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Selling back to clubs?


Active member
I would say at the moment

low - 2-2.5k
mids - 2.5k-3.0k (nobody wants to pay the worth of mids sadly, eighths that sell for 40-45)
quality ($50~+ eighths) - 3.0k-3.6k
absolute fire ($60~+ eighths) - 3.6k-4.1k
this is from inside experience on the dispensary side and is pretty realistic from what i've seen many many vendors ask for initially and what they end up getting.

This is accurate information.

You should probably read the State Attorney General's guidelines... he says that clubs (or co-ops/collectives) should be operated in a closed circuit manner... in other words a collective should only buy from its members to provide to its other members.

Doc Leaf: I am with you on the idealistic point that medicine should be free. For that matter, so should food, clean water, education, elder care. Our automobiles should be collectivized. War should be ended. We should all share the yuletide spirit every day. OK... that said, welcome back to the real world.

I agree that price gouging in any industry is fucked up. More so when applied to a patient in need. I dedicate my entire life to growing the best quality meds possible. I am pretty sure, that of all the meds I sell to the clubs, maybe 10% of it actually goes to critically ill or in-pain patients. The rest are no less valid medicinal users (if it mellows you out on your way to your shitty job its good medicine as far as i am concerned), but they are generally capable of making the living required to purchase those meds.... The patients who cannot function without the meds, or still can't function when they have them? point them in my direction and I will take care of them free of charge. I already give away around 10% to patients at a local AIDS/HIV walk-in center.

If the world were perfect, and I didn't have to make sure that my own kids were covered in the event of a broken bone or something more serious, I could do what I have been doing for the last 6 months without compensation. As is, i will make less money doing this (according to the letter of the law), than in any of the other industries I have worked in... but I am providing the world with good meds and I really truly love what I do.

Would you begrudge me making a decent, but not ridiculous living, doing something I love? Or should I work at Walmart nights for a paycheck and do this during the day?

Again... I too would love to live in this perfect world where everything everyone needs is free. But that's just not very realistic... and certainly not a reason to give somebody shit. I love heirloom tomatoes, but I cannot afford them at the store for 6$/lb. So I grow them...

If a club charges a premium for providing you, you have a choice. Buy the expensive meds or grow your own for a fraction of the cost... this has been an option for every consumer of the majority of agricultural products for as long as I have been alive. Club owners provide a service and pay high premiums to manage risk and overhead. Doubling the price of goods at retail is not a new concept. Remember, they are still getting raided by the feds. This can be costly. It wouldn't seem worth it to me unless the amount being earned offset the cost of defending myself, should DEA shock troops bust down my door.

Not saying that every dispensary owner is a white knight with the highest intentions... if you couldn't pay the bills doing it, nobody would. and then patients would have LESS options. as time goes on and risks diminish and competition increases prices will go down... until then... if you know somebody who is really ill and cannot afford meds, let some of the growers here know and I'm sure if they are compliant in a medical state, somebody with the means will help them...

Sorry for the rant... just kinda sick of the idea that growers and retailers should work for free. there is a more reasonable way to look at the debate.


ICMag Donor
Nice post nommad :yes: you raise some interesting points :yes: especially this ....

"I am pretty sure, that of all the meds I sell to the clubs, maybe 10% of it actually goes to critically ill or in-pain patients. "

This is the crux of it,, sounds like some medi. clubs dont seem to be genuinely servicing the medi. community anymore... while these pop stars and rock stars seem to be eating up all the banana bread at the dispensary.

Everyone is selling the same food... But that doesn't automatically mean dealers (or growers) cant still do an honest days business. The more you grow the cheaper the price should be,,, simple mathematics... been there grown keys. If you got a license for that dub-plate ,, then dub it!

We can only view what's happening in Cali. as a paragon :yes: but we dont want such an unfair system in place for medi. users over here :no:

We guess that why carers care for medi. users that cant grow their own :yes: nice work.

I wish I could say I was as proactively dedicated... maybe one day when the seed things over :canabis:

Blue Dot

absolute fire ($60~+ eighths) - 3.6k-4.1k
this is from inside experience on the dispensary side and is pretty realistic from what i've seen many many vendors ask for initially and what they end up getting.

Lets use this as an example:

$4,000 lb/16 oz = $250 an oz that clubs pay

but resell for $60 1/8th = $480 oz = $7680 lb

so clubs markup their price almost 100%.

If legit retail establishments markup their legit retail product for 100% (they're actually lucky if they get 50% BTW) and they are in the business of selling for profit then can anyone tell me that clubs are NOT selling for profit?

Case closed!


DocLeaf you ever been to California?
You ever been to a dispenasary?
Can you tell what a person with a life threatening condition looks like?

DocLeaf said:
sounds like...
you dont know what the fuck you are talking about.

only the terminally ill deserve to have their sufferings relieved?? Thats RETARDED.

heres a great example:

Did Heath Ledger looks sick to you?
Think about this long and hard: if he would have been giving a medical marijuana recomendations for symptons described as "sleeping disorder" by a licensed medical doctor (not a dentist or chiropractor) and bought medical marijauna from an easily accessible dispenary grown by professional cannabis farmers instead of bought the prescription sleeping pills prescribed by a doctor from the pharmacy he would probably be alive today, no?

do you know how many people take sleeping meds (ie ambien) and never wake up?

A cousin in a butthole state in the south where medical marijuana is not an option was taking ambien to get to bed instead of bong hits while playing his playstation. And now he is dead.

get off your high fucking horse and think long and hard about that.


my cousin would have gladly paid for medical marijuana instead of paying for his ambien... becasue he was a hard working man that understood people need to make a living, not live in a fucking drum circle singing kumbaya praying for food to fall from the skyfrom the great provider.


Lets use this as an example:

$4,000 lb/16 oz = $250 an oz that clubs pay

but resell for $60 1/8th = $480 oz = $7680 lb

so clubs markup their price almost 100%.

If legit retail establishments markup their legit retail product for 100% (they're actually lucky if they get 50% BTW) and they are in the business of selling for profit then can anyone tell me that clubs are NOT selling for profit?

Case closed!

you are a retard and you don't own a business... no way
and if you do you are not running it properly.
but i am guessing you work for somebody else.


Active member
DocLeaf you ever been to California?
You ever been to a dispenasary?
Can you tell what a person with a life threatening condition looks like?

you dont know what the fuck you are talking about.

only the terminally ill deserve to have their sufferings relieved?? Thats RETARDED.

heres a great example:

Did Heath Ledger looks sick to you?
Think about this long and hard: if he would have been giving a medical marijuana recomendations for symptons described as "sleeping disorder" by a licensed medical doctor (not a dentist or chiropractor) and bought medical marijauna from an easily accessible dispenary grown by professional cannabis farmers instead of bought the prescription sleeping pills prescribed by a doctor from the pharmacy he would probably be alive today, no?

do you know how many people take sleeping meds (ie ambien) and never wake up?

A cousin in a butthole state in the south where medical marijuana is not an option was taking ambien to get to bed instead of bong hits while playing his playstation. And now he is dead.

get off your high fucking horse and think long and hard about that.


my cousin would have gladly paid for medical marijuana instead of paying for his ambien... becasue he was a hard working man that understood people need to make a living, not live in a fucking drum circle singing kumbaya praying for food to fall from the skyfrom the great provider.

I don't look sick at all but i am and take immunosuppressive drugs. Does not looking sick invalidate my medical needs?

Maybe i think some mutherfuckers don't need prozac, or ambien, or ritalin, but that's not my business. That's between them and their doctor.

If you don't know, now you know, crackaz.:joint::joint:


Maybe we should have an open place for people...ahem, truly sick people to ask for donations. I know over at www.freemygreen.com (Cannabis Compassion) we are trying to setup a system for patients who do not have the means to medicate realize their own growing potential. Freely handing out used equipment and grow supplies, providing clones to those in need, mentoring through their grow/s and donating meds til these people can see their own harvest. the idea is an old one based loosely on stone soup. With more self sufficient patient/members this can be accomplished easily...The hard part is helping someone who previously had no thought of growing put aside and ease their concerns, by walking them through what is needed. after their initial harvest they have the option to keep themselves in stock of meds by continuing to grow or supporting their local co-op.
"so as long as someone else
controls your history
the truth shall remain just a mystery
for you can lead a horse to the water
but you cannot make him drink
you can put a man through school
but you cannot make him think"

Change the way we think, Medi-weed/pot/cannbis/MJ is being looked at differently everyday. If we look at Marco's DG program it is changing people's lives everyday, he with the help of some key members and friends are helping to provide anyone who needs meds with enough meds...not just a quarter oz here and there 2 oz. a month free of charge and if money is ever exchanged that Grower gets kicked out of the program , when you have enough valid patients and caring growers anything can be done...It's a shame to think that people will continuously say we need to accept reality and that it'll never happen, all they are really saying is Vendors/Growers wont let it happen in a current market, to me that is a blow to myself and any other grower I know. If every grower gave just a lil in the name of compassion, many sick people would be medicated properly without the worry of taking from John to pay Peter.

If you feel that free meds for med patients in need is something that can be accomplished then you need to visit www.freemygreen.com. If you are a patient in need and would like help in any med state or can offer help in any med state please visit www.freemygreen.com.

Look out for my article in TY #19 Stone soup organizing affordable meds

Blue Dot

you are a retard and you don't own a business... no way
and if you do you are not running it properly.
but i am guessing you work for somebody else.

Are you gonna factually dispute what I said or throw sticks and stones?

When I'm in the supermarket I have to stand in line about as long as I have to stand in line to get meds from clubs in LA.

If you think Vons makes 100% markup on every item they sell (in this economy no less) you're nuts, and they are in bussiness to make a profit.

Yet I just proved dispensaries markup 100% so explain to me how they don't make a profit. It's economically impossible.


ICMag Donor
only the terminally ill deserve to have their sufferings relieved?? Thats RETARDED.

You said it not me. (please stop putting words into my mouth dude).

You've obviously got the wrong end of the quoted conversation again. No I have never been to Cali. ,, we got a few friends there (mostly medi. users) :friends:

Please tone the language down Greyskull,, we are here to share information and perhaps debate,, not throw obscenities at ppl. peace :canabis:

Diskret : Marco is a warrior. following his ethic fritillary seed collective always have free seeds for genuine medi. users. The main problem is in distribution,, since from what we hear, we wouldn't trust the "medi. clubs" not to put a buck on them when giving them out!

Peace n flowers


even on the internet retail is easily a 100% markup, and i wouldnt get in any business if my profit wasnt double what i put into it, unless it a few cases like importing/exporting, but thats not retail


Active member
Pretty much every retail business is 100% markup. From pet stores to gun stores.

There is just no room for a debate here.


Just found this thread. Amazing to see hundreds of post arguing about the ethics of selling pot to the clubs. The answer to high prices is of course legalization. Once that happens, there will be so much good pot available prices will certainly fall.


Active member
we are trying to setup a system for patients who do not have the means to medicate realize their own growing potential. Freely handing out used equipment and grow supplies, providing clones to those in need,

In the spring I would be happy to teach a workshop to serious california patients on how to grow their entire year's med supply on ONE SINGLE PLANT. let me know how I can help.


Active member
S2B... glad to hear you're moving to a place where you belong. Kinda disappointed you won't be taking back from the swamp what it took from you, but I will live... as long as you do as good a job chronicling your mile-high shenanigans.