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Shiva Grows


Well-known member
Rural New York State, it’s not so bad, pretty easy to keep to yourself & mind, your own business …easy to forget about politics and the rest of the worlds bullsh*t
sounds a decent possibility , i'm a bit wary of the usa though .

like you suggest though, there is pockets of communities that have there own world separate from the state


ICMag Donor
Dropping all the way out is definitely the way to go.
I retreated from society a long long time ago and I’ve gotten used to it. I go out and do my shopping then come back to my little world…. The only downside is that I’m a single dude it can get lonely, all my love goes to my dog and my plants & property and my other pets, turtles, fishes, etc. it helps to interact with people on ICMAG always been searching for kindred spirits