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Shiva Grows


Well-known member
look into the original holy wood . they have always been up to next level bacon behaviour. i feel sorry for 2pac . he must of been abused on every level and then killed off


Well-known member
I dont know whos funnier. Him or the people he makes throw a hissy fit haha. It was a fun thread while it lasted
if he was trolling , he showed many of the big egos for sure

more important things in life [ and thats speaking from an addictive persona , med user, and daily user , grower]and always someone more knowledgeable .


Well-known member
just watching a boxing podcast and the interviewer question that made me chuckle was this , "Tell me jerry, with your smooth accent and magnum tash do you get much minge over there"

he responded. "suprisingly the look is not so popular"


ICMag Donor
I cant believe these slipped past me all this time. Perfect for transplanting
Love that container, that's great! What brand are those?
yes , however , germinating seeds we are talking about . seeds need zero food until germinated , and the catyledons hold nutrient and all it needs up to the first sets of leaves. so technically , to keep things bug free and problem free. germ and start sterile , once they break surface , then into your soil mix

seedling mixes are most of the time , very light mixes for this reason
True, but I like to mix a little bit in if germinating and growing for a couple weeks before transplant. They do start to use fertilizer a little at some point, but I think that stats after a couple weeks. Temperature, and having a loose, moist media with correct watering is the key. Can use about 1/4-1/3 rate for a couple weeks after emergence , but mix in thoroughly. Doesn't really hurt anything, but yeah, germinating in mix can be tricky. How big do you think the leaves are when the plants first start to look for fertilizer?

I would think once the seedlings are growing and have leaves about an inch and a half long, they may start requiring some nutrients through the roots. But the coytyledons supplement their needs until the root system is established. Less food can cause the plant to use up its reserves quicker.

For vegetables they say fertilize at around around 4-6 weeks.


Hope your neighbor is able to heal and be able to walk again! Its easy to take our health for granted. Glad he didn't hit his head or something that could have been even worse.

Kind of a cheap lesson for all of us, be careful out there! Could stumble or lose an eye. Always go at God's pace.
i'm worried for my neighbour stuck in hospital waiting to hear if they need to amputate his leg.
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Well-known member
hope your annoying neighbor will be ok. :(
i get on with all my neighbours . he rang me from hospital. he is still waiting on the news. he is a manchild and abuses everyone he doesn't agree with , but deep down he is a good kid . he did dislocate it as i thought , and not broken. he is extreme over weight , so the joints cannot handle the twist and fall as well.. anyway. they relocated his leg and did surgery and ended up trapping or damaging some nerves, and he lost feeling in his leg. and they said is is 90% chance of amputation [ he has a habit of telling porkies but i have to trust him on this ] it is life altering and shattering when i imagine it , and i wish and hope he has a speedy recovery . i wish no pain on anyone, and i quite like the guy. just wish he did not verbally abuse people so readily and bully people


ICMag Donor
Wonder if that was malpractice or just something that is a risk with that type of surgery? Hope he's alright.


ICMag Donor
Havent moved the truck for 2 days. Starting to get cabin fever. Hope it gets above 5 F tomorrow.

It was -6 F this morning.

Good chance to smoke some pipes. :smoke:


Well-known member
Love that container, that's great! What brand are those?

True, but I like to mix a little bit in if germinating and growing for a couple weeks before transplant. They do start to use fertilizer a little at some point, but I think that stats after a couple weeks. Temperature, and having a loose, moist media with correct watering is the key. Can use about 1/4-1/3 rate for a couple weeks after emergence , but mix in thoroughly. Doesn't really hurt anything, but yeah, germinating in mix can be tricky. How big do you think the leaves are when the plants first start to look for fertilizer?

I would think once the seedlings are growing and have leaves about an inch and a half long, they may start requiring some nutrients through the roots. But the coytyledons supplement their needs until the root system is established. Less food can cause the plant to use up its reserves quicker.

For vegetables they say fertilize at around around 4-6 weeks.


Hope your neighbor is able to heal and be able to walk again! Its easy to take our health for granted. Glad he didn't hit his head or something that could have been even worse.

Kind of a cheap lesson for all of us, be careful out there! Could stumble or lose an eye. Always go at God's pace.
one stupid accident i did to mhyself was tile-ing a floor at my sisters house when iw as maybe 25 years old. i was not experienced enough or had all the tools needed. i did quite a good job, and i got to my final two pieces which were just short of a full tile, and i only had a manual cutter. so i had to score the line and use snips,,,i thought a quicker was would be to score it extra deep and just whack it with the base of my hand and use the step , and hit the overhung part... whack i hit it, broke it like bruce lee, split the hole tile, and as my hand passed the cut sharp broken tile, it severed my main artery in my arm ..... i started spraying blood all over the new walls i had painted , the new floor , you name it .... i had to get out the house to my phone or find somebody , and the door has a safety system where you need two hands to open it. i had my hand in the air trying not to lose blood, and i had to release the hand to open the door, so the wound opened full as i escaped, still hosing everywhere with fucking blood... outside were two builders sat in a van both asleep with a newspaper over there heads[it was a new build estate with works ongoing],, i knocked on the window to wake them up and had to release my wound again,,, spray of blood all over his window as he woke from his sleep..... 'fuck me' he shouted in his scouse accent. jumped out. ripped off his high vision safety coat , wrapped my arm , dialled an ambulance and then he asked me what road it was, which i had no clue as i was tripping at this point and collapsed in the bush... he had to run to the end of the street to find out the road name for the lady on the emergency call

total scene

luckily i only knicked my arted not fully severed. i had emergency micro surgery , stitches internal and external and sent home .... i was struggling to roll joints that night . i tell thee. proper bo