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Short term trades in the stock market •$$$$$•


I am a die hard middle of the road Republican - so you can guess what I think of politics, obama, pelosi, reid and the dems

These assholes have have to come together ... agree to solve this problem - absolutely horrible its taken this long

Americans and the financial " world " are pissed

Time running out

Fear and greed - this is where money is made

My bet is that they do agree - and and avoid a downgrade

America needs and deserves much better - The world needs a strong America !



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Please leave both political parties and the names of the puppets out of the discussion. Both parties really are an irrelevant sideshow. Let's try and look past the bread and circuses for the masses to the real financial issues. Bringing up different politician puppets names will only inflame the two party paradigm herd and cause this thread to get closed.

America will most likely be downgraded even if they raise the ceiling because the markets are coming to grips that Americans don't have the will to make the changes and sacrifices to maintain fiscal sanity. We are too corrupt and too selfish. Our leaders are simply a reflection of our collective selves.

The debt ceiling will get raised after lots of Mutually Assured Destruction propaganda from the establishment and the ponzi will continue on with it's regularly scheduled collapse.


Think for yourself, question authority
ICMag Donor
Got any advice on some good long terms to get in? Just dumped a bunch of mutual s last week. Or should i go Gold? How exactly do i invest in gold anyway? is it same as stocks?


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
so we fuck'd....that's a surpise.....why you whinin?
Again with the drivel. Why do you care? You are the top of the food chain bro. I'm sure you will do great.

hey Gramps whats your thoughts on silver right now given the ceiling BS and QE3?
I love the fundementals. I picked a good bit around $35 when the commodity complex took it's nose dive. The fundamentals are just going to get better as this thing unwinds. You should a decent pullback or two I hope when panic selling really sets in. Buy the Dip at that point and buy it hard IMO.

Got any advice on some good long terms to get in? Just dumped a bunch of mutual s last week. Or should i go Gold? How exactly do i invest in gold anyway? is it same as stocks?
The other guys can answer your questions about stocks. If you invest in gold/silver by physical and take delivery. Or trade paper and use your profits to buy physical and then take delivery. Paper everything is on it's last breath IMO.


Please leave both political parties and the names of the puppets out of the discussion. Both parties really are an irrelevant sideshow. Let's try and look past the bread and circuses for the masses to the real financial issues. Bringing up different politician puppets names will only inflame the two party paradigm herd and cause this thread to get closed.

I agree with that ... and abide - but it is political, no shit

America will most likely be downgraded even if they raise the ceiling because the markets are coming to grips that Americans don't have the will to make the changes and sacrifices to maintain fiscal sanity. We are too corrupt and too selfish. Our leaders are simply a reflection of our collective selves.

It is political - very difficult to do with the current personalities and political leadership ... and having one party control congress and the other the senate ... thats why we have elections ... debt reduction is part of America's future

The debt ceiling will get raised after lots of Mutually Assured Destruction propaganda from the establishment and the ponzi will continue on with it's regularly scheduled collapse.


Its a dangerous market - even when its great



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Good article about why I like the fundementals of physical metals.

A Thousand Pictures Is Worth One Word: Worthless
Jeff Clark of Casey Research has created a wonderful historical "art" album which addresses the number one question which most people living in the US right now are unable to fathom: how can one's currency go from X to 0. It is impossible. It certainly can not happen to the dollar. Right? Well, as Jeff says: "History has a message for us: No fiat currency has lasted forever. Eventually, they all fail. You might suspect this happened only to third world countries. You’d be wrong. There was no discrimination as to the size or perceived stability of a nation’s economy; if the leaders abused their currency, the country paid the price." We may add one other thing: no country in the history of the world has imploded from hyperdeflation. Not one. At the point where the debt load was insurmountable and not enough cash flow was being generated to sustain it, the authorities would always find a way to step in and be the terminal source of dilutive fiat demand: from ancient Rome, to Weimar, to the collapse of the Soviet Block, to, inevitably, the unwind of the failed (neo) Keynesian model, where we are right about now. Sure, we can all come up with goalseeked theories that validate our perspective but they are all meaningless at the end. Past a given threshold debt money ceases to function as backed by the full "faith and credit" of the backstopper and is nothing but paper. Yes. Even the abstract concept of so-called "reserve" currencies. Quote Clark: "As you scroll through the currencies below, you’ll see some long-ago casualties. What’s shocking, though, is how many have occurred in our lifetime. You might count how many currencies have failed since you’ve been born." There are many more where these came from. Thousands in fact. Which brings us to the title of this post. What are all these images, which is really all they are now - fancy paperweights (no pun intended) from near and far history, worth now? Precisely.


Clark concludes:

So, will a similar fate befall the U.S. dollar? The common denominator that led to the downfall of each currency above was the two big Ds: Debts and Deficits.

With that in mind, consider the following:

Morgan Stanley reported in 2009 that there’s “no historical precedent” for an economy that exceeds a 250% debt-to-GDP ratio without experiencing some sort of financial crisis or high inflation. Our total debt now exceeds GDP by roughly 400%.

Investment legend Marc Faber reports that once a country’s payments on debt exceed 30% of tax revenue, the currency is “done for.” On our current path, analyst Michael Murphy projects we’ll hit that figure by October.

Peter Bernholz, the leading expert on hyperinflation, states unequivocally that “hyperinflation is caused by government budget deficits.” This year’s U.S. budget deficit will end up being $1.5 trillion, an amount never before seen in history.

Since the Federal Reserve’s creation in 1913, the dollar has lost 95% of its purchasing power. Our government leaders clearly don’t know how – or don’t wish – to keep the currency strong.

Whether the dollar goes to zero or merely becomes a second-class currency in the global arena, the possibility of the greenback being added to the above list grows every day. And this will lead to serious and painful consequences in our standard of living. While money is only one of many problems we’ll have to deal with, you can protect your assets with the one currency that can’t be debased, devalued, or destroyed by irresponsible leaders.

Because when it comes to money, worthless is not a fun word.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
thats why we have elections ... debt reduction is part of America's future
IMO we have elections to keep the proles entertained. Elections give us the illusion that we have choice when we really don't.

I understand that the debt ceiling is political. Politics comes into stock market trading at times like these. Especially for traders who trade fundamentals. I'm trying to sidestep the freakshow as much as possible and just focus on the financial consequences and how they relate to the bond and equity market.

Yes debt reduction is part of our future, but it won't come from our leaders or the public willingness to voluntarily sacrifice. It will come from the inevitable collapse of the illusion of prosperity and fiat paper. In other words, we are mathematical way way way past the point of no return. All that's left is to drive this bus over the cliff.

You do realize that once we are inevitably downgraded and interest rates go up our deficit will further explode therefore wiping out whatever useless number cuts the clowns in DC put forth today. In other words the freakshow is just that. A freakshow. An exercise in futility. A circus for the masses with no real consequence because the outcome is already mathematically determined.


IMO we have elections to keep the proles entertained. Elections give us the illusion that we have choice when we really don't.

Aaaahhh But we do have a choice ... its limited ... and if we dont like what is happening - that shit has gone too far ... Americas are free to speak up

I understand that the debt ceiling is political. Politics comes into stock market trading at times like these. Especially for traders who trade fundamentals. I'm trying to sidestep the freakshow as much as possible and just focus on the financial consequences and how they relate to the bond and equity market.

Fuck fundamentals - this shit is moving the market ... make a bet or dont

As for the rest - I would not go that far - not yet

America is still the greatest country in the world - despite our current shortcomings

Sometimes change is for the better


Zen Master

Sorry but I have to laugh at the "America is the greatest in the world" comments. I'm all about the whole "America, fuck yeahhhh" type stuff, but if you dont realize that we are driving the short bus off a cliff right now you're blind. Rome was great once too ya know.....

if you think this financial bullshit is just 'moving the market' and you're either in or you aren't, I hate to see what happens to your standards of living once shit hits the fan. Being short sighted can work.... for a bit.... but thats all it is, no long term plan in sight.

this isn't going to be "oh I wonder where my 401k is shifted now, its all creative financing anyways right? I'll be fine"

doomsday is a harsh word, but sit there for a second and think about what would happen if the ATM's of the world stopped spitting bills and all that money in you're account is magically gone. Its all fake, its all bullshit, welcome to the show.

hah that brings to mind a quote I remember from the new Wall Street movie, "its not about the money, its about the game"


Sorry but I have to laugh at the "America is the greatest in the world" comments. I'm all about the whole "America, fuck yeahhhh" type stuff, but if you dont realize that we are driving the short bus off a cliff right now you're blind. Rome was great once too ya know.....

if you think this financial bullshit is just 'moving the market' and you're either in or you aren't, I hate to see what happens to your standards of living once shit hits the fan. Being short sighted can work.... for a bit.... but thats all it is, no long term plan in sight.

this isn't going to be "oh I wonder where my 401k is shifted now, its all creative financing anyways right? I'll be fine"

doomsday is a harsh word, but sit there for a second and think about what would happen if the ATM's of the world stopped spitting bills and all that money in you're account is magically gone. Its all fake, its all bullshit, welcome to the show.

hah that brings to mind a quote I remember from the new Wall Street movie, "its not about the money, its about the game"


Thats why you are the " Zen Master "

Thank you Master

How is your investing going ?


Zen Master

it doesn't take an investing god to realize that the current economic situation is dire... that is of course unless you have the bankroll to move markets.... which I doubt anyone here really has......

do you truly think this is a viable economy if we keep the status quo?

edit: so for the average joe without a portfolio..... would you say they are partially fucked? or totally fucked? you can't be sitting there saying everything is peachy


it doesn't take an investing god to realize that the current economic situation is dire... that is of course unless you have the bankroll to move markets.... which I doubt anyone here really has......

do you truly think this is a viable economy if we keep the status quo?

edit: so for the average joe without a portfolio..... would you say they are partially fucked? or totally fucked? you can't be sitting there saying everything is peachy

Apologies Zen - I dont mean to get into it with you or anyone

But - I think some of your comments are disconnected

No, I dont like this economy at all - but I know things can be, and will be a lot better in and for America ... this shit is pretty bad - right down there or below Jimmy Carter

Do I think the "status quo " will change ? - yes

What will it take and when ? - Fuck ... it may take until the next elections and a new president

Average Joe - totally fucked .. and more fucked than before

I think - and the results tell all - that the current administration is weak and wrong in the direction they are leading the country and the economy

its a jungle out there

My advice - the strongest muscle in your body is your brain - use it wisely

All the best to you Zen ... and all the average Joe's the world over



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
its limited ...
Agree to disagree. As long as central bankers control the economy and thus the world. Your only choice is to loose.

Fuck fundamentals
:thinking: I've heard better advice. I've made my bet. I'm hedge with physical metals. My bet is this ship is going down and we are a day late and a dollar short to save it.

As for the rest - I would not go that far - not yet
Agree to disagree again. The math doesn't lie. The dollar will be abandoned as the reserve currency. America's party as the hegemonic power is winding down quickly. Our addiction to war and debt has killed us.

America is still the greatest country in the world - despite our current shortcomings

Sometimes change is for the better
I agree with that. My perception of recent is probably different from yours. Recent to me is post 1913 and the creation of the Central Bank. We have great ideas. Shitty implementation over the last century. Let bankers control the world and this is what you get. Royally fucked.

This change will be for the better no doubt. Creative destruction is a healthy phenomenon. Our delusion that we can grow forever needs to be replaced with a reality check. It's healthy for the markets. This fascist farce going on now needs to and will most likely soon be destroyed. Restoration as the beacon of free people will come again. Either that or we will devolve into a worse tyranny than we are now. If history tells us anything it's always the latter, but maybe we can get our shit together this time around. I'm an optimist. :D

If you think elections and a new puppet are going to stop Rome from burning then all I can say is watch out when running with the herd. They tend to run over cliffs and perish.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I think - and the results tell all - that the current administration is weak and wrong in the direction they are leading the country and the economy
Again, would you please drop all this talk about the current and past administrations. Most people in this thread don't care about that shit. Most people in here knows it's all a bunch of bullshit. All you are going to do is stir up the two party paradigm herd (which you are obviously a part of) and get this shit shut down.

We are past all that in here. We don't care. It's irrelevant to the discussion. Rep or Dem they are all clowns in here. We are beyond that now. I understand you still believe in the American political system. Fine. Whatever. We are trying to make money here. Not discuss bread and circuses and try and blame one useless puppet over the next.


As long as central bankers control the economy and thus the world. Your only choice is to loose.

Dont agree - I am free ... I have many choices

I've heard better advice. I've made my bet. I'm hedge with physical metals. My bet is this ship is going down and we are a day late and a dollar short to save it.

Hahaha - ok it wasnt my best - but correct ... fundamentals mean shit in a market like this - everything is going down ... if you were a buyer of stocks ... I would say find the best and most profitable companies ... know then well ... and buy on weakness - this market will turn around

I dont run with the heard ... or with anyone

Free spirit

I'm an optimist.

A beautiful thing - stay that way

All the best .. and profitable investing



Again, would you please drop all this talk about the current and past administrations. Most people in this thread don't care about that shit. Most people in here knows it's all a bunch of bullshit. All you are going to do is stir up the two party paradigm herd (which you are obviously a part of) and get this shit shut down.

We are past all that in here. We don't care. It's irrelevant to the discussion. Rep or Dem they are all clowns in here. We are beyond that now. I understand you still believe in the American political system. Fine. Whatever. We are trying to make money here. Not discuss bread and circuses and try and blame one useless puppet over the next.

Please Spastic

I am past it all

You should be too

Facts are facts - politics move markets ... what is happening here is political

We are here talking about the market

I am not part of anything - thank you very much



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Please Spastic

I am past it all

You should be too

Facts are facts - politics move markets ... what is happening here is political

We are here talking about the market

I am not part of anything - thank you very much

I didn't mean to jump down your throat, but when you start bringing up administrations and beating the partisan drum the thread will get locked. I don't want to see that happen. There is a lot of good info in here.

You can discuss political events moving the market in an apolitical fashion. It can be done if reason is applied. This is economics. Not politics.

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