Read pharmaceutical hemp oil only. They are flat out telling you whats what.
Where in the bill text exactly does it say anything about "pharmaceutical hemp oil"?
Read pharmaceutical hemp oil only. They are flat out telling you whats what.
Where in the bill text exactly does it say anything about "pharmaceutical hemp oil"?
-Even if its only CBD/hemp oil...
do you realize how big a step backward that would be? Co and Wa giving up what we've gained for hemp oil... thats like telling a man he can no longer eat steak simply because the baby cant have any... and making it schedule 2 would force the feds to start being all judicious setting their limits and restrictions on what folk can and cant do with a godforsaken dried flower...
Their restrictions could never legally allow someone to produce a schedule 2 narcotic in the safety of their own home.
think about that... schedule 2 is no step forward... its a sidestep into a cage.
Schedule 2.... Cannabis would be equal to Methamphetamine... and treated the same.
that's not better.
I'm really more concerned about this splitting the community & the MMJ crowd getting complacent about what they have vs the ultimate goal for all of us, which is legalization.
"I got mine" attitudes wouldn't be helpful at all. Prohibitionists are just trying to pull back & regroup, build MMJ only defenses. If we keep the pressure on they won't be able to do that & we can roll right over 'em, force legalization at the federal level, too.
We're already getting some of that from the big names in MMJ, the Stanley Bros being the most obvious. Move out of CO because of "dope pushers?" Really? Don't talk shit, just do it. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out, either.
I respect your post, and your opinion, but you clearly have not read the bill and do not understand what it says. The very first sentence says that the federal government will no longer meddle in the medical programs of the 23 medical states. That is to say, they WILL respect medical marijuana programs implemented by those 23 states. This is called "the concept of federalism". If you can show the wording in the bill text that supports what you say, I would love to to see you paste the bill text and explain how it supports your analysis.
The bill can be rightfully criticized for not respecting the States recreational programs. In other words, it does not introduce the concept of federalism to the states recreational programs. The feds will continue to be able to arrest recreational users and growers that are legal on the state level. This is a compromise that I'm willing to accept, because it's not realistic that they will pass a bill to protect legal recreational on the state level. Since only five states or so have legal recreational, as more states pass recreational laws more and more, then eventually a new bill could be introduced to introduce the concept of federalism to state recreational laws.
Even if this bill *did* implement the concept of federalism to state recreational laws, the the citizens in the 45 states without recreational laws are still completely screwed, because they'll continue to be arrested by state level law-enforcement.
Move cannabis down in the schedule scheme, even one notch, and all the agencies listed above would suddenly have tremendous power over every aspect of the plant. The acronyms would come with their own armies of lawyers and lobbyists well honed in the realm of big medicine, pharma and government.
Moving marijuana to Schedule II may actually undo the state-level marijuana reform laws by putting the federal government back in the driver's seat. Alcohol and tobacco are not in the CSA. No Schedule II drugs (which include cocaine and Oxycontin) are legally sold for recreation.
Pretty great detective work there. Now tell us what happened to the last bill that proposed descheduling? Clue- it never made it out of committee. Do you even know what that bill number was?
Even if the FDA somehow "got control" they would have to build a team of law-enforcement. If that law-enforcement was to do anything it would be challenged in federal court, and the federal judge would laugh them right out of the court room.
This is quite possible the most delusional post on the Internet's.
You spelled Internet wrong.