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Shiva Grows


Well-known member
What is the aether? Firmament is another word for expanse it says in my study Bible. We are placed in the firmament of the universe. Before the firmament was, I AM.
what the sky is made of beyond our earthly layer . you can't get past the aether and they know it


ICMag Donor
The comet could have blasted the earth to create the moon after plants were created. The sun I would think would be needed for plants, but not necessarily.

Some plants are fungi which have chlorophyll and are photosynthetic, lichins.


Well-known member
Of Enoch's assumption; how the angels took him into the first heaven

[1] It came to pass, when Enoch had told his sons, that the angels took him on to their wings and bore him up on to the first heaven and placed him on the clouds. And there I looked, and again I looked higher, and saw the ether, and they placed me on the first heaven and showed me a very great Sea, greater than the earthly sea.

Chapter 4​

Of the angels ruling the stars

[1] They brought before my face the elders and rulers of the stellar orders, and showed me two hundred angels, who rule the stars and their services to the heavens, and fly with their wings and come round all those who sail.


ICMag Donor
Aether is just the heavens in the Bible. Never seen the work aether. Time to pack the first pipe of 2024! Finished a toke and a half of the DC x BB. Love the powerful smoke, going to last a long time. Makes it more worth the effort. Everything has a cost. Puff, puff, pass.

Willy told me yesterday the hash really works on the pain! I told my dad Willy needed to talk to the legislators about the malpractice lawsuit he has against the Veterans Administration hospitals, and then I came out of the green closet a little and told him what Willy said about medical cannabis. The truth will set you free. God is on our side. Thank you God for fighting our battles for us. :smoke:


Well-known member
Aether is just the heavens in the Bible. Never seen the work aether. Time to pack the first pipe of 2024! Finished a toke and a half of the DC x BB. Love the powerful smoke, going to last a long time. Makes it more worth the effort. Everything has a cost. Puff, puff, pass.

Willy told me yesterday the hash really works on the pain! I told my dad Willy needed to talk to the legislators about the malpractice lawsuit he has against the Veterans Administration hospitals, and then I came out of the green closet a little and told him what Willy said about medical cannabis. The truth will set you free. God is on our side. Thank you God for fighting our battles for us. :smoke:
ether , aether , is found many times in your bible. try again looking


Well-known member
This Hebrew word rāqîaʿ, is translated as “firmament” by the authors of the King James Bible. Rāqîaʿ is a luminous, firmament or interworld linking “heaven” and “earth”. This firmament which spans the gulf of the heavens was identified as Aether or quintessence known as the fifth element by the ancient Greeks


ICMag Donor
Excerpt from 'Scribes and Scripture' by Meade and Gurrey:

The most famour manuscripts are often named after people or places associated with their history( e.g. Codex Vaticanus is kept at the vatican library, Codex Sinaiticus was found at the monastery at Mount Saini, Codex Bezae was onced owned by Theodore Beza_)

This large body of manuscripts is even more impressive when we remember that each one is unique (the word manuscript means hand written). None of them rolled off an assembly line looking exactly like the other one before it. The labor, time, and money required to produce a copy explain another important factor to keep in mind-- most of our New Testament manucripts contain only par of the New Testament. This is not only because time has often left them ragged. It was also by design. It was simply too expensive to make a complete Bible. Only around sixty of our Greek manuscripts contain all twenty-seven books of the New Testament. Another 150 of so contain all but Revelation. The rest typically contain just the Gospels, just Paul (including Hebrews), or just Acts and the so-called Catholic Epistles (James through Jude).

This feature of our manuscrips is worthy of some reflection. It means that until after the invention of the printing press, most Christians never owned a complete copy of the Bible. Even if they owned one, they did not have the whole of it between the two covers. Though strange to modern Bible readers, this situation might help explain why some of the most important manuscripts contain books, such as the Shepherd of Hermas or 1 Clement, that were highly valued by early Christians but not cannonized. By placing these books between the same covers as the New Testament books, early believers did not intend to elevate them to the same canonical status. Instead they may have been taking advantage of the opportunity to have any copy at all of these valued books.

It was not long before groups of New Testament books, such as the Gospels, or Paul's letters, were collected, and these began to be copied and bound together. By the fourth century, we have complete New Testaments in what are called the "pandects." The most important (and most famous) of these are Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus, both from the fourth century. Besides the overall quality of their text, they are well known for originally containing the entire Bible (or nearly so). Neither manuscript was easily available to scholors until bother were published as facsimilies in the nineteenth centry. Sinaiticus, in fact, wasn't even discovered until then. These manuscripts have been widely used only in the last two centuries. We will see that this fact is especially important when we consider differences between King James Version and later English translations.

In terms of number of manuscripts, the closest point of comparison with the New Testament is Homer, whose famous poems are found in several thousand manuscrips. A better comparison, chronilogically, is between the Gospel of Matthew and the apocryphal Gospel of Thomas. In Greek, Matthew's Gospel has around eighteen hundred extant copies, whereas Thomas has a total of three, all very fragmentary. The only complete copy of Thomas is in a Coptic translation of the Green. That a massive difference in textual evidence. Still its more important to acknowledge that more copies do not necessarily guarantee greater reliability. No one concludes, for instance, that because Matthew has six times more Greek copies than Revelation that it is far more reliable as a result. Mere counting doesn't get us far. After all, it's better to have one good manuscript than a thousand bad ones. Thankfully, with the New Testament, we have far more good copes than one. In the end, it is the combination of age, quantity, and overall quality of the winesses (original text) that, textually speaking, puts the New Testament in a category by itself compared with contemporary works.


Well-known member
smoking on some paradise cheese next . has a touch of an afghan influence for sure. puts me to sleep fine when it starts to fade. or i can recharge every couple of hours with it too.


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ICMag Donor
Aether, the ancient Greek personification of the clear upper air of the sky.
No, I don't think the term "aether" is found in the Bible. Please show me what verses if so.

Greek god--​

Aether – god of Light​

Aether, sometimes also spelled Aither, was a primordial god of light. He was also the god of the sky, which the ancient Greeks considered to be “blue ether” that represented heaven. Aether’s mists were able to fill the space between the transparent mists on the ground and the solid dome that made up the sky. Air on the earth was governed by the primordial goddess Chaos, but all of the air above this was Aether’s domain.


ICMag Donor


Well-known member
I don't necessarily agree with that. Study the Bible yourself, and avoid books and posts that create generalized summaries of theology.
i don't agree with that either. it was the first christian discussion i came to. i was trying to explain what aether means to you pipe

aether and its existence solidifies the bibles description pipe . thats why it is hidden and dismissed . there is actually experiments and documents on aether


ICMag Donor
Haha, aether is not the correct term though, because its been hijacked by Greek mythology.

The correct term for immaterial would be 'in heaven with God', or just the term 'Spiritual.'