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Shiva Grows


Well-known member
i had a thought about this terrorist organisation ' world health organisation ' , that are using bribes as leverage for a global coup . all governments are meant to represent the people, and work for the people.... but they ignore that law , and do shady deals and sell us out . they are trying to engineer another pandemic , we have communist institutions known as universities brainwashing the most obedient , and labs producing bioweapons , all funded by the folk they want to own , control and imprison .

all these migrants they have been flying in . the ' legal ' branches get houses paid for , lump sum of money[ 14 k] to buy vehicles etc etc , all paid for by the law abiding tax payer , who never had to the opportunity to vote on any of these issues , and never will . the illegals , are also allowed to stay , unvetted .... we have lawyers stealing a living , protecting these invaders .... some of these invaders are highly dangerous and low intelligence .

the who will employ all these bacon to be security , u.n soldiers, and the next plandemic security .... these folk hate the natives and would be happy to march up and down streets with a gun , telling us to remain inside as we are under arrest

they will be recruited to police us one way or the other ... imo

i know many people will disagree , but this is what is happening
If we learn from history, then we do not need to repeat the mistakes of our ancestors.
Islam and communism have claimed more victims worldwide than both world wars put together.

The open corruption of the political class is abhorrent. How can you make political decisions for a corporation against the common good with impunity and then move to its board of directors after your term of office?
I like Switzerland's more direct democracy.

Old Piney

Well-known member
i know many people will disagree , but this is what is happening
To me this is right on spot it's been right in our faces for some time now . Fortunately more and more people are seeing it and calling it out for what it is. One of them over here comes to mind he's really big loud and running for President. The censorship is insane that's been happening

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” Ronald Reagan


Well-known member
To me this is right on spot it's been right in our faces for some time now . Fortunately more and more people are seeing it and calling it out for what it is. One of them over here comes to mind he's really big loud and running for President. The censorship is insane that's been happening

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” Ronald Reagan
all sides are on the same coin. two cheeks of the same arse .. it is theatre , and as albert pike wrote as intended , the n.w.o . or the old world order solidifying thermsleves as ruling masters , putting the majprity back into the feuadal system , and then use neo bolsheviks that have been hurt for generations and generations, by these same people in the establishment , and use the media, to blame the common man , and allow what they allow ....

cunning bastards


Well-known member
the care system was olbiterated by the covd scam. they forced majority of us to retire from that profession if we refused the jab, they then raised the min wage , and started using debt to fund foreogn nationals to come and work here , for less that that minimum pay for 9 months a year,,, and when they return home take that money with them , and benefit from exchange rates massively . giving many false illusions and narratives about funding, staffing and such


Well-known member
If we learn from history, then we do not need to repeat the mistakes of our ancestors.
Islam and communism have claimed more victims worldwide than both world wars put together.

The open corruption of the political class is abhorrent. How can you make political decisions for a corporation against the common good with impunity and then move to its board of directors after your term of office?
I like Switzerland's more direct democracy.
the establishment base is switzerland . their back yard is super clean . all the worlds criminally obtained wealth is hidden away in switzerland. no questions ask .


Well-known member
Honduras males all composted and pollen from two frozen (a little bit from a short early one and the rest from a tall late one). Folded some foil into pouches and put them into a mylar chewing gum baggie, hope that works well. A new cucumber has also broken ground.

Nothing on the beans yet. And the Hondurans planted later with 12/12 are looking pathetic. Think I'll plant a Purple Zacatecas seed to see if it is me or the strain, not enough light I'm thinking. Maybe some more beans too.


AI suggestion for bean planting..

In the UK, the traditional way to tell when the soil is ready for runner beans is to “drop the trousers and wiggle your cheeks in the soil.” If it feels comfortable and not cold, then it is time to plant.



Not ICMag Donor
First tapines (Andalusuian dwarf white zucchini/courgettes) of the season! 100% organic, zero pesticides👍


Pretty flowers too 🌹 🌹 🌹


Well-known member
The former president of Germany's domestic intelligence agency recently said that his agency has identified an extreme left wing as the driving force behind mass migration, which aims to eliminate the white population in Europe.

Although the right to freedom of expression is now being massively restricted by vilification, there are also more and more people here who are organising themselves and standing up for freedom and democratic values.

Manipulation and sneaky methods may work for a while, but in the long term everyone realises what is really going on.
I hope that people will organise themselves even better as quickly as possible and that common sense will prevail.


Well-known member
The former president of Germany's domestic intelligence agency recently said that his agency has identified an extreme left wing as the driving force behind mass migration, which aims to eliminate the white population in Europe.

Although the right to freedom of expression is now being massively restricted by vilification, there are also more and more people here who are organising themselves and standing up for freedom and democratic values.

Manipulation and sneaky methods may work for a while, but in the long term everyone realises what is really going on.
I hope that people will organise themselves even better as quickly as possible and that common sense will prevail.
the banking cartel invented the right and left narrative and they fund both sides , and engineer agendas and narratives

i used to be a che guevara hippy left leaning liberal type myself . my parents are working class from basically slums that made a living for themselves and prospered through hard work and determination .

my brothers and sister all went to university . i chose not to . i left school after i was expelled . lol

in case anyone was wondering wtf


Well-known member
all what we are taught regarding history is a lie.. well, a large chunk of it , is based on lies and half truths .


Well-known member
off to farm later to work on the strawberry master plant bed . take out the runners, deleaf, remove any rotted fruit , prop up and protect the good fruit etc .... all time consuming ... i will take clones in july when flowering ceases . start a production line


Well-known member
Bought a pack of the CBD Charlotte's Angel. Pretty expensive beans. Twice the price of the Paradise CBD strains. Let's see if they are twice as good.

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