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Shiva Grows


Well-known member
Doesn't the weed get mushy when it defrosts?
No not psychedelic or trippy at all. More of a daytime go out and do something kind of high. Gentle and euphoric and it can be giggle inducing. Makes the grow room smell like cotton candy when you rub the stems and smells like bananas after a good cure. I think youd really enjoy it
Thank you for the description. Sounds interesting.


Well-known member
They're still doing it where I live,hoping for a lockdown.
even fauci admitted they are useless. the people wearing them are basically the marxist cult , usually civil servants , trying to push ideologies and agendas

it is a political symbol and admission you serve the beast

you can put money on many of them pretending to have had 6 shots , etc , when really they have had non .

human hating psychopaths


Well-known member
Time to release the monkey poxs
shingles induced by the covid shot.... i'm working for two doctors this week. they have seen the light.... i asked them if the wellness centre has sent any notification to them regarding monkey pox.... he said nope, he has not heard of it ...

i told him if it at all becomes a thing , and is not just media psyop , then it is traditional classic shingles...

he laughed , but he is aware now


Well-known member
It's exciting how the subconscious processes everyday experiences.
Last weekend I met an elderly lady in the park who told me that she is now afraid to go for a walk because the violence has exploded with knife attacks and rapes occur regularly. The father of a good friend of mine was born here in the big city and now lives in a suburb. He has also decided to stop going to the city centre and feels alienated and threatened in his life. Then there was a report about Birmingham in the media showing the machete attacks with video footage and some links to foreign terrorists. The media reports that there are around seven knife attacks a day in my country and, according to last week's newspaper report, the city where I live is one of the hotspots in Germany. Our Minister of the Interior is not looking for a solution, but is using the Office for the Protection of the Constitution to shut down the media that are openly reporting on this and calling for a solution.

In my dream, my mates and I were involved in fighting on a beach similar to the Normandy landings in WWII and were under constant artillery fire and at the same time we were being attacked by giant demons similar to the Balrog from Lord of the Rings.
Then Mahatma Gandhi appeared above us all, reminding us how the all-powerful oppressor Britain was defeated by non-violent resistance and India became free again. This ended the gloomy scene with a feeling of relief, and the dream was over.

When your own government not only allows its own people to be slaughtered on the streets, but also suppresses and trivialises news about it, then you are dealing with a regime of terror.


Well-known member
It's exciting how the subconscious processes everyday experiences.
Last weekend I met an elderly lady in the park who told me that she is now afraid to go for a walk because the violence has exploded with knife attacks and rapes occur regularly. The father of a good friend of mine was born here in the big city and now lives in a suburb. He has also decided to stop going to the city centre and feels alienated and threatened in his life. Then there was a report about Birmingham in the media showing the machete attacks with video footage and some links to foreign terrorists. The media reports that there are around seven knife attacks a day in my country and, according to last week's newspaper report, the city where I live is one of the hotspots in Germany. Our Minister of the Interior is not looking for a solution, but is using the Office for the Protection of the Constitution to shut down the media that are openly reporting on this and calling for a solution.

In my dream, my mates and I were involved in fighting on a beach similar to the Normandy landings in WWII and were under constant artillery fire and at the same time we were being attacked by giant demons similar to the Balrog from Lord of the Rings.
Then Mahatma Gandhi appeared above us all, reminding us how the all-powerful oppressor Britain was defeated by non-violent resistance and India became free again. This ended the gloomy scene with a feeling of relief, and the dream was over.

When your own government not only allows its own people to be slaughtered on the streets, but also suppresses and trivialises news about it, then you are dealing with a regime of terror.
these illegal invaders do not represent islam.... most commit haram , most are fleeing their islamic nations as they will be killed for being a bacon . they are criminals , and mercenaries. they will be cia isis fighters, and they will be u.n soldiers all paid for with tax money . they unfurl which ever banner


Well-known member
It's exciting how the subconscious processes everyday experiences.
Last weekend I met an elderly lady in the park who told me that she is now afraid to go for a walk because the violence has exploded with knife attacks and rapes occur regularly. The father of a good friend of mine was born here in the big city and now lives in a suburb. He has also decided to stop going to the city centre and feels alienated and threatened in his life. Then there was a report about Birmingham in the media showing the machete attacks with video footage and some links to foreign terrorists. The media reports that there are around seven knife attacks a day in my country and, according to last week's newspaper report, the city where I live is one of the hotspots in Germany. Our Minister of the Interior is not looking for a solution, but is using the Office for the Protection of the Constitution to shut down the media that are openly reporting on this and calling for a solution.

In my dream, my mates and I were involved in fighting on a beach similar to the Normandy landings in WWII and were under constant artillery fire and at the same time we were being attacked by giant demons similar to the Balrog from Lord of the Rings.
Then Mahatma Gandhi appeared above us all, reminding us how the all-powerful oppressor Britain was defeated by non-violent resistance and India became free again. This ended the gloomy scene with a feeling of relief, and the dream was over.

When your own government not only allows its own people to be slaughtered on the streets, but also suppresses and trivialises news about it, then you are dealing with a regime of terror.
kalergi plan in effect


Well-known member
i was chatting to a group of invaders recently . well two of them.

they were both from jordan, and both flee the country as they were criminals.

they were drinking heineken on a park bench


Well-known member
i don't blame these criminals for coming. i blame the banking system and cartel that engineers it all , controls governments , and puts us all into debt to pay for it


Well-known member
containers of weapons will be dispatched to these invader hotels ... most of them will be well educated on using ak47s ,grenades and such .


Well-known member
and the pink haired freaks that aid and help puss through these agendas will be the first ones written off . haha


Well-known member
and the pink haired freaks that aid and help puss through these agendas will be the first ones written off . haha