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Shiva Grows


Well-known member
i did a pack of old timer haze and a pack of green haze - oldtimer next gen with green selections only. i chose a green pheno from the normal mixed repro regs in the end . i had 12 of one pack and 11 in the other i think in total. i reprod my own using two males two females too . i spent nearly 2 years just finding a male to use


ICMag Donor
Everything is over 20% THC, when everything used to be under..
Yeah but how good is it? I smoked the 30 something percent El Chavo strain from The Flower Bowl Detroit, Michigan and it wasn't as good as my strains. Terpenes were lame ass potency was there but didn't punch like it should have.


Well-known member
Diversity is the spice of life. Glad you have a well rounded gene pool to choose from. Keep it real, keep it BURNIN'! Jah Bless!


Early Skunk x Lebanese
looks a nice cola


ICMag Donor
Consensus among breeders on The Potcast is % THC really doesn't mean as much as what people think it does. The effect of a strain depends on several factors.

The government can't wrap their head around this, and is struggleing to be able to determine impairment on blood concentration of THC alone. There is no consistancy in their findings.


da boveda kid
Consensus among breeders on The Potcast is % THC really doesn't mean as much as what people think it does. The effect of a strain depends on several factors.

The government can't wrap their head around this, and is struggleing to be able to determine impairment on blood concentration of THC alone. There is no consistancy in their findings.
yep, they should test the level of impairment or something


ICMag Donor
Need to grab a few buds of Early Skunk x Lebanese for a proper test. Hard to keep the house below the 1 oz limit. 1 oz means you are about out, said in some movie.

I keep a copy of the US Constitution handy as my paperwork giving me clearance to grow cannabis.


ICMag Donor
Urine screen is flat out stupid only detecting metabolites. Thats what our state uses to determine Driving undre the Influence DUI!!!! So stupid, but that guy from the the Prosecutor council defends it, saying its still the safest way because there is no good method to detect impairment based on blood concentration. He says if you use cannabis at all, stay off the road period.

Is that crazy or it just me? Time or a road trip! :smoke:


Well-known member
i have worked for people who would pretend to drink bottled water that was actually filled with neat vodka. my old apprentice mistook his water for the customers and took a big gulp, spat it out , and said'its vodka' lol


Well-known member
Yeah but how good is it? I smoked the 30 something percent El Chavo strain from The Flower Bowl Detroit, Michigan and it wasn't as good as my strains. Terpenes were lame ass potency was there but didn't punch like it should have.
Never tried any of these new 30% THC strains so I really don't know. Not that I'm not interested but other things have interested me even more hehe. Only modern strain I have tried and even that only once is MAC1, I did enjoy it though.


da boveda kid
i did my driving test after 5 pints. way over the limit. passed first time.

disgusting behaviour to be honest . i repent for that. it is crazy looking back at the mad shit i would do as a drunk
yeah, alcohol can be some nasty shit.
by the grace of jah, youre a reborn ganjaman now.

to each their own, just dont hurt nobody including yourself.
really bad stuff has happened all over the world under the influence of alcohol... really bad shit.


Well-known member
i'm at mr beans on monday . he was the friend with the rasta shed i made and the royal caramel that suffered mould . he is building a car port type structure this year to protect his colas lol. its the way forward


Well-known member
yeah, alcohol can be some nasty shit.
by the grace of jah, youre a reborn ganjaman now.

to each their own, just dont hurt nobody including yourself.
really bad stuff has happened all over the world under the influence of alcohol... really bad shit.
i was always a ganja man, that extreme that i started drinking to intensify the ganja effects and became addicted

today i would be classed as adhd and aspergers too

back then i was just mad shiva


da boveda kid
i was always a ganja man, that extreme that i started drinking to intensify the ganja effects and became addicted

today i would be calssed as adhd and aspergers too
holy fuck thats the first time i ever heard something like this.

edit: oh i see :]
mad shiva 😁

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