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Short term trades in the stock market •$$$$$•


Active member
Nice quote.

Going to pic up a t-shirt when they get my size back in.


It sure did puke on itself at the close.

check these out , i can pm people the store link on request .


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I'm liking the activity over the past few days...but I'm short for now.

The iD

why the markets didnt shed 2%+:

TD said:
Stocks Reverse Entire Overnight Dump On One Headline

Update 2: Cantor says has votes to pass bill

Update: Sure enough: Boehner tells reported "I am smiling"

As expected earlier, the news of America's economic tumble are completely ignored now and the S&P is well above the levels before the GDP announcement. In fact, following a headline earlier that the GOP is preparing to amend its bill the computers went out in full rampage mode as the quote stuffing chart below demonstrates so vividly, the headline scanners did their job and robot after robot rushed to outrun each other for every available offer. We give this rally a few minutes before some republican says that the Boehner plan will in fact pass in current form, and the robotic buying spree turn into a dumpathon.

This is what passes for a market these days.


And the driver: Johnny 5


glad i hedged @ open to protect my profits, didnt think it would ramp up nearly that bad. all new data confirms we are entering a double dip/part deux of the 2nd Great Depression, but the indices break positive while gold finds a new high? so be it, i fired off my hedges in positive territory and got my slide @ close. was getting slaughtered for a while there. cant say i wasnt a lil concernicus. i exited today like i entered: see previous post.

not much new. picked up MRK & SDS AUG Calls off their lows. PCLN, SBUX Puts off their highs. stay frosty,



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Bankers are running out of hopium to smoke. Need some more heroin pronto.

Lights Out For The US Economy As Its Biggest Cheerleader Hangs Up The Towel
From Joseph LaVorgna, Deutsche Bank

Growth recession confirmed; H2 dims; waiting to see jobs

Commentary for Monday: Previously, we highlighted the possibility that the economy was on the brink of a growth recession—a sustained period of below trend growth typically accompanied by rising unemployment. The disappointing Q2 GDP results and downward revisions to the prior three quarters lead us to believe that this indeed is the case. Real GDP in Q2 rose just 1.3%, as personal consumption virtually stalled (+0.1% vs. +2.1% previously). The prior quarters were revised as follows: Q3 2010 (2.5% vs. 2.6% as previously reported), Q4 2010 (2.3% vs. 3.1%) and Q1 2011 (0.4% vs. 1.9%). In light of the softer first half performance of just +0.8% AR, we are making adjustments to our outlook for the second half. We are lowering our estimate of Q3 GDP by a full percentage point to 2.5%; and we are reducing Q4 from 4.3% to 3.0%. These estimates will be subject to further revision pending a couple of near term developments, namely the resolution of the debt ceiling impasse and the outcome of the July employment report. (Although the coming week’s data on ISM manufacturing, construction spending and motor vehicle sales will also be important gauges of activity.) Hence, we are likely to make additional adjustments—potentially sizeable ones—in the relatively near term. For example, if financial conditions tighten significantly in response to a sovereign ratings downgrade or there is a Federal government shutdown, we would make more drastic cuts to growth. We estimate that a 2-3 week shutdown could subtract 1.5% from Q3 GDP growth. A lengthier shutdown could have a significantly more deleterious effect, although we continue to believe that this will not be the case.


Just in...
The Senate has killed the latest effort by the House to raise the government's borrowing cap.

Democrats and several Republicans killed the GOP measure by a 59-41 vote Friday night, just minutes after it arrived from the House. Democrats opposed the measure because it would require another painful debt-limit debate early next year.
Even if the government passes something to raise the debt limit soon a lot of damage has already been done. Doesn't seem like these guys are even close yet to agreeing on something.


here is an interesting article i came across, its from 7/25

Investors: The $1 Billion Armageddon Trade Placed Against The United States
Ha ha...
Someone dropped a bomb on the bond market Thursday – a $1 billion Armageddon trade betting the United States will lose its AAA credit rating.
That part seems inevitable. Don't know what some of the dorks in DC are thinking but regardless of any budget deal they're doing damage which I think will show up in a credit rating downgrade at the least even if there is no default.


Active member
Ha ha...
That part seems inevitable. Don't know what some of the dorks in DC are thinking but regardless of any budget deal they're doing damage which I think will show up in a credit rating downgrade at the least even if there is no default.

...or it will lead to an even worse default resulting in a huge crisis :)


Active member

If the Debt-Ceiling Bill is not passed...then the interest rates will go up in u.s.a and some banks may now not meet the requirements of having the Capital.Thus I'm shorted banks for now.

You know the beginning of the Thread is a SEB stock now at $2612..thats $1,000 gain for one share in a Year.Not bad :dance013::jump::jump:

I made crazy spooky Trades in some stocks and now the portfolio from the beginning now shorts oil,banks and shorting silver and a hedge silver.
:: Gasp!!:: Tell me about it..Need more gold and silver..Depending on the Debt Ceiling.I was playing around in Netflix.In at $239 and $245 few weeks ago.GMCR..Amazing!!..even with the split..still heading up higher.

That 1 billion Dollar Bet if U.S.A loses it's AAA rating.That's nothing compared to this..I've heard if oil stayed about $40 a barrel for a year,the world saves a Trillion dollars.I got in at Oil at $38.00 a barrel..That article showed that Oil was at it's bottom. ;-) Maybe a bubble is going to burst with the AAA rating? :)


...or it will lead to an even worse default resulting in a huge crisis :)
Well something is going to happen at some point because this cannot be sustained. I really don't know much when it comes to that level of trading but wondering if someone is actually hedging their position with that 1B$ purchase? Will be interesting to see how it all shakes out.


Just in...
The Republican-led House has rejected a Senate Democratic bill that would slash spending and avert a federal government default.

The vote was 246-173. It was a pre-emptive vote in the high-stakes political fight as the Senate still hasn't voted on the measure from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. The measure would raise the debt limit by $2.4 trillion while cutting spending by $2.2 trillion.

The vote could set the stage for negotiations on a compromise just three days before the Treasury says it will be unable to pay all the nation's bills.
Ha ha. Do these guys work on Sundays?


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
There is no way they get something passed by the deadline. Impossible now. Maybe something after. I would think Mr. Market is not going to like this come Monday.


There is no way they get something passed by the deadline. Impossible now. Maybe something after. I would think Mr. Market is not going to like this come Monday.
It's kind of like watching a trainwreck in slow motion. 2 major distribution days out of 3 to end the week. People dumping stuff like crazy. If the NASDAQ revisits about 2,600 soon I'll be happy with what I'm holding. Heck even Investors Business Daily is getting ready...


Active member
What do you guys think about Obama wanting to raise debt ceiling so much, he might actually do it on his own. Just a week before the August 2nd he said that he has talked to his lawyers and thought that it wasn't an option. But as the disagreement in congress continues there are more and more talks about Bama actually considering such an outcome. Now that would mean that he will take a full responsibility for it. And we all know how economically uneducated that guy is.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
ABC is reporting there is a tentative deal in place. Maybe I spoke too soon. Circus may be going out of town for a while.

Would probably see a nice rally if it's true.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
What do you guys think about Obama wanting to raise debt ceiling so much, he might actually do it on his own. Just a week before the August 2nd he said that he has talked to his lawyers and thought that it wasn't an option. But as the disagreement in congress continues there are more and more talks about Bama actually considering such an outcome. Now that would mean that he will take a full responsibility for it. And we all know how economically uneducated that guy is.

I don't care about the politics of the "debactle." If you can't talk about the "debactle" without mentioning certain peoples names (hint hint) please don't talk about it at all.

Economics not politics. The only thing important for the markets is pass or fail. Agreement or no. Fuck all the other noise. You will cause the thread to get closed.


Active member
I don't care about the politics of the "debactle." If you can't talk about the "debactle" without mentioning certain peoples names (hint hint) please don't talk about it at all.

Economics not politics. The only thing important for the markets is pass or fail. Agreement or no. Fuck all the other noise. You will cause the thread to get closed.

You're saying this as if those two are not dependent on eachother. Today the market prices reflect what's going on in the congress straight up. Almost like never before. That's why I don't find my question inapropriate.
I shall say sorry for Obama's comment however once again. I personally have nothing against that guy. He's cool.
Yey politics are economics. Today like never before.

Zen Master

I didn't think you were getting too political, just statin who was possibly gonna be able to fuck with the ceiling.

I think Gramps just wants to be proactive with some of the newer faces in the thread because political discussions online have a reputation for blowing up quick and we don't wanna have all this great info get locked.

onto the ceiling issue.

so lets say there is a deal, just a bullshit temp one obviously with no solid foundation, without the mention of QE3 being guaranteed as of right now (even though we know it'll need to be done to keep this shipwreck afloat) how long do you think the markets would rally?

I'm still trying to learn more about precious metals in this market.