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Shiva Grows


Well-known member
they have admitted to dropping pathogens , creating rain , spray aluminium etc. in the usa they army and special ops committed many covert operations spraying unsuspecting populations with various pathogens and toxins. there is declassified files on it , so i can only imagine the extent of what we are not told runs much deeper and has been ongoing. they make rain in china in dubai regulary , they have dewp stations set up , they can accelerate storms, prolong heatwaves, worsen cold periods . they can deploy direct energy . many many known real technology


ICMag Donor
I live right by an airport so thankfully I get dumped on by the jetfuel, I will let you know how it goes.

Going out in the cold for the day to smoke. Got my bookwork done for the day.


ICMag Donor


ICMag Donor
Yeah it all balances out. I don't like to give them too much credit, although when there are outlier weather patterns it always pops up in my mind that this could be from geoengineering.

Who would want to reflect way the sun with sulfer compounds? Plants need that to survive.


Well-known member
they have admitted to dropping pathogens , creating rain , spray aluminium etc. in the usa they army and special ops committed many covert operations spraying unsuspecting populations with various pathogens and toxins. there is declassified files on it , so i can only imagine the extent of what we are not told runs much deeper and has been ongoing. they make rain in china in dubai regulary , they have dewp stations set up , they can accelerate storms, prolong heatwaves, worsen cold periods . they can deploy direct energy . many many known real technology
I heard as far back as the Vietnam war they had the technology to make it rain, probably a lot sooner. They were making it rain over the Ho chi min trail to try and flood out the Vietcong from their tunnel system, unsuccessfully I might add.

It’s brutal where I am and undeniable…
We are the last suburb on this side of the city and then just bush land.
Believe it not the spraying stops where the suburbs finish.
The day they spray it’s clear, and by the afternoon hazy. Then the next day is completely overcast but boiling hot.
It’s nowhere near passenger flight plans or international flights,It’s flat and horizontal.
Add to that the fact that Queensland is planning or has already put through parliament the fact they are going to “vaccinate” their population by air, there is certainly something going on up there.

My mates think I’m nuts and the Mrs just walks off when I start taking photos of the sky haha, here’s a few.


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Well-known member
I heard as far back as the Vietnam war they had the technology to make it rain, probably a lot sooner. They were making it rain over the Ho chi min trail to try and flood out the Vietcong from their tunnel system, unsuccessfully I might add.

It’s brutal where I am and undeniable…
We are the last suburb on this side of the city and then just bush land.
Believe it not the spraying stops where the suburbs finish.
The day they spray it’s clear, and by the afternoon hazy. Then the next day is completely overcast but boiling hot.
It’s nowhere near passenger flight plans or international flights,It’s flat and horizontal.
Add to that the fact that Queensland is planning or has already put through parliament the fact they are going to “vaccinate” their population by air, there is certainly something going on up there.

My mates think I’m nuts and the Mrs just walks off when I start taking photos of the sky haha, here’s a few.

It's raining more and more where i am too.

I live in a busy big city but luckily surrounded by a fair bit of green space too.

I live surrounded by arterial roads. I wake up when rush hour starts, not from the noise but would you believe it from the vehicle emissions.

The funny thing is where these roads are, the sky above is always cloudy and it rains a lot.

Where the green fields are it's blue sky above.

I believe it is the PM emissions from vehicle and aircraft exhausts acting to seed clouds and form rain. This is the Earth's defence mechanism kicking in.

My mates think I’m nuts and the Mrs just walks off when I start taking photos of the sky haha, here’s a few.

Wow, large contrails! We get loads here too.

The bloke next door is a conspiracy theorist ( note i didnt say nut ) who i usually have a chuckle over what i hear him spouting off in his garden. He could talk the hind legs off a donkey and regularly does. He talks for 3 hours solidly without anyone else managing to say a word.

He bangs on about nano particles and the big control of the health of the populace with the potentiating Covid vaccine, all orchestrated by the global elite squad.

He'll tell anyone about this, he is trying to spread the word..

There are some truths in what he says.


Well-known member
It's raining more and more where i am too.

I live in a busy big city but luckily surrounded by a fair bit of green space too.

I live surrounded by arterial roads. I wake up when rush hour starts, not from the noise but would you believe it from the vehicle emissions.

The funny thing is where these roads are, the sky above is always cloudy and it rains a lot.

Where the green fields are it's blue sky above.

I believe it is the PM emissions from vehicle and aircraft exhausts acting to seed clouds and form rain. This is the Earth's defence mechanism kicking in.

Wow, large contrails! We get loads here too.

The bloke next door is a conspiracy theorist ( note i didnt say nut ) who i usually have a chuckle over what i hear him spouting off in his garden. He could talk the hind legs off a donkey and regularly does. He talks for 3 hours solidly without anyone else managing to say a word.

He bangs on about nano particles and the big control of the health of the populace with the potentiating Covid vaccine, all orchestrated by the global elite squad.

He'll tell anyone about this, he is trying to spread the word..

There are some truths in what he says.
it's a small world . you are a great neighbour to me . haha .

i try not to say anything , i just can;t help myself when i hear the programming strong and talking points spewed . i end up talking , talking too much . i need to resist, and remind myself, let the dead bury the dead


Well-known member
I heard as far back as the Vietnam war they had the technology to make it rain, probably a lot sooner. They were making it rain over the Ho chi min trail to try and flood out the Vietcong from their tunnel system, unsuccessfully I might add.

It’s brutal where I am and undeniable…
We are the last suburb on this side of the city and then just bush land.
Believe it not the spraying stops where the suburbs finish.
The day they spray it’s clear, and by the afternoon hazy. Then the next day is completely overcast but boiling hot.
It’s nowhere near passenger flight plans or international flights,It’s flat and horizontal.
Add to that the fact that Queensland is planning or has already put through parliament the fact they are going to “vaccinate” their population by air, there is certainly something going on up there.

My mates think I’m nuts and the Mrs just walks off when I start taking photos of the sky haha, here’s a few.
you are not mad. the emperor wheres no clothes


Well-known member
It's raining more and more where i am too.

I live in a busy big city but luckily surrounded by a fair bit of green space too.

I live surrounded by arterial roads. I wake up when rush hour starts, not from the noise but would you believe it from the vehicle emissions.

The funny thing is where these roads are, the sky above is always cloudy and it rains a lot.

Where the green fields are it's blue sky above.

I believe it is the PM emissions from vehicle and aircraft exhausts acting to seed clouds and form rain. This is the Earth's defence mechanism kicking in.

Wow, large contrails! We get loads here too.

The bloke next door is a conspiracy theorist ( note i didnt say nut ) who i usually have a chuckle over what i hear him spouting off in his garden. He could talk the hind legs off a donkey and regularly does. He talks for 3 hours solidly without anyone else managing to say a word.

He bangs on about nano particles and the big control of the health of the populace with the potentiating Covid vaccine, all orchestrated by the global elite squad.

He'll tell anyone about this, he is trying to spread the word..

There are some truths in what he says.
He sounds hilarious and a hell of a lot better the scummy neighbours we’ve had around here.
These dickheads used to do burnouts in their driveway at 11:00 at night.

He probably has a nice comfy sofa, a bong and some crazy internet surfing skills. Completely harmless haha



Well-known member
"You don't realise love, while you're sitting on the checkout you and the shoppers are literally being bombarded by nano particles. It'll give you bone cancer love. You have the Covid vaccine? I didn't. That was the start of the program. Get with it love, cmon wake up !"

Now i never see him with a PP3 mask on but i spose he didnt have the vaccine so is immune to the contrail nano particles.

I have found these particles do indeed exist and the best way of removing them is with a carbon filter and fan :biggrin:

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