I screwed up a whole bunch, two grows ago, with moldy smell. After that, I over dry, then Boveda.
Dude, me too. I lost 55g's of Northern Lights this last round due to mold growth in a curing jar. I was pretty bummed, that's why I got the bovedas this time.
The thing is i think I pushed the c99 just a little too far. It's such a relatively light bud. I noticed a few stems I checked were snapping as I was reloading the third jar.
I am under the impression that once the RH drops below like 55% it stops the curing process and can't be restarted even when re-adding moisture sources. I don't 100% understand the reasoning behind that. If it's accurate then adding bovedas after you've gone below 55 would supposedly only remoisturize, not enable the cure to restart, but I have no idea.
Loc, when you say 'overdry' do you mean you actually dry them to the stems snapping, or are you staying just shy of that still?