"What do you have to be depressed about?"
I will never utter those statements. I have endured the pain maybe to simply be there for one other human.
What does it feel like to not be scared 24/7?
To feel that in 1 minute a meteor will wipe out my city.
I'm sorry. Things are so dry at the moment.
So I medicate with booze.
Somewhere, under the same flag, adults can legally buy 1 oz.
not here though...
I am in the same boat man. Ever since I got busted for growing 5 years ago I have now turned to alcohol when I was down. I was never much of a drinker to begin with but because of probation I don't have many options... I have been on every anti depressant under the sun and they all suck. The only thing I ever felt that truly helped me when I hit a rut (as I call it) was cannabis but that has been closed off to me for years. The one thing that was able to pull me out of my deep depression is martial arts. Its been my salvation. In a few short months I will be off probation and I am fully confident that with the combination of martial arts and cannabis I will find find my inner peace (amongst other things obviously). I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.
before you worry about girls you need to get your shit together. Trust me getting laid will not magically make anything better. I thought that too. I signed up for some online dating sites and I got laid by more girls in a month then I had slept with in my life haha... but it did NOT make me happy. if anything it made me fell kinda hollow and shitty.