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ICMag Donor
Cannabis would be a better therapy than tripping I would think. Why wouldn't they make a recommendation to have cannabis discussed by the general assembly?


ICMag Donor
Listen to the the Word of God given by the prophet Micah. The whole Bible is like this, and it appears to be a hopeless situation, then Christ came. Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, our teacher Jesus.

Micah 7 NKJV

Sorrow for Israel’s Sins​

7 Woe is me!
For I am like those who gather summer fruits,
Like those who glean vintage grapes;
There is no cluster to eat
Of the first-ripe fruit which my soul desires.
2 The faithful[a] man has perished from the earth,
And there is no one upright among men.
They all lie in wait for blood;
Every man hunts his brother with a net.

3 That they may successfully do evil with both hands—
The prince asks for gifts,
The judge seeks a bribe,
And the great man utters his evil desire;
So they scheme together.
4 The best of them is like a brier;
The most upright is sharper than a thorn hedge;
The day of your watchman and your punishment comes;
Now shall be their perplexity.

5 Do not trust in a friend;
Do not put your confidence in a companion;
Guard the doors of your mouth
From her who lies in your bosom.
6 For son dishonors father,
Daughter rises against her mother,
Daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law;
A man’s enemies are the men of his own household.
7 Therefore I will look to the Lord;
I will wait for the God of my salvation;
My God will hear me.

Israel’s Confession and Comfort​

8 Do not rejoice over me, my enemy;
When I fall, I will arise;
When I sit in darkness,
The Lord will be a light to me.
9 I will bear the indignation of the Lord,
Because I have sinned against Him,
Until He pleads my case
And executes justice for me.
He will bring me forth to the light;
I will see His righteousness.
10 Then she who is my enemy will see,
And shame will cover her who said to me,
“Where is the Lord your God?”
My eyes will see her;
Now she will be trampled down
Like mud in the streets.

11 In the day when your walls are to be built,
In that day [b]the decree shall go far and wide.
12 In that day they[c] shall come to you
From Assyria and the [d]fortified cities,
From the [e]fortress to [f]the River,
From sea to sea,
And mountain to mountain.
13 Yet the land shall be desolate
Because of those who dwell in it,
And for the fruit of their deeds.

God Will Forgive Israel​

14 Shepherd Your people with Your staff,
The flock of Your heritage,
Who dwell [g]solitarily in a woodland,
In the midst of Carmel;
Let them feed in Bashan and Gilead,
As in days of old.

15 “As in the days when you came out of the land of Egypt,
I will show [h]them wonders.”

16 The nations shall see and be ashamed of all their might;
They shall put their hand over their mouth;
Their ears shall be deaf.
17 They shall lick the dust like a serpent;
They shall crawl from their holes like [i]snakes of the earth.
They shall be afraid of the Lord our God,
And shall fear because of You.
18 Who is a God like You,
Pardoning iniquity
And passing over the transgression of the remnant of His heritage?

He does not retain His anger forever,
Because He delights in mercy.[j]
19 He will again have compassion on us,
And will subdue our iniquities.

You will cast all [k]our sins
Into the depths of the sea.
20 You will give truth to Jacob
And [l]mercy to Abraham,
Which You have sworn to our fathers
From days of old.


Well-known member
Cannabis would be a better therapy than tripping I would think. Why wouldn't they make a recommendation to have cannabis discussed by the general assembly?
sobriety . high on life. we heal ourselves . all this bullshit is to further the bacon agenda

we don;t need any drugs.

the only helpful meds produced are based on natural medicine. insulin, antibiotics , aspirin etc . no tablet or drug heals or cures fuck all

only one person can save us. that is ourselves


Well-known member
i only speak from my own experiences... i don't expect anyone to agree.

i speak from my heart. as lifetime addict. as someone who has lost friends and family to drugs , mental issues and such


ICMag Donor
Yeah i tend to agree. Cannabis in low dose can be therapeutic, but high doses can promote anxiety and further issues for sure. My aunt used to warn me when I was younger that if someone is depressed, drinking or smoking is not a good idea and will make it worse. She used to party and she still uses cannabis.

Everyone has to work out their own salvation in the words of Paul the apostle.


Well-known member
Yeah i tend to agree. Cannabis in low dose can be therapeutic, but high doses can promote anxiety and further issues for sure. My aunt used to warn me when I was younger that if someone is depressed, drinking or smoking is not a good idea and will make it worse. She used to party and she still uses cannabis.

Everyone has to work out their own salvation in the words of Paul the apostle.
cannabis should be used by sensible folk like yourself, goingrey, rev, timbo zaps, rob and everyone elsei can think of

some of us are mad bastards that need a different approach- sober life


Well-known member
ganja is part of my life. i'm cool with that. i always been married to mj since i was 11. but i know people with issues that should not be using ganja


ICMag Donor
Sorry to hear about your friends, I have had friends commit suicide, but didn't know them very well. Serving in the military and going to war is tough enough, its even tougher when the war is prolonged and protracted and not necessary for the immediate defense of the nation.

Prohibition has real-world consequences which far outweigh its benefits. The actual consequences of the drugs themselves are relatively minor compared to the negative aspects of prohibition. Cannabis is a no brainer, psychadelics can have some benefit, not sure about the highly addictive and destructive hard drugs though. I feel they would be less attractive if there were some legal options that could be a substitute though.


Well-known member
i spoke of the last trip i had. it was a rosin dab that i mixed with a triple dose of dmt . i heated my nail , decided to play narration of genesis and i asked to be tested


Well-known member
i was cralling across the floor as i was coming down and the whole floor was snakes, insects and all kinds . i stumbled and crawled... then i was back to normal 30 minutes later haha


ICMag Donor
Yeah, its also strain dependent. There is a lot of different genetic expressions in cannabis.

My friend Tyler who is schizophenia positive should probably stay away. Not sure if the issue is with him though. I think with support, he could benefit from it, but he gets carried away and ends up over medicating most of the time. The prohibition has caused worse schizophrenia because he's forced to hold 2 opinions on the same issues and keeps going back and forth because his mom and grandma are prohibitionist while his dad's family are from the farm and accept personal choice.

Tyler keeps telling me to keep it from him, then he tries to get together to smoke again, over and over and over.


da boveda kid
I feel they would be less attractive if there were some legal options that could be a substitute though.
for the people that are already users especially.
switzerland or germany have programs for heavy and long term heroin users.
they get to have their stuff, purest quality, and can get on with their lives. i think theyre also having therapy and antidepressants if necessary.

i hear addiction 'disorders' are started to be tackled differently, not only focusing on sobriety but leading a healthy life and focussing on better things that are good for you.

i have no source for this but i read it somewhere and it made sense.

when i had therapy for depression and heavy anxiety i learned to focus on things outside of it. like feeling content, or relaxed.

i think everyone who has ever experienced this can agree you cant think yourself out of an anxiety attack.
but if you focus on something youve been practicing with meditation, like a safe or happy place, youre outta there in an instant.

the brain is a funny thing...

just my thoughts.


Well-known member
Sorry to hear about your friends, I have had friends commit suicide, but didn't know them very well. Serving in the military and going to war is tough enough, its even tougher when the war is prolonged and protracted and not necessary for the immediate defense of the nation.

Prohibition has real-world consequences which far outweigh its benefits. The actual consequences of the drugs themselves are relatively minor compared to the negative aspects of prohibition. Cannabis is a no brainer, psychadelics can have some benefit, not sure about the highly addictive and destructive hard drugs though. I feel they would be less attractive if there were some legal options that could be a substitute though.
my dad i lost to alcohol. i found him dead when i was 18. my best mate died from prescription drug overdose around 5 years ago.that is after many many overdoses . he had that many overdoses i had to have his funeral in my head years before he was successful in ending his life.for my own anxiety and worry. my sisters husband commited suicide during covid lockdowns as they would not allow any new patients due to the cold that they relabelled covid at the time. i have spent time in detox , witness people collapse , have seizures, harm themselves , all kinds of shit. recently a friend killed himself on a live feed on facebook ffs.i don't have facebook but i was told the details

drugs are not useful


ICMag Donor
Joe Rogan promotes the use of DMT and iohaska (sp?), my brother talks about it sometimes. Yeah its a form of mind control. Its almost turning into a belief system like the Masons. They want to get people following idols of false gods, thinking they are communicating with other aliens and dimensions, and make them forget the goodness and truth of Lord their God.

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