what the plant didn't eat/use it translates to a Salt Buildup.

Bud Bug

Yeah I would like to hear from this Super Guru fixit guy. lol

Ok lights on. Deficiencies are becoming more pronounced. I have my nutrient solution mixed but the medium is still moist from the last watering. Should I wait until it dries more? I would say its at 50% - 75% saturation now.

Here are pics as of 10 minutes ago,

Well as you can see the older/big leaves are turning yellow so that means the plant is taking the (mobile) elements it needs from those leaves to new growth. Something there is causing a lock out or just plain not enough food or too much ppm when you feed the plants.

Have you tested the dirt ph with distilled water. Normally you run two cups of water through one cup of dirt through a coffee filter. You can also check the ppm this way but you don't have a ppm pen.

Your leaves also show signs (wavy leaves) of overwatering. I personally wouldn't water till they are dry, adding more water will just snow ball into more over watering.

Are the leaves perky when the lights come on and do they droop after the lights have been on for a while?


Active member
If Koan is consistently letting his medium dry out completely (not a good idea in soilless) IDK where you are getting the Over Watered theory. Those are established plants and IMHO they aren't over watered. If anything dehydration is an issue. Why do you continue to call it dirt?


Ok I'll hold off on watering them. The leaves are more perky after the light has been on for a while. I'll check the pH of my promix in a bit.

I have organic material mixed in, so I'm considered soil and should be pH'ing to 6.5+ right?

Yeah thanks IW, They are def not overwatered.

Bud Bug

If Koan is consistently letting his medium dry out completely (not a good idea in soilless) IDK where you are getting the Over Watered theory. Those are established plants and IMHO they aren't over watered. If anything dehydration is an issue. Why do you continue to call it dirt?

Well I'll do a disclaimer now. I've been calling ProMix/Sunshine dirt for about 8 years now. Everyone here calls it dirt just a slang.


Active member
I have organic material mixed in, so I'm considered soil and should be pH'ing to 6.5+ right?
That's part of your problem ... You're amending a medium that needs nothing to be used the way you want to. Don't let ProMix completely dry out. When you do the salts crystalize and are much harder to deal with. And you Do have salt and watering issues. I know you are getting lots of input and it's hard to judge what's right ...

Bud Bug

If Koan is consistently letting his medium dry out completely (not a good idea in soilless) IDK where you are getting the Over Watered theory. Those are established plants and IMHO they aren't over watered. If anything dehydration is an issue. Why do you continue to call it dirt?

Drying out ProMix/Sunshine is fine, drying out till leaves droop is not. There's a borderline but its just from experience that you'll know what that is and what yours strain will like.

If keeping it wet all the time works for you so be it but I've only known a hand full of people over the years that did that but the 10's of others that I know right now that grow in it let ProMix dry out quite a bit before watering.

Bud Bug

Ok I'll hold off on watering them. The leaves are more perky after the light has been on for a while. I'll check the pH of my promix in a bit.

I have organic material mixed in, so I'm considered soil and should be pH'ing to 6.5+ right?

Yeah thanks IW, They are def not overwatered.

Whats in the organic mix? That right there could be the cause.